Playgroup Update 10/2/2025

Safer Internet Day 11th February 2025

Recent research from Ofcom (2023) highlighted that 87% of 3–4-year-olds go online (an increase from previous years’ data), with 92% of children in this cohort watching videos on streaming sites such as YouTube. When children go online, they are most likely to be using a tablet (75%), but in this report, parents suggest that 25% of 3–4-year-olds own a mobile phone.
With children accessing online devices earlier, it should be unsurprising that they are now also being exposed to risks from a younger age. 
Accessing the internet can be beneficial for children in many ways and is a consistent part of all of our adult lives. However,  knowledge is power, and both early years professionals and parents, should be proactive in understanding the risks, and putting in place measures that protect children, and promote safe, healthy and fun online activity. Adults should manage and curate children’s first online experiences, rather than leaving this to chance.

Look at the Tapestry memo about Online Safety for more information.

We will be reading “Chicken Clicking” by Jeanne  Willis.
 Watch it here
and “Troll Stinks” by Jeanne Willis 
Watch it here

Thank you for all the donations of junk for modelling – we are well stocked for the time being.

Playgroup closed for Half Term week beginning 17th February 2025

Playgroup Update 3/2/2025
We have been reading “My Big Shouting Day” by Rebecca Patterson
Watch it here

Plain flour for making playdough
Old birthday cards
Sticky tape/ masking tape
Junk ( boxes, tubes, egg boxes, ribbon, bottle tops) for modelling
Donations of emergency socks, pants, knickers - we have given out all of ours!

Playgroup fees for this half term due on Monday 3rd February please

Playgroup Update 27/1/2025

Focus Story

“Goat’s Coat” by Tom Percival, with more rhyming words.

Watch it here


We are going to be building models with 3D junk this week as a way of exploring the properties of 3D shapes.  Do you have any boxes, tubes, lids, big and small, of different shapes (the more interesting the better) we could use? Also, any ribbons, wool, birthday cards, bottle tops?

Please make sure your child’s snack, lunch bag and drink container are named.

Dates for Your Diary

Playgroup closed for Half term week of Monday 17th February.

Playgroup closed for Easter break from Monday 7th April  

Re-opens on TUESDAY 22nd April.

Playgroup closed Monday 5th May – Bank Holiday

Playgroup Closed for Half term week of Monday 26th May

Playgroup closes for Summer break from Monday 21st July.

Playgroup Update 13/1/2025

Thanks to the staff and parents who have battled through the recent weather to get off to a great start back to the term. Hopefully we will soon be back to our usual routine of children playing outside,  leaving out the side gate and having Busy Bags available to borrow.


The recent snowy and wet weather has meant lots of children wearing necessary snow boots and wellies! It would help us out if your child could bring a change of shoes with them if possible. We are finding that children wearing wellies and snow boots struggle when we are doing balancing, running and jumping in physical play, and when using the steps in the toilet. We will help them change their shoes if needed.

Focus Story

“There's a Mouse in My House” by Ross Collins

Watch it here and listen out for the rhyming words.

This story encourages children to listen for rhyming words, a really good foundation for reading and writing.

Snow Activities

The children have been making snow dough, made by mixing cornflour with hair conditioner (the cheapest brand of coconut conditioner from Aldi works well,) using textured paint to paint snowmen, and painting with ice cubes made with frozen paint.


Playgroup Update 6th January 2025

Playgroup opens again on Monday 6th January 2025.

Welcome back to you all as we start this new term, and best wishes for a happy, peaceful, and healthy 2025.

The Church has placed some restrictions on our use of the building which has meant we have had to re organise the layout of the rooms and the provision in them. These will have no impact on the children although they may talk to you about how some things have changed. For example, snack will now be in a different room.


Please remember that Town Street Playgroup is a Nut Free setting so do not send your child with any kinds of nuts in their snack or lunch. Please ask if you need more information about this.


Don’t forget to add some photos, videos to your child’s Tapestry journal so we can talk to them about what they have been doing during the Christmas break.  Keep us up to date too with any other information about your child that we might need to know to support them well when they return to playgroup.

Moving to School in September 2025

If your child is due to start school in September 2025, you should have made the application by 15th January 2025.


Make sure you restock your child’s bag with a change of clothes and anything else they might need. Please make sure your child comes to playgroup with a warm coat, hat and gloves and change of clothes so they can play out in the Outdoor Area. Also, the temperature inside playgroup is sometimes variable, so please make sure they have several layers to put on when inside.

Funded Places

If you are claiming 15 or 30-hours funding for your child for the first time or are changing your claim this term, you will have to complete a new contract at playgroup next week. Please make sure you have the relevant information with you:

•             30-hour validation code (a number beginning with 500)

•             Your National Insurance number

•             What hours you have claimed at any other setting, if appropriate.


We always welcome any donations of tissues, kitchen roll, sticky tape, newspapers, old birthday cards.

Playgroup Update  2nd December

We are reading different versions of “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” and noticing similarities and differences.

Watch it here


It would be great if all children could make a decoration to hang on the Playgroup Christmas tree which will be up from Thursday. Please make sure their name is on it.


Playgroup fees for this half term and additional payments are due for payment by Monday 9th December please.

Please pay for Christmas party as soon as possible. Details on last week’s update.


If you are eligible to make a claim for 15 hours for two-year-olds or 30-hour funding for three and four year olds, you must do this before 31st December 2024.

Please make sure you re validate your claims too when prompted or check your accounts. If you miss this deadline, you cannot claim funding for the Spring Term.


Christmas wrapping paper

Playgroup Update 25/11/2024

We are re visiting the nursery rhymes from last week. If you didn’t have chance to look at the memo about Nursery Rhymes, here’s the link

St Matthews School Christmas Play

Monday 9th December

We have been invited by St Matthews School to take our Monday children to see their Christmas play. We need to be there before 9.20 in the morning and will need some parents to come with us, to walk there, watch the play and walk back to playgroup, getting back around 10.45.

Please let me know asap if you will be able to help with this. We will be able to take the first parents who offer.

Unfortunately, helpers will not be able to bring younger siblings with them to the school.

Playgroup Christmas Party

Monday 9th December 1.30 – 2.50pm

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that afternoon. Parents should drop them off at 1.30 please and collect them at 2.50 pm.

We will be having games and dancing and Father Christmas will be leaving some presents for everybody.

Please let me know if your child will be coming to the party. We are asking for £7.00 to cover the costs. This payment should be made with a bank transfer please.



Kitchen roll

Baby wipes

Playgroup Update 18/11/2024

Nursery Rhymes

We will be getting involved in World Nursery Rhyme Week 2024 at playgroup.

Experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if children know eight nursery rhymes by heart by the time, they're four years old, they're usually among the best readers by the time they're eight.

Learning nursery rhymes helps children with speech and language development and serve as an introduction to musical skills as well. Many have associated physical actions which can aid in motor skills development, and some use counting and numbers to develop numeracy skills. Participating in singing nursery rhymes with peers is also sociable and enjoyable!

We have chosen to learn “Old Mc Donald Had a Farm”, “Five Currant Buns”, “Humpty Dumpty”, “Row Row Your Boat” and “1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive” and have planned lots of fun activities and stories to support this learning:

•             Small world farm animals to sort, count and match

•             Baking Buns

•             Practising scissor skills with cutting egg shapes

•             Water tray with boats

•             Matching and counting with fish

Have a look at the Tapestry Memo to find out more about nursery rhymes and make sure you take time to sing or say these rhymes, and others, with your child.

Staff Training

Kady has completed her Level 3 Early Years Educator apprenticeship. She has studied very hard over the past two years and we are all really proud  of her achievement.

All playgroup staff have recently renewed their Paediatric First Aid training.

Busy Bags

We are so pleased that many parents are borrowing Busy bags to support their child’s learning at home.

  • Please remember to check that they are returned with all the contents – there is a list of contents inside every bag.
  •  Children will be excited to see what’s inside the bag but encourage them to do one thing at a time. 
  • We ask that you keep the bag for no longer than a week so other children have a chance to borrow it. You can always borrow it again.



Baby wipes

Town Street Playgroup Update 4/11/2024

Focus Activity

Using lots of different media to make collages and pictures linked to experiences of fireworks.

Using our bodies and voices to represent fireworks.

Singing “Five Fat Fireworks. Listen here

We will also be learning about Diwali, a festival celebrated by many families around the world and in Leeds, and a great way of recognising different beliefs and cultural practices. We will be reading the story of Rama and Sita.

If you want to find out more about Diwali with your child, have a look at the Tapestry Memo Diwali.

Half term Challenge

Work with your child to make their face using the paper plate. They could use paint, felt tips, crayons, collage. We want it to be their work.  Look in a mirror with them and talk to them about their skin, hair and eye colour and their features. Take a photo of them making it and add it to Tapestry.

We will be using them in a display so please bring them back to playgroup after half term.

(Make sure they are named please.)

Playgroup Update 21/10/2024

We have been enjoying stories about Autumn, including a favourite “Shark in the Park on a Windy Day” by Nick Sharratt

Watch it here:

Have a look at the Tapestry memo Autumn for some ideas of activities to do with your child.

Autumn Walk

Monday 21st October at 1.40 p.m.

Details sent in previous email

Half term

Playgroup closed week beginning Monday 28th October 2024

Half Term Challenge

Please collect a paper plate from playgroup this week.  Work with your child to make their face using the plate. They could use paint, felt tips, crayons, collage. We want it to be their work.  Look in a mirror with them and talk to them about their skin, hair and eye colour and their features. Take a photo of them making it and add it to Tapestry.

We will be using them in a display so please bring back to playgroup after half term.


Kitchen roll

Baby wipes

Boxes of tissues

Spare pumpkins

Autumn leaves, conkers, acorns

Playgroup Update 14/10/2024

We continue this week with learning about birthdays. Thank you if you have given us some resources and loaned us books about birthdays.
Our planning will then turn to learning about Autumn, quite evident all around us now.
Again, we’d love to borrow any books about Autumn. 

Playgroup is closed for the week beginning Monday 28th October for half term.

Playgroup fees are payable by Monday 21 October please.
Thank you to parents in receipt of funded places who have made their additional payments so far this term.
Invoices were sent out at the start of term by email if yyou need a reminder.

If we have provided spare clothes for your child, please return. Make sure your child has spare clothes in their bag.

Pumpkins of different sizes, shapes and colours
Autumn leaves, conkers, acorns
Out of date dried herbs and spices for the outdoor kitchen and to add to playdough
Kitchen roll

Playgroup Update 7/10/2024

Focus Story

“Cake” by Sue Hendra

Watch the story here

We have been thinking about Birthdays this week and planning a birthday party for Playgroup Bear. If you have any stories or resources about birthdays, we’d be happy to borrow them. Maybe you have some things left over from a birthday party we could use, e.g. invitations, decorations.


Screw top lids from yoghurt/food pouches

Playgroup Update 30/9/2024
As the weather gets colder, please make sure your child has a warm coat, hat, mittens for outdoor play (that you don’t mind getting messy) and warm clothing for indoors, as the temperature can be variable, especially with the door to outside open.


We have been learning about lions and tigers and sharing stories about them.
Watch “The Tiger who Came to Tea” here
We also have a “Tiger who Came to Tea” Busy Bag you could borrow.


Kitchen roll

Playgroup Update 23/9/2024

Focus Story

“Rumble in the Jungle” – a story in rhyme

Watch it here

Focus Song

“Walking Through the Jungle” with Makaton signs

Watch it here

We have been moving like jungle animals, practising clapping out animal names and identifying the initial sounds.


Hand wipes


Playgroup Update 16/9/2024

Golden Rules

We have been talking to children about Playgroup Golden Rules and why these rules are important so that Playgroup is a happy, safe, and welcoming place for everyone. Maybe you could use some of them at home.

Our Golden Rules are:

•              We all help to tidy up.

•              We help each other.

•              We share and take turns.

•              We listen to each other.

•              We look after the books and toys at playgroup

We will be noticing the children who show they know these rules, and we will be supporting others to do so, and recognising this by giving them a Star to put in the Jar. We will be working towards children giving stars to each other, to the adults and the adults giving them to each other. Unlike other reward systems, there is no reward for filling the Star Jar but at the end of the day, we will be talking to the children about what they have done to help fill the jar.

Maybe you could recognise some of these positive behaviours at home by telling us about them and we will give your child a Star to put in the Jar.

Home Learning Busy Bags

We have a variety of Busy Bags and books which you can borrow and share with your child to support their learning at home. They contain books, puzzles, toys, activities, games and suggestions for other supporting activities you can find online. They are available to borrow at the beginning or end of the day. Please borrow for a maximum of 2 weeks and then return for someone else to enjoy.

 We have invested a lot of time and money in these packs so please take care of them. But we do know that accidents happen so if anything goes missing or gets damaged, just let us know. Don’t be put off from borrowing them.

 Find a quiet time, turn off the TV and look at the contents of the bag with your child. Try and focus on one of the activities at a time. If your child is not interested, choose a different activity and don’t be afraid to revisit the same one several times.

All we ask is that you give feedback on your child’s Tapestry Learning Journal by adding a photo of them enjoying the pack.

Playgroup Update 9/9/2024


We are really pleased with the way the start of this new year at Playgroup is going. Our returning children have been very kind and considerate to the new children, showing them the routines and helping to settle them in. The new children are settling well, bearing in mind that for some of them, this will be their first experience of being away from mum or dad, and getting to know all the staff, and their Key Person especially.

Please make sure snacks, lunch boxes and drink bottles are labelled with your child’s name.


Focus 1 Learning our friends' names.

You can support this by asking your child about their day and the children they played with. Maybe say hello to someone when you are waiting outside and ask their name.

Focus 2 Embedding routines at Playgroup, e.g. snack time, lunch time, toilet time, tidying up

Focus Song “Hello Hello How Are You?”

Watch it here

Makaton Signs of the Week are Hello and Goodbye.

See how to do the signs here

Please use them with your child.

Tapestry Learning Journal

Thank you to all new parents who have activated their Tapestry Learning Journal account.

If you have an iOS or Android device, then from your app store you will be able to find the Tapestry Mobile app. The app is a quick and convenient way to access observations, activities and memos that have been added for your child, as well as for you to add things from home. Please note, all other features need to be accessed via the browser.

Please use the Add an Observation feature to upload a photo or video of your child and tell us about what they were doing.  Don’t forget to Add a Reply to an observation made by a member of Playgroup staff.

This will show us what your child is interested in, and how they are learning and developing.


Playgroup Update 15/7/2024

Here we are at the last week of this playgroup year. We would like to thank all our parents for their valued support over the past year.

 Thank you for making additional payments and your donations to help us cope with the challenge of continuing government underfunding.

A BIG thank you too from me to the amazing staff team at Town Street for their hard work, support and commitment. We were thrilled and very proud to receive our Ofsted Outstanding judgement in February.

Thank you most of all, for having the confidence in us to care for and support your children’s learning and development.  We feel very privileged to have been part of your child’s life. We always feel sad to say goodbye at this time of year but know that our children and families are moving on to the next stage. We look forward to welcoming some of you back in September and hope you all have a great summer.

If we have lent you any books or support resources, please return to playgroup.

Playgroup Picnc and Leavers’ Ceremony

Wednesday 17th July. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Goodbye at the end of the picnic. Please meet us there.

All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on.

We intend to allow parents to take photographs at the picnic. If you do not want your child to appear in anyone else’s photographs, please manage this yourself.


Friday 19th July Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for summer holidays.

Monday 2nd September 2024 Playgroup opens for Autumn Term

Playgroup Update 24/6/2024

Healthy Me

We are looking forward to seeing your child’s completed Be Active charts and have a special prize waiting for them!

Don’t forget to add photos and videos to Tapestry too of the different ways they have been active.

Oral Health

This past week, children have been learning about looking after their teeth, with a focus on toothbrushing. We had a visit from a Dental Hygienist who talked to the children all about how to look after their teeth.

Your child will be bringing home a toothbrushing chart to fill in when they brush their teeth twice a day. Bring it back to playgroup when its complete and they will get a special sticker.

Did You Know?

Nearly a quarter of 5-year-olds in England have tooth decay, with 3 or 4 teeth affected on average. Tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures for children under 6 in hospital. Extraction is also the most common reason for hospital admission for children aged 6 to 10.

More information about how to look after your child’s teeth, including diet, toothbrushing and finding an NHS dentist here:

Healthy Eating

We have been talking to children and providing learning activities about the role of healthy eating in keeping us well, with a focus on fruit and vegetables and trying new things.

And for some advice on coping with fussy eaters, look at Claire Potter’s website

And watch her on Facebook here

The children will be making fruit skewers.

We would welcome contributions of fruit, e.g.  some blueberries, grapes, raspberries, pineapple, strawberries, kiwi fruit, melon to use to make the fruit skewers.

Emotional Health and Well being

We are focussing on how just as regular exercise and a healthy diet set up strong patterns for good physical health, practising affirmations can lead to better mental health.

We have been reading “I Love Me” by Marvyn Harris. It’s a brilliant book – I highly recommend it to any parent who wants to support their child’s mental health through positive affirmations. We’ll also be singing “I Can Do Anything”. Watch it here

Playgroup Update 10/6/2024


At playgroup for the next few weeks, we are going to be learning about Healthy Me. We will be providing learning opportunities and activities around:

  • Being active – what activities do we do, how do they make us feel, how do they help our bodies stay healthy
  • Healthy eating – talking about the foods we like and don’t like, fruits and vegetables, trying new things
  • Keeping safe near the road – importance of holding hands near roads, stopping when told, finding a safe place to cross
  • Looking after our teeth – importance of tooth brushing
  • Emotional wellbeing – recognising and naming emotions in ourselves and in others

We will be reading stories, watching video clips, doing Wake Up Shake Up, preparing food and many other things. We will be sending home some challenges so please support us by helping your child to complete them.

Animal Visit Monday 24th June 2024

We have arranged a visit from Lion Learners who will be bringing some exciting and different animals for the children to meet, handle and find out about.

The first session from 9.30 to 10.00 will be for the children who do not usually attend playgroup on Monday. Please let me know if you want to book a place for your child for that time. You will have to be able to stay for the visit with your child.

We have had such animal visits to playgroup in the past and know what a valuable experience this is for all our children.

There will be a charge of £5 per child as a contribution to the cost. We cannot afford to cover the whole cost from playgroup funds.

Please pay by bank transfer ASAP




Felt pens

Salt for playdough

Playgroup Update 27/5/2024


Playgroup is closed the week beginning Monday 27th May for Half Term.

We have also been informed by The Methodist Church that Playgroup will have to close on Thursday 4th July when the building will be used as a polling station for the General Election.


The children have been watching the caterpillars turn into butterflies and today we were very excited to release three butterflies. Please ask your children about this valuable learning.

Chapel Allerton Allotments

Open Day is Bank Holiday Monday 27th May, 1 - 4pm

A chance to have a look around the allotments, talk to members and have a cup of tea and homemade cake. There will also be a plant stall and a bee demonstration and some activities for children.

Entrances halfway down Northbrook Street and next to Edinburgh Bike Shop.

Playgroup Update 20/5/2024


Playgroup is closed the week beginning Monday 27th May for Half Term.


The children have been planting sunflower seeds at playgroup to bring home, look after and watch as they grow over the coming weeks.

Have a look at the Sunflower Memo on Tapestry for some ideas to develop this learning at home


Please remember to let us know by email in advance if your child is going to be away from playgroup on holiday. We have a Safeguarding responsibility to monitor children’s attendance.


Kitchen roll

Salt and plain flour for playdough

Flowers, leaves, herbs for outdoor kitchen

Playgroup Update 13/5/2024

The caterpillars at playgroup have turned into cocoons so we are eagerly anticipating butterflies – hopefully before half term!

We are reading “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and sequencing the story. Children never seem to tire of this story!

Watch an animated version here

We at last have some summery weather so the children can enjoy lots of fun activities outside. Don’t forget though that the outside area is always a little cooler so make sure your child has a warm layer to put on. They will not be exposed to direct sun in the outdoor area, but you might want to apply all day sunscreen and send them with a sunhat to establish good habits.

Spring Walk

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and helpers  who came to Gledhow Valley Woods for our Spring Walk. We could not plan such events without your help.

Transfer Reports

I will be completing Transfer reports for all our children going to school. These share information about your child with their new school and you will be invited to contribute too. Over the next few weeks, your child will take a turn to be a Focus child and then I will speak to you to arrange a time to discuss your child’s transfer to school.

Please make sure I know about any playgroup absences for school visits or holidays please by sending an email.


Flowers, plants, leaves, herbs for the children to use in the Outdoor Kitchen.

Playgroup Update 6/5/2024
Playgroup closed on  Monday 6th May for the Bank Holiday.
Growing and Changing
We are continuing to watch the caterpillars at playgroup, talking about what we notice and what we think might happen next. Ask your child about them. Or maybe come into playgroup at drop off to take a look. We have four caterpillars which are getting bigger each day.  We can’t wait to see the cocoons and butterflies.
Thank You
Thank you to all the parents who have made the additional payments this term.
Focus Story
“Twist and Hop Minibeast Bop”
Watch it here
Spring Walk Thursday 9th May
We will be going to Gledhow Valley Woods to explore the trees, bushes and look for minibeasts.
Many thanks to all the parents and grandparents who have said they can come with us.
Details in a separate email.
Kitchen roll
Whiteboard pens

Playgroup Update 29/4/2024


Playgroup closed Thursday 2nd May Council Elections -  Building used as polling station and Monday 6th May Bank Holiday.

Focus Story

“Mad about Minibeasts” by Giles Andrae

Focus Songs

“How Does a Butterfly Go?”

“Bugs and Beetles”

We will be watching the caterpillars at playgroup and noticing how they change, finding out about different minibeasts, sorting them into different groups, using number of legs, how they move, what they eat, using different resources to make minibeast pictures.


Flowers, herbs, old vegetables for outdoor kitchen

Town Street Playgroup Update 15/4/2024

Playgroup opens on Monday 15th April for the summer term.


Playgroup is closed Thursday 2nd May 2024 for Local Elections, Monday 6th May 2024 for Bank Holiday.

Tapestry Journals

Please use your child’s Tapestry Journal to share what they have been doing over the Easter break and to keep us updated with anything important happening in their life, current interests and recent achievements.

Outdoor Area

As the weather (hopefully) warms up, please make sure your child still has a coat, fleece or cardigan with them each day because the outdoor area is in shade all morning and is always colder than it seems.

School Places September 2024

Parents will be notified of their child’s allocated school place on 16th April by email if you applied online. If you applied in any other way, you'll receive an offer letter to your registered home address (a few days after offer day).

Please let me know which school your child has a place at so I can begin to plan transition.


Flowers, herbs and leaves for potion making. Any past their best cut flowers would be great too.

Kitchen roll

Boxes of tissues

Old greeting cards

Salt for playdough

Playgroup Update 25/3/2024


We will be offering learning experiences and provision around Easter, including printing, patterns and sequences, practising scissor skills, counting, singing and stories.

Have a look at the Easter Memo on Tapestry for some more ideas of activities to do at home during the Easter break.

Easter Break

Playgroup closes for the Easter holidays after Thursday and re-opens on Monday 15th April.

Make sure you have put into your diary the upcoming days when playgroup is closed.

Playgroup Places September 2024

Thank you to those parents who have confirmed their child’s attendance at playgroup and the sessions they want from September.

We have places in September for new children so please pass on our details to your friends and neighbours who are looking for early years places for their little ones.

School Places September 2024

Parents will be notified of their child’s allocated school place on 16th April by email if you applied online. If you applied in any other way, you'll receive an offer letter to your registered home address (a few days after offer day).

Please let me know which school your child has a place at so I can begin to plan transition.


Flowers/ herbs/ past their best vegetables for outdoor kitchen

Paper for drawing

Kitchen roll

Playgroup Update 18/3/2024

Focus Story

We have been reading “Peace at Last” by Jill Murphy and talking about the sounds that we can hear when we are out and about. Developing these listening skills is important for when your child starts phonic activities at school.

Watch it here


Playgroup fees for this term/half term are due to be paid by Monday 18th March please. If you need me to re-send your invoice, just let me know.

Thank you to the parents who have made the additional payments. If you have not yet done so, please do so as soon as possible. If you need me to re-send your invoice, let me know.


Did you receive some flowers for Mother’s Day? Don’t throw them away – bring them to playgroup for the children to use in perfume potion making. Herbs and any other flowers from the garden would also make fantastic perfume potions!

Playgroup Update 11/3/2024

Happy Mother’s Day

We have been reading stories about mummies and babies, and had a visit from Skye’s baby brother Sasha and his mummy.

Watch “Monkey Puzzle” by Julia Donaldson here

“The Mommy Book” by Todd Parr

Maybe you could look at some photos of your child when they were small babies and talk about how they have changed from this time.


We have been sent the draft inspection report from Ofsted and will be sharing it with you all as soon as we receive the final report.


Paper for drawing – any size, any colour.

Playgroup Update 4/3/2024
It is World Book Day on Thursday 7th March and we will be sharing lots of our favourite stories at playgroup this week, as well as enjoying some new ones.
All children will receive a World Book Day token which you can take to your local bookseller and swap for one of the exclusive, new, and completely FREE World Book Day books, or you can use it to get £1 off any full price book instead.
The Little Bookshop in Chapel Allerton will accept these tokens so why not support a local shop.
Have a look at the World Book Day Memo on
Tell us what your child’s favourite story is so they can share it with all their friends in a “My Favourite Story” Memo on Tapestry.  Just take a photo of them reading their favourite story and add it to their Tapestry Journal as an observation. (Please say if you DO NOT want other parents to see this photo and we will NOT add it to the Memo which can be viewed by all.)
“Past their best” vegetables, herbs, flowers for the outdoor kitchen

Playgroup Update 26/2/2024

We are learning about 2D shapes and singing the

“Shapes Freeze Dance Song”

Watch it here

and “I’m a Shape”

Listen here

Maybe you could help your child to look out for different shapes around your house and when you are walking to and from playgroup. Maybe take some photos to add to Tapestry.

Have a look at the Tapestry Memo Shapes for some more ideas for supporting this learning at home.

Playgroup Invoices

Invoices for this half term have been sent by email.

Invoices for the additional payments for children who receive funding were sent out last half term.


 Playgroup Update 19th February 2024

Thank you to all the parents who met with or sent emails for the Ofsted inspector during our recent Ofsted inspection. The Inspector asked me to send her thanks to you all. Thanks also for the messages of support.

We are expecting to receive the report in the next few weeks and will be able to share the judgement with you then.

Focus Book

“I Like Bees, I Don’t Like Honey” by Sam Bishop

Watch the story being read here:

This book celebrates what makes us unique: our likes and dislikes, and reassures children that everyone is different, and that what they like, and what they don't, is really up to them!


Kitchen roll


Playgroup Update 5/2/2024

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and this year’s theme is “My Voice Matters.”

This is about empowering our children, from the youngest to the oldest, and giving them the tools they need to express themselves and know that they are heard.

At Playgroup, we will continue to learn about emotions and how we respond to those feelings.

Talk to your children about how they make you feel proud, celebrate their achievements, ask them what makes them feel proud?

 We know that when we feel empowered it has a positive impact on our well-being.

Look here for more information and some great ideas:

Safer Internet Day 6th February 2024

Look at the Tapestry memo about Online Safety

We will be reading “Chicken Clicking” by Jeanne  Willis.

 Watch it here

and “Troll Stinks” by Jeanne Willis

Watch it here


Please see attached leaflet for information about measles.


Playgroup is closed the week beginning 12th February for Half term. Back on Monday 19th February.


Large pieces of fabric, e.g. bed sheets, quilt covers, that we can use for den building.

Playgroup Update 29/1/2024
As part of our continuing focus on Emotions and helping our children to recognise and name different emotions in themselves and in others, we have been reading some of Tom Percival’s excellent stories about emotions and well-being.
Watch our favourites being read here:
Please let us know if our focus on Emotions has been impacting on your child at home by adding to their Tapestry Journal, e.g. are they talking about different feelings in themselves and others, referring to their Colour Monster printed sheet, or using any of the strategies we are teaching for coping with those feelings, e.g. breathing techniques?
Kitchen roll
Plain flour and salt for playdough

Playgroup Update 22/1/2024

Our Focus continues to be on using “The Colour Monster” book. This gives children the language to help them describe and express how they are feeling which is such an important part of their emotional development.

We will be sending home a printed sheet “What Colour is Your Monster Today?” for you to use with your child. Display it somewhere at home and use it as a prompt talk to them about how they are feeling. Don’t forget to talk about how you are feeling too, and that feelings can change lots of times during the day.

Have a look at and

 to find out why this is so important and some ways to help your child cope with emotions.

Dates for Your Diary

Monday 12th February – Friday 18th February 2024 Half Term Playgroup closed.

After Thursday 28th March Playgroup closes for Easter break.

NOTE Playgroup closed Friday 29th March 2024 Good Friday Bank holiday

Monday 15th April 2024 Playgroup opens for Summer Term.

Playgroup Closed Thursday 2nd May – Methodist Centre used as polling station for Local Elections

Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May 2024 Half Term Playgroup closed.

After Friday 19th July 2024 Playgroup closes for Summer Break


Kitchen roll

Paper for drawing – any size any colour

Playgroup Update 15/1/2024

Helping children recognise and understand their emotions is an important part of supporting their development. For a young child, every day brings new experiences and challenges, and there’s a lot you can do to help them understand the feelings that come along with those.

Have a look at the CBeebies website for some ideas:

Look at the Tapestry Memo Feelings for some ideas for activities.

At Playgroup, we are using “The Colour Monster” by Anna Llenas as a focus to support children to recognise and name their emotions.

This is the story of a sweet little monster who wants help from his friend to understand the feelings he experiences. One day, Colour Monster wakes up feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows him what each feeling means through colour. What is the Colour Monster feeling? And can you help him feel a little less mixed up? A gentle exploration of feelings for young and old alike.

Watch the story being read here:


Kitchen roll


Paper for drawing (any size, any colour)

Playgroup Update 8th January 2024

Playgroup opens again on Monday 8th January 2024.

Welcome back to you all as we start this new term, and best wishes for a happy, peaceful, and healthy 2024.


Don’t forget to add some photos, videos to your child’s Tapestry journal so we can talk to them about what they have been doing during the Christmas break.  Keep us up to date too with any other information about your child that we might need to know to support them well when they return to playgroup.

Moving to School in September 2024

If your child is due to start school in September 2024, you should have made the application by 15th January 2024.


Make sure you restock your child’s bag with a change of clothes and anything else they might need. Please make sure your child comes to playgroup with a warm coat, hat and gloves and change of clothes so they can play out in the Outdoor Area. Also, the temperature inside playgroup is sometimes variable, so please make sure they have several layers to put on when inside.

Funded Places

If you are claiming 15 or 30-hours funding for your child for the first time or are changing your claim this term, you will have to complete a new contract at playgroup next week. Please make sure you have the relevant information with you:

•             30-hour validation code (a number beginning with 500)

•             Your National Insurance number

•             What hours you have claimed at any other setting, if appropriate.

Home Learning

Have you borrowed one of our books or a Busy Bag to share with your child at home? Look out for some new Busy Bags and books.


We always welcome any donations of tissues, kitchen roll, sticky tape, paper of all sizes and colours, newspapers, old birthday cards, wrapping paper, junk for modelling, plain flour, salt to make playdough.

Playgroup Update 18/12/2023


Playgroup closes after Friday 22nd December for the Christmas break and re-opens on Monday 8th January 2024.

Christmas Party - Wednesday 22nd December at 10.30 until 11.45.

If your child does not usually attend playgroup on Wednesday and is coming to playgroup for the party, please bring them promptly at 10.30. We will be having food at the party so children do not need their usual snack on that day and children can wear their favourite party outfits.

Home Learning Busy Bags

If you have borrowed a Busy bag or book, please return before the end of term so we are able to sort them out ready for lending next term. Don’t forget to add some photos of your child using the pack to their Tapestry Journal. There will be some new Busy bags next term too.

Thank you to the parents who have donated resources and made additional payments this term.

I’m sure you will join me too in thanking the staff team who are so committed to making Town Street Playgroup a safe, welcoming, happy, and supportive place for your children to play, learn and develop.

Staff Training

All staff have been undertaking Professional Development training throughout this term, covering such topics as Safeguarding Updates, Being a Key Person, Planning for Small groups, Sensory Play, Developing Number skills, Supporting Social and Emotional Development and Respectful Play.

Kady and Kiran are both continuing to work hard with their Level 3 Early Years Educator apprenticeships, supported by the other staff.

We all wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year.

Debbie, Helen P., Helen A., Kady, Louise and Kiran.


We will be planning activities and provision for the next two weeks around Christmas.

We will be doing lots of Christmas counting, and creative activities using glitter, glue and paint.

We will be reading lots of Christmas stories and singing lots of Christmas songs and finding out about The First Christmas.

Have a look at this Tapestry Memo to watch some of the stories and songs.


Don’t forget to make a decoration to hang on the Playgroup Christmas tree which is now up at playgroup. Please make sure their name is on it.


Monday 11th December

We are delighted to have been invited by St Matthews School to take our Monday children to see their Christmas play. We need to be there before 9.20 in the morning so you must be here promptly at 9.00 am – in fact we will be opening the doors at 8.55am. If you arrive after we have left, you will have to wait until we are back at about 10.45.


Wednesday 20th December 10.30 – 11.45 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that afternoon. Parents should drop them off at 10.30 please and collect them at 11.45pm.

We will be having some party food, games and dancing and Father Christmas will be leaving some presents for everybody. No snack needed on that day.


Playgroup fees for this half term are due for payment by Monday 11th December please.

Playgroup closes after Friday 22nd December and re-opens on Monday 8th January 2024.


If you are eligible to make a claim for 30-hour funding for your child, you must do this before 31st December 2023.


Christmas decorations for the children to use in the home corner.

Wrapping paper, labels, tinsel, ribbons for making decorations

Plain flour and salt for playdough

Playgroup Update 4/12/2023
St Matthews School Christmas Play
Monday 11th December
We will be taking Monday children to St. Matthews Primary School to see the dress rehearsal of their Christmas play. We need to be there by 9.20 in the morning so children and helpers must be at playgroup by 9.05. If you arrive later than this, there will be no-one at playgroup until after 10.30.
Please speak to Debbie if you have any questions about this trip.
Playgroup Christmas Party
WEDNESDAY 20th DECEMBER FROM 10.30 – 11.45
All children are invited.
If they don’t usually attend that day, parents should drop them off at 10.30 please and collect them at 11.45 pm.
We will be having some party food (No snack needed that day), games and dancing and Father Christmas will be leaving some presents for everybody.
We are asking for £6.00 to cover the costs. (I have been able to reduce the cost from last year.)
This payment should be made with a bank transfer please.
Home learning challenge
It would be great if all children could make a decoration to hang on the Playgroup Christmas tree which will be up from Thursday. Please make sure their name is on it.
Playgroup Update 27/11/2023

Focus Story

We are reading “The Three Little Pigs” and looking at different versions of the story.
Watch it here
This is supporting children to recognise (subitise) groups of three, and introducing “first, second and third” mathematical language.
Playgroup Christmas Party
 WEDNESDAY 20th DECEMBER FROM 10.30 – 11.45.
All children are invited.

Playgroup Update 13/11/2023

Thank you to all the parents/grandparents who came with us on the Autumn Walk on Monday.

Nursery Rhymes

We will be getting involved in World Nursery Rhyme Week 2023 at playgroup.

Experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if children know eight nursery rhymes by heart by the time, they're four years old, they're usually among the best readers by the time they're eight.

Learning nursery rhymes helps children with speech and language development and serve as an introduction to musical skills as well. Many have associated physical actions which can aid in motor skills development, and some use counting and numbers to develop numeracy skills. Participating in singing nursery rhymes with peers is also sociable and enjoyable!

We have chosen to learn “Five Little Ducks”, “Pat a Cake Pat a Cake”, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”, “Hickory Dickory Dock” and “Incy Wincy Spider” and have planned lots of fun activities and stories to support this learning:

•             Ducks in the water tray

•             Baking Buns

•             Making star biscuits

•             Using tapping musical instruments to make the sounds of a ticking clock

•             Working out how to move under and through a giant spiders web

Have a look at the Tapestry Memo

to find out more about nursery rhymes and make sure you take time to sing or say these rhymes, and others, with your child.

Busy Bags

We are so pleased that many parents are borrowing Busy bags to support their child’s learning at home.

  • Please remember to check that they are returned with all the contents – there is a list of contents inside every bag.
  •  Children will be excited to see what’s inside the bag but encourage them to do one thing at a time. 
  • We ask that you keep the bag for no longer than a week so other children have a chance to borrow it. You can always borrow it again.


Unwanted toys, games or books which we could use to make more busy bags. Especially if you’re having a clear out before Christmas.

Kitchen roll

Paper for drawing and writing

Playgroup Update 6/11/2023

Autumn Walk

Monday 6th November at 1.40 p.m. (This is the first day back after Half Term)

We will be walking to Chapel Allerton Park, looking for signs of Autumn and collecting leaves and conkers on the way. We need lots of helpers to come with us.

 You will need to come to Playgroup, ready to leave at 1.40 and we will return to Playgroup for 2.45. You can go home from the park if you wish – just let us know.

Please email to let us know if you can come with us.

You are welcome to join us on the walk even if your child does not usually attend Playgroup on that day.

Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and has something to collect leaves, sticks and conkers in – a seaside bucket with a handle usually works well.

Focus Activity

Revisiting experiences of fireworks and using lots of different media to make collages and pictures.

Using our bodies and voices to represent fireworks.

Singing “Five Fat Fireworks. Listen here

We will be learning about Diwali, a festival celebrated by many families around the world and in Leeds, and a great way of recognising different beliefs and cultural practices.

The children will be exploring clay and using it to make a diya lamp and we will be reading the story of Rama and Sita.

If you want to find out more about Diwali with your child, have a look at the Tapestry Memo Diwali.

Playgroup Update 23/10/2023

We will be enjoying stories about Autumn, including a favourite “Shark in the Park on a Windy Day” by Nick Sharratt

Watch it here:

Have a look at the Tapestry memo Autumn for some ideas of activities to do with your child.

Autumn Walk

Monday 6th November at 1.45 p.m.

We will be walking to Chapel Allerton Park, looking for signs of Autumn and collecting leaves and conkers on the way. We need lots of helpers to come with us.

 You will need to come to Playgroup, ready to leave at 1.40 and we will return to Playgroup for 2.50. You can go home from the park if you wish – just let us know.

Please email to let us know if you can come with us.

You are welcome to join us on the walk even if your child does not usually attend Playgroup on that day.

Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and has something to collect leaves, sticks and conkers in – a seaside bucket with a handle usually works well.

Playgroup Update 16/10/2023

As the weather gets colder, please make sure your child has a warm coat, hat, mittens for outdoor play (that you don’t mind getting messy) and warm clothing for indoors, since we have the door to outside open most of the time.

Dates for Your Diary

Autumn Walk

Monday 6th November at 1.40 p.m. (This is the first day back after Half Term)

We will be walking to Chapel Allerton Park, looking for signs of Autumn and collecting leaves and conkers on the way. We need lots of helpers to come with us.

 You will need to come to Playgroup, ready to leave at 1.40 and we will return to Playgroup for 2.50. You can go home from the park if you wish – just let us know.

Please email to let us know how many helpers we will have.

You are welcome to join us on the walk even if your child does not usually attend Playgroup on that day.

Playgroup is closed for the week beginning Monday 30th October for Half Term.


Herbs, cut flowers, past their best vegetables, out of date pasta, rice, lentils, dried beans to use in the outdoor kitchen

Pumpkins of any size

Do you have any Autumn story books we could borrow?

Paper of any size or colour

Town Street Playgroup Update 2/10/2023


Supporting Learning and Development at Home

To be able to draw and write successfully a child needs to develop the muscles in their shoulders, arms, and hands. We are planning activities for this at playgroup and you can help at home by providing the following opportunities:

Throwing beanbags, balls

Using ribbon sticks to make patterns in the air

Painting with water on walls outside

Carrying “heavy” buckets and bags

Digging in the sand or garden

Hanging by the arms from branches and climbing frames

Pegging out the washing

Have a look at the Tapestry Memo for some ideas.



The weather is changing as summer comes to an end.   Children need to be always dressed warmly at playgroup. We do have the door to outside open, so children can access the outdoor area so it can be chilly inside sometimes. Lots of warm layers for inside and a warm, waterproof coat (that doesn’t matter if it gets dirty), hat and gloves for outside too please.



Please help us to collect lots of conkers to use at playgroup. They are great for counting, weighing, filling containers, rolling, transporting, arranging!



Paper for drawing -any size, colour

Children’s magazines you have finished with

Old birthday cards


 Playgroup Update 25/9/2023

Golden Rules

We have been talking to children about Playgroup Golden Rules and why these rules are important so that Playgroup is a happy, safe, and welcoming place for everyone. Maybe you could use some of them at home.

Our Golden Rules are:

•              We all help to tidy up.

•              We help each other.

•              We share and take turns.

•              We listen to each other.

•              We look after the books and toys at playgroup

We will be noticing the children who show they know these rules, and we will be supporting others to do so, and recognising this by giving them a Star to put in the Jar. We will be working towards children giving stars to each other, to the adults and the adults giving them to each other. Unlike other reward systems, there is no reward for filling the Star Jar but at the end of the day, we will be talking to the children about what they have done to help fill the jar.

Maybe you could recognise some of these positive behaviours at home by telling us about them and we will give your child a Star to put in the Jar.

Playgroup Update 18/9/2023

We have been reading “Mabel and the Mountain” by Kim Hillyard.

 Mabel is a little fly who dreams of climbing a mountain. Everyone tells her she can't do it but Mabel believes in herself and knows that she can!

Watch it here


Invoices for playgroup fees and additional payments have been sent out by email. Please check you have received it.


We also welcome donations of tissues, kitchen roll, plain flour, salt, Big newspapers, items for use in collage – wrapping paper, ribbons, buttons, old birthday cards, Children’s magazines, paper for drawing.

Tapestry Learning Journal

Thank you to all new parents who have activated their Tapestry Learning Journal account.

If you have an iOS or Android device, then from your app store you will be able to find the Tapestry Mobile app. The app is a quick and convenient way to access observations, activities and memos that have been added for your child, as well as for you to add things from home. Please note, all other features need to be accessed via the browser.

Please use the Add an Observation feature to upload a photo or video of your child and tell us about what they were doing.  Don’t forget to Add a Reply to an observation made by a member of Playgroup staff.

This will show us what your child is interested in, and how they are learning and developing.

Playgroup Update 11th September 2023

We are really pleased with the way the start of this new year at Playgroup is going. Our returning children have been very kind and considerate to the new children, showing them the routines and helping to settle them in. The new children are settling well, bearing in mind that for some of them, this will be their first experience of being away from mum or dad, and getting to know all the staff, and their Key Person especially.

Playgroup finishing times are 12.00 and 3.00 but we will be ready 10 minutes earlier to allow you to choose a Book or Busy Bag with your child, and for the parents who have school pickups too.


Please make sure your child’s morning snack is clearly named, either in a container, plastic bag or with their name written on it. We want to make it easy for our children to be independent in getting their own snack.

Children need a named drinks container for lunchtime and to access water during the afternoon.

Busy Bag Home Learning Packs

 You can borrow them for a week and then please return them for someone else to borrow. We have invested a lot of time and money in these packs so please take care of them. But we do know that accidents happen so if anything goes missing or gets damaged, just let us know. Don’t be put off from borrowing them.

Look in the Lending Folder for your child’s page and record what you have borrowed, and then record again when you return it.

All we ask is that you give feedback on your child’s Tapestry Learning Journal by adding a photo of them enjoying the pack.

Don’t forget we also have lots of books to borrow too.

Playgroup staff meet every Tuesday after playgroup to plan for the children's learning and development and we will share these plans with you each week.


Focus 1 Learning our friends' names.

You can support this by asking your child about their day and the children they played with. Maybe say hello to someone when you are waiting outside and ask their name.

Focus 2 Embedding routines at Playgroup, e.g. snack time, lunch time, toilet time, tidying up

Focus Song “Hello Hello How Are You?”

Watch it here

Makaton Signs of the Week are Hello and Goodbye.

See how to do the signs here

Please use them with your child.

Playgroup Update 10/7/2023

Focus Story

“Ten Little Pirates.”

Watch the story being read here.

We will be sharing other stories about pirates that also include female characters represented positively, e.g. being strong, brave, clever.

“Molly Rodgers Pirate Girl”

Focus Song

“When I was One.”

“If You Want to be a Pirate.”

Home Learning Busy Bags

Please return any Busy Bags, books or other resources that belong to Playgroup.

New School Starters

Please take time to look at the Starting School Memos on Tapestry which have  really useful suggestions for ways to help prepare your child for their transition to school.

Playgroup Update 3/7/2023

Thank you to Kate Ball from Minifirst Aid who came to teach our preschool children how to be First Aid Superstars, learning some basic first aid and what to do in an emergency. Part of this important learning is for them to know their address if they need to phone 999 for help. Please make sure you teach your child their address!

Don’t forget to help your child complete their Be Active and Toothbrushing Charts and bring them back to playgroup to claim their prize.

Playgroup Fees

Please make sure any outstanding fees or yoga payments are paid asap.

30 hours Funding for Childcare

More information here and how to apply.

If you are making a new claim or continuing to claim 30 hours funding for September, please make sure you have validated your claim by 31st August.

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

We will be holding these two events at the same time on Wednesday 19thJuly. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. You can meet at playgroup and walk to the park or meet us there.

All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on.

If you cannot come with your child, please let us know and send them with a packed lunch.

If the weather is wet, we will hold the picnic in the Upstairs Hall but may change the time.

Friday 21st July

Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer break

Monday 4th September 2023

Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 5th September 2023

Playgroup opens for Autumn Term


Kitchen roll

Baby wipes

Paper for markmaking – any size or colour

Flowers, herbs for making potions

Playgroup Update 26/6/2023


Healthy Me

We are looking forward to seeing your child’s completed Be Active charts and have a special prize waiting for them!

Don’t forget to add photos and videos to Tapestry too of the different ways they have been active.

Oral Health

This past week, children have been learning about looking after their teeth, with a focus on toothbrushing. Your child will be bringing home a toothbrushing chart to fill in when they brush their teeth twice a day. Bring it back to playgroup when its complete and they will get a special sticker.

Many thanks to Rebecca, Summer’s mum, who came to talk to the children about her job, going to the dentist and how they could look after their teeth.

Did You Know?

Nearly a quarter of 5-year-olds in England have tooth decay, with 3 or 4 teeth affected on average. Tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures for children under 6 in hospital. Extraction is also the most common reason for hospital admission for children aged 6 to 10.

More information about how to look after your child’s teeth, including diet, toothbrushing and finding an NHS dentist here:


Emotional Health and Well being

We are focussing on how just as regular exercise and a balanced diet set up strong patterns for good physical health, practising affirmations can lead to better mental health.

We will be reading “I Love Me” by Marvyn Harris. It’s a brilliant book – I highly recommend it to any parent who wants to support their child’s mental health through positive affirmations. We’ll also be singing “I Can Do Anything”. Watch it here


Playgroup Update 19/6/2023


Healthy Me

Sun Safety

The children are learning about how to keep safe in the sun, especially in this recent hot weather. Have a look at the Tapestry Memo about Sun Safety.

We are encouraging children to wear a sunhat to playgroup on every sunny day. Please support this.

Being Active

We are talking to children about how being active is important for being healthy, and so children will be moving in different ways, doing Wake Up Shake Up, dancing to music, playing football and running races.

We will be giving every child a Be Active Card and asking you to give them a sticker every time they are active, e.g. walking to playgroup instead of driving or going in the pushchair, going to the park or playground, scooting or cycling, playing a game of football, swimming, dancing to music. There are lots of ideas on the Change4Life website, many of which can be done inside too.

We want to see lots of photos and videos on Tapestry of your child being active and will have a small prize for every child who returns their Be Active Card, filled with stickers.

You can join us by committing to walk to playgroup or parking a little further away and walking at least one day of the week. Maybe your child could cycle or scoot to playgroup at least one day (we will look after the bike or scooter.)

Healthy Eating

We will be talking to children and providing learning activities about the role of healthy eating in keeping us well, fruits and vegetables, trying new things.

We will be listening to the story of “Which Food Will You Choose?” by Claire Potter

Watch it here

And for some advice on coping with fussy eaters, look at Claire Potter’s website

And watch her on Facebook here

The children will be making fruit skewers and pizza and going to the Fruit Stall shop in Chapel Allerton.

We would welcome contributions of fruit, e.g.  some blueberries, grapes, raspberries, pineapple, strawberries, kiwi fruit, melon to use to make the fruit skewers.

Playgroup Update 12/6/2023

Animal Visit Monday 12th June

We have arranged a visit from Lion Learners who will be bringing some exciting and different animals for the children to meet, handle and find out about.

The first session from 9.30 to 10.00 will be for the children who do not usually attend playgroup on Monday, so please arrive at 9.25.

We have had such animal visits to playgroup in the past and know what a valuable experience this is for all our children.

Playgroup Update 5/6/2023

Welcome back for the second half of the Summer Term at Town Street Playgroup.

We look forward to some summery weather so the children can enjoy lots of fun activities outside. Don’t forget though that the outside area is always a little cooler so make sure your child has a warm layer to put on. They will not be exposed to direct sun in the outdoor area, but you might want to apply all day sunscreen and send them with a sunhat to establish good habits.

Thank you to all the parents who came to Gledhow Valley Woods for our Spring Walk.

Playgroup End of Year Picnic and Leavers’ Goodbye Ceremony

We are planning to hold the End of Year Picnic and Leavers’ Goodbye Ceremony on Wednesday 19th July in the morning.  All children and families invited. More details to follow.

Playgroup closes for Summer break after Friday 21st July.

Animal Visit Monday 12th June

We have arranged a visit from Lion Learners who will be bringing some exciting and different animals for the children to meet, handle and find out about.

The first session from 9.30 to 10.00 will be for the children who do not usually attend playgroup on Monday. Please let me know if you want to book a place for your child for that time. You will have to be able to stay for the visit with your child.

We have had such animal visits to playgroup in the past and know what a valuable experience this is for all our children.

There will be a charge of £5 per child as a contribution to the cost. We cannot afford to cover the whole cost from playgroup funds.

Please pay by bank transfer ASAP


September Places for Children going to School

We can offer places at Playgroup in September for parents needing childcare for their children before they start in Reception. Fees will be payable as parents cannot claim funding. For more information about charges and to reserve a place, please contact Debbie.

Transfer Reports

I will be completing Transfer reports for all our children going to school. These share information about your child with their new school and you will be invited to contribute too. Over the next few weeks, your child will take a turn to be a Focus child and then I will speak to you to arrange a time to discuss your child’s transfer to school.

Please make sure I know about any playgroup absences for school visits or holidays please by sending an email.


Kitchen roll

Baby wipes

Flowers/ herbs for outdoor kitchen and potion making

Paper of any size/colour for markmaking.

Playgroup Update 8/5/2022



Playgroup opens on Tuesday 9th May after tomorrow’s Bank Holiday.

Staff Training

Playgroup staff attended a full day of training and professional development last Thursday, around supporting Communication and Language Development.

Did You Know, studies have indicated that, if children do not develop sufficient communication and language skills before starting school, this disadvantage persists and affects future attainment. If children do not develop and learn these abilities in their early years, then it has a lasting impact on their educational progress. Another reminder about how important the work is that we do in early years!

Growing and Changing

We are continuing to watch the tadpoles and caterpillars at playgroup, talking about what we notice and what we think might happen next. Ask your child about them. Or maybe come into playgroup at drop off to take a look. We have four cocoons and can’t wait to see if there are any butterflies on Tuesday.

We’ve been reading “The Woolly Bear Caterpillar” by Julia Donaldson and finding out that caterpillars can also develop into moths. Watch the story here:

Spring Walk Monday 22nd May

We will be going to Gledhow Valley Woods to explore the trees, bushes and look for minibeasts.

Helpers needed.

Details in a separate email.


Old metal pans, utensils or anything else that can be used on our new sound wall that children can tap, shake, bash.

Kitchen roll

Whiteboard pens

Sticky tape

Paper of any size/colour/ grade for markmaking

Town Street Playgroup Update 17/4/2023

Playgroup opens on Monday 17th April for the summer term.


Playgroup is closed Monday 1 May Bank Holiday, Thursday 4th May 2023  Local Elections, Monday 8th May  Bank holiday for the coronation of King Charles III.

Thank You

A BIG THANK YOU to all the playgroup families who contributed to raise funds for us to replace the damaged sails in the outdoor area and make some other repairs due to wear and tear. Thanks to Gabby for organising the fundraising. The wind and rain have delayed the new sails going up until next week.

Outdoor Area

As the weather (hopefully) warms up, please make sure your child still has a coat, fleece or cardigan with them each day because the outdoor area is in shade all morning and is always colder than it seems.

School Places September 2023

Parents will be notified of their child’s allocated school place on 17th April by email if you applied online. If you applied in any other way, you'll receive an offer letter to your registered home address (a few days after offer day).

Please let me know which school your child has a place at so I can begin to plan transition.


Flowers, herbs and leaves for potion making. Any past their best cut flowers would be great too.

Kitchen roll

Boxes of tissues

Old greeting cards

Paper for drawing

Salt for playdough


Playgroup Update 13/3/2023

The recent snow was enjoyed by most children so please add any photos to Tapestry for us to look at with them.

 But now Spring seems to be on its way. Have a look around when you are out and about for signs of Spring.

  • Can you count the daffodils that you see? Notice that there are lots of different colour and shape of daffodil.
  • Listen out for birds singing.
  • Can you spot some frog spawn if you visit a place with a pond?
  • Look out for the first signs of blossom on the trees.

Why not let your child take a photo and add it to their Tapestry Journal.

We have been focussing on encouraging children to put on their own coats.

Have a look at the Tapestry Memo Self Care – Putting on Your Coat

And support us to develop your child’s Self Care skills.

Playgroup Update 27/2/2023

It is World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March and we will be sharing lots of our favourite stories at playgroup this week, as well as enjoying some new ones.

All children will receive a World Book Day token which you can take to your local bookseller and swap for one of the exclusive, new, and completely FREE World Book Day books, or you can use it to get £1 off any full price book instead.

The Little Bookshop in Chapel Allerton will accept these tokens so why not support a local shop.

Have a look at the World Book Day Memo on

Tell us what your child’s favourite story is so they can share it with all their friends in a “My Favourite Story” Memo on Tapestry.  Just take a photo of them reading their favourite story and add it to their Tapestry Journal as an observation. (Please say if you DO NOT want other parents to see this photo and we will NOT add it to the Memo which can be viewed by all.)

Playgroup Fees

Invoices for this half term have been sent by email. Please check you have received it if you pay any fees.

Invoices for children who receive funding but are paying for additional hours were sent out last half term. Please check you have received.



Boxes of tissues


“Past their best” vegetables, herbs, flowers for the outdoor kitchen

Baby wipes

Playgroup Update 20/2/2023

Playgroup opens again on Monday 20th February for the second half of the Spring Term.

Golden Rules

We often talk to children about Playgroup Golden Rules and why these rules are important so that Playgroup is a happy, safe and welcoming place for everyone. So here’s a reminder for parents. Maybe you could use some of them at home.

Our Golden Rules are:

•              We all help to tidy up.

•              We help each other.

•              We share and take turns.

•              We listen to each other.

•              We look after the books and toys at playgroup

We will be noticing the children who show they know these rules and supporting others to do so, and recognising this by giving them a Star to put in the Jar. We will be working towards children giving stars to each other, to the adults and the adults giving them to each other. Unlike other reward systems, there is no reward for filling the Star Jar but at the end of the day, we will be talking to the children about what they have done to help fill the jar.

Maybe you could recognise some of these positive behaviours at home by telling us about them and we will give your child a Star to put in the Jar.


Drinks and Snacks

Please send your child with their own named snack size plastic container, containing a SMALL snack of FRUIT OR VEGETABLES. For example, grapes (cut in quarters please), peeled and chopped apple, melon pieces, half a banana (don’t peel it), strawberries, blueberries, peeled satsuma, quartered tomato, cucumber sticks. All fruit must be sent in small pieces that do not present a choking risk.  NO RAISINS PLEASE.

 We provide a drink of water or milk at snack time. Please do not send them with any other food or snack or let them arrive eating any food as this may cause problems for any other child who may have an allergy.


Boxes of tissues

Kitchen roll

Sticky tape

Old birthday cards

Old newspapers

Playgroup Update 6/2/2023

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and this year’s theme is “Let’s Connect”

Let’s Connect is about making meaningful connections for all, during this week  – and beyond. We thrive in communities, and this connection is vital for our wellbeing. When we have healthy connections – to family, friends and others – this can support our mental health and our sense of wellbeing. And when our need for rewarding social connections is not met, we can sometimes feel isolated and lonely – which can have a negative impact on our mental health.

Find some more information and ideas to support your whole family’s mental health here


Safer Internet Day 7th February 2023

Look at the Tapestry memo about Online Safety

We will be reading “Chicken Clicking” by Jeanne  Willis.

 Watch it here

and “Troll Stinks” by Jeanne Willis

Watch it here


Playgroup is closed the week beginning 13th February for Half term. Back on Monday 20th February.

Additional Payments

We know that many parents mistakenly think that the ‘funding’ we receive from the government for each child’s playgroup space is whatever we charge for a session.  Sadly, this is not true.  The government decides on a funding rate to give to us, and we have to accept it whether or not it covers our costs.  Parents have been told they are receiving a ‘free’ space, but this is untrue and very unfair.  Our Local Authority currently pay us £4.78 per hour for each funded child but the cost for providing an hour at playgroup this year is £6.30.  We are pleased to be able to support working parents and offer the 30 hours of funding as well as the universal 15 hours for all other funded children however it comes at a cost to us and may well impact on our sustainability and the quality of service, we provide for you and your children.

We want to be able to continue to offer baking and other food activities for our children but with the big increases in costs for these items, this will be challenging.

So we ask those parents in receipt of the funded place, to pay an additional charge of £1.00 for each funded day their child attends, if they are in a financial position to do so.

Payments can be made to the playgroup account


Thank you to the parents who have been making these additional payments.


Playgroup Update 30th January 2023

Focus Story

“A Busy Day for Birds” by Lucy Cousins.

Make sure you look at the Tapestry Home Learning Memo “Birds” to see Helen reading the story and for some ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home.


Kitchen roll

Boxes of tissues

Sticky tape

Old birthday cards

Clean yoghurt pots

Playgroup Update 23/1/2023

We are focussing on recognising numbers 0 – 10.

Watch the story of "Nibbles Numbers" being read here

Support your child to learn by pointing out numbers you see in everyday activities, such as numbers on packets or prices, car number plates, house or bus numbers. Look out for numbers when you are out and about and take a photo of your child to add to Tapestry.

Dates for Your Diary

Playgroup is closed on these dates

Half term Monday 13th February 2023 for one week

Easter break from 3rd April 2023. Back on Monday 17th April.

May bank holiday Monday 1 May             

Bank holiday for the coronation of King Charles III Monday 8 May              

Half term Monday 29 May for one week

The date for the end of the Summer Term is yet to be confirmed.


Kitchen roll

Sticky tape

Paper, envelopes, used birthday cards.

Children’s magazines

Playgroup Update 9/1/2023

We are setting up a Message Centre at Playgroup so we need envelopes, blank cards, notelets, writing pads, unused party invitations, post its, in fact anything that can be used to write a message on. If you have any of these laying around at home, please bring them in.

We want our children to begin to understand that writing is a form of communication and their marks on paper convey a message so we will be encouraging them to “write messages” and post them in our post-box, and to write messages to take home for their family. If they bring a message home, please show an interest.

Maybe they could also write some messages at home, put them in an envelope and bring it to playgroup to post.

The message can be a few marks, a drawing, some letter shapes they may know, or some words they may know. It might include an attempt at their name, and you could scribe what the message say  ( but only if they ask you to).

This is a fun activity, with writing for a purpose at the heart of it and is not something that should be forced on your child.


Kitchen roll

Baby wipes


Sticky tape

Paper for drawing/markmaking

Playgroup Update 3rd January 2023

Playgroup opens again on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.

Welcome back to you all as we start this new term, and best wishes for a happy, peaceful and healthy 2023.


Don’t forget to add some photos, videos to your child’s Tapestry journal so we can talk to them about what they have been doing during the Christmas break.  Keep us up to date too with any other information about your child that we might need to know to support them well when they return to playgroup.

Focus Story

“Stickman” by Julia Donaldson

Watch the story here

Moving to School in September 2023

If your child is due to start school in September 2019, you should have made the application by 15th January 2023.


Make sure you restock your child’s bag with a change of clothes and anything else they might need. Please make sure their name is written on their bag.

Please make sure your child comes to playgroup with a warm coat, hat and gloves and change of clothes so they can play out in the Outdoor Area. Also, the temperature inside playgroup is sometimes variable, so please make sure they have several layers to put on when inside.

Funded Places

If you are claiming 15- or 30-hours funding for your child for the first time or are changing your claim this term, you will have to complete a new contract at playgroup next week. Please make sure you have the relevant information with you:

•             30-hour validation code (a number beginning with 500)

•             The National Insurance number of the parent who made the claim

•             What hours you have claimed at any other setting, if appropriate.

Home Learning

Have you been borrowing one of our books or a Busy Bag to share with your child at home? Look out for some new Busy Bags and books.


We always welcome any donations of tissues, kitchen roll, sticky tape, paper of all sizes and colours, newspapers, old birthday cards, wrapping paper, junk for modelling, plain flour, salt to make playdough.

Playgroup Update 14/11/2022

Thank you to all the parents who came with us on the Autumn Walk on Monday.

My Family

The children are going to be learning all about Families in the next few weeks, about who lives in their house (people and pets) and other family members who are important to them. If you haven’t done so yet, please add a group family photo to your child’s Tapestry journal to support us in this learning.

Nursery Rhymes

We have been getting involved in World Nursery Rhyme Week 2022 at playgroup.

Experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if children know eight nursery rhymes by heart by the time they're four years old, they're usually among the best readers by the time they're eight.

Learning nursery rhymes helps children with speech and language development and serve as an introduction to musical skills as well. Many have associated physical actions which can aid in motor skills development, and some use counting and numbers to develop numeracy skills. Participating in singing nursery rhymes with peers is also sociable and enjoyable!

We have chosen to learn “The Dingle Dangle Scarecrow”, “I’m a Little Teapot”, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”, “Miss Poly Had a Dolly” and “Horsey Horsey” and have planned lots of fun activities and stories to support this learning:

•             Using shapes to make a scarecrow picture

•             Making ‘tea’ in the outdoor kitchen

•             Making star biscuits

•             Playing doctors in the Role Play Area

•             Making marks with small world horses

Have a look at the Tapestry Memo

to find out more about nursery rhymes and make sure you take time to sing or say these rhymes, and others, with your child.

Playgroup Update 31/10/2022

We will be enjoying stories about Autumn, including a favourite “Shark in the Park on a Windy Day” by Nick Sharratt

Watch it here:

Have a look at the Tapestry memo Autumn for some ideas of activities to do with your child.

Autumn Walk

Monday 7th November at 1.45 p.m.

We will be walking to Chapel Allerton Park, looking for signs of Autumn and collecting leaves and conkers on the way. We need lots of helpers to come with us.

 You will need to come to Playgroup, ready to leave at 1.45 and we will return to Playgroup for 2.50. You can go home from the park if you wish – just let us know.

Please email to let us know if you can come with us.

You are welcome to join us on the walk even if your child does not usually attend Playgroup on that day.

Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and has something to collect leaves, sticks and conkers in – a seaside bucket with a handle usually works well.

My Family

The children are going to be learning all about Families in the next few weeks, about who lives in their house (people and pets) and other family members who are important to them. Please add a group family photo to your child’s Tapestry journal to support us in this learning.

Playgroup Update 17/10/2022

We will be learning about Diwali, a festival celebrated by many families around the world and in Leeds, and a great way of recognising different beliefs and cultural practices.

The children will be exploring clay and using it to make a diya lamp and we will be reading the story of Rama and Sita.

If you want to find out more about Diwali with your child, have a look at the Tapestry Memo Diwali.


Playgroup is closed for the week beginning Monday 24th October for half term.


Pumpkins of different sizes, shapes and colours

Out of date dried herbs and spices for the outdoor kitchen and to add to playdough

Kitchen roll


Empty washing up liquid bottles

Paper for drawing

Sticky tape

Playgroup Update 3/10/2022

Focus Story

“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

Watch the story being read here.

Focus Song

“When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears”

We are focusing on recognising numbers 1,2,3 and recognising groups of objects 1,2,3 without having to count them. Maybe you can find ways to support this at home.


Please make sure your child’s snack is named to avoid confusion!

Tapestry Learning Journals

Don’t forget to look at your child’s learning journal regularly and add observations, photos and videos, and reply to our observations too. Share the journal with your child too and ask them to tell you what they were doing.

Keeping Warm

Inside the building can vary in temperature especially with the door open for access to outside so please make sure your child has a warm cardigan/jumper/ or fleece they can put on or take off as they wish.


Kitchen roll


Baby wipes

Playgroup Update 19/9/2022

We are reading “Mabel and the Mountain” by Kim Hillyard.

 Mabel is a little fly who dreams of climbing a mountain. Everyone tells her she can't do it but Mabel believes in herself and knows that she can!

Watch it here

We talk about Mabel a lot at playgroup as an example of how it’s important to keep trying and not give up when something is tricky. Remind your children of Mabel and foster a Can-Do attitude at home too.

Tapestry Learning Journal

Thank you to all new parents who have activated their Tapestry Learning Journal account.

If you have an iOS or Android device, then from your app store you will be able to find the Tapestry Mobile app. The app is a quick and convenient way to access observations, activities and memos that have been added for your child, as well as for you to add things from home. Please note, all other features need to be accessed via the browser.

Please use the Add an Observation feature to upload a photo or video of your child and tell us about what they were doing.  Don’t forget to Add a Reply to an observation made by a member of Playgroup staff.

This will show us what your child is interested in, and how they are learning and developing.

Staff Training

Kady and Kiran are undertaking apprenticeships to become qualified as Level 3 Early Years Educators, with the support of the other staff at playgroup.


The weather is changing as summer comes to an end.   Children need to be always dressed warmly at playgroup. Even on a sunny day, the outdoor area can be chilly. Lots of warm layers and a warm, waterproof coat (that doesn’t matter if it gets dirty), hat and gloves for outside too please.

St. Matthews C. of E. Primary School Open Mornings

Tuesday 27th September 9.30 – 11.00am

 Saturday 8th October 9.30 – 11.00am

Thursday 17th November 9.30 – 11.00am


Kitchen roll, paper for drawing, envelopes, old pans, plastic/metal jugs, baking trays and bun tins for the outdoor kitchen, salt and plain flour to make playdough please.

Playgroup Update 12/9/2022

Dear Parents and Carers

We are saddened by the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We are thinking of her family and friends at this sad time.

We will respond to any questions or comments from the children honestly, using clear, age-appropriate language and offering them reassurance.

Some useful advice here for how to talk to children about the death of the Queen

Town Street Playgroup will be closed on Monday 19th September as a mark of respect.


We are really pleased with the way the start of this new year at Playgroup is going. Our returning children have been very kind and considerate to the new children, showing them the routines and helping to settle them in. The new children are settling well, bearing in mind that for some of them, this will be their first experience of being away from mum or dad, and getting to know all the staff, and their Key Person especially.

Playgroup finishing times are 12.00 and 3.00 but we will be opening the doors between 5 and 10 minutes earlier to allow you to choose a Book or Busy Bag with your child.

Busy Bag Home Learning Packs

 You can borrow them for a week and then please return them for someone else to borrow. We have invested a lot of time and money in these packs so please take care of them. But we do know that accidents happen so if anything goes missing or gets damaged, just let us know. Don’t be put off from borrowing them.

Look in the Lending Folder for your child’s page and record what you have borrowed, and then record again when you return it.

All we ask is that you give feedback on your child’s Tapestry Learning Journal by adding a photo of them enjoying the pack.

Don’t forget we also have lots of books to borrow too.

Playgroup staff meet every Tuesday after playgroup to plan for the children's learning and development and we will share these plans with you each week


Focus 1 Learning our friends' names.

You can support this by asking your child about their day and the children they played with. Maybe say hello to someone when you are waiting outside and ask their name.

Focus 2 Embedding routines at Playgroup, e.g. snack time, lunch time, toilet time, tidying up

Focus Song “Hello Hello How Are You?”

Watch it here

Makaton Signs of the Week are Hello and Goodbye.

See how to do the signs here

Please use them with your child.


Kitchen Roll

Plain Flour and salt to make playdough

Baby Wipes

Playgroup Update 11/7/2022

We have been using “The Colour Monster” by Anna Llenas as a focus to support children to recognise and name their emotions.

This is the story of a sweet little monster who wants help from his friend to understand the feelings he experiences. One day, Colour Monster wakes up feeling very confused. His emotions are all over the place; he feels angry, happy, calm, sad and scared all at once! To help him, a little girl shows him what each feeling means through colour. What is the Colour Monster feeling? And can you help him feel a little less mixed up? A gentle exploration of feelings for young and old alike.

Watch the story being read here

Healthy Me

There are still some children who are yet to return their completed Be Active and Toothbrushing Charts. Their prizes are waiting for them!

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

We will be holding these two events at the same time on Wednesday 20th July. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. You can meet at playgroup and walk to the park or meet us there.

All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on.

If you cannot come with your child, please let us know and send them with a packed lunch.

If the weather is wet, we will hold the picnic in the Upstairs Hall but may change the time.

Please let me know by email if your child will be attending so we can make sure we have enough ice lollies!


Kitchen roll

Paper for writing



Playgroup Update 4/7/2022

Thank you to all the helpers who came with us to visit the Fruit Stall in Chapel Allerton as part of our theme on Healthy Eating. We have set up a role play Fruit and Vegetable Shop at playgroup where children can revisit this experience.

Don’t forget to help your child complete their Be Active and Toothbrushing Charts and bring them back to playgroup to claim their reward.

30 hours Funding for Childcare

More information here and how to apply.

If you are continuing to claim 30 hours funding for September, please make sure you have validated your claim.

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

We will be holding these two events at the same time on Wednesday 20thJuly. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. You can meet at playgroup and walk to the park or meet us there.

All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on.

If you cannot come with your child, please let us know and send them with a packed lunch.

If the weather is wet, we will hold the picnic in the Upstairs Hall but may change the time.

Friday 22nd July

Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer holidays

Monday 5th September 2022

Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 6th September 2022

Playgroup opens for Autumn Term


We know that you all love seeing the photos and videos of your children on Tapestry. The devices we use to take them are getting quite old now and now need to be replaced.

We would welcome any donations of older iphones that we could use without sim cards to take photos and videos.

Playgroup Update 27/6/2022

Healthy Me

We are looking forward to seeing your child’s completed Be Active charts and have a special prize waiting for them!

Don’t forget to add photos and videos to Tapestry too of the different ways they have been active.

This past week, children have been learning about looking after their teeth, with a focus on toothbrushing. Your child will be bringing home a toothbrushing chart to fill in when they brush their teeth twice a day. Bring it back to playgroup when its complete and they will get a special sticker.

Did You Know?

Nearly a quarter of 5-year-olds in England have tooth decay, with 3 or 4 teeth affected on average. Tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures for children under 6 in hospital. Extraction is also the most common reason for hospital admission for children aged 6 to 10.

More information about how to look after your child’s teeth, including diet, toothbrushing and finding an NHS dentist here:

Emotional Health and Well being

Take time to look at the Tapestry memos about Wellbeing and Mindfulness and Feelings



Kitchen roll

Paper for markmaking


All playgroup fees should be paid by Monday 27th June please.

Playgroup Update 20/6/2022

Healthy Me

Being Active

We have been talking to children about how being active is important for being healthy, and so far children have been playing football, doing Wake Up Shake Up and running races at playgroup.

Home learning Challenge

We will be giving every child a Be Active Card and asking you to give them a sticker every time they are active, e.g. walking to playgroup instead of driving or going in the pushchair, going to the park or playground, scooting or cycling, playing a game of football, swimming, dancing to music. There are lots of ideas on the Change4Life website, many of which can be done inside too.

We want to see lots of photos and videos on Tapestry of your child being active and will have a small prize for every child who returns their Be Active Card, filled with stickers.

You can join us by committing to walk to playgroup or parking a little further away and walking at least one day of the week. Maybe your child could cycle or scoot to playgroup at least one day (we will look after the bike or scooter.)

Healthy Eating

We will be talking to children and providing learning activities about the role of healthy eating in keeping us well, fruits and vegetables, trying new things.

We will be listening to the story of “Which Food Will You Choose?” by Claire Potter

Watch it here

And for some advice on coping with fussy eaters, look at Claire Potter’s website

And watch her on Facebook here

The children will be printing with fruit and vegetables and making fruit skewers to bring home so it would be great if you can spare:

  • Any slightly past their best fruit and vegetables for printing with, e.g. potatoes, onions, apples, oranges, broccoli, cabbage leaves.
  • Blueberries, grapes, raspberries, pineapple, strawberries, kiwi fruit, melon to use to make the fruit skewers.


Playgroup Update 13/6/2022

At playgroup for the next few weeks, we are going to be learning about Healthy Me. We will be providing learning opportunities and activities around:

  • Being active – what activities do we do, how do they make us feel, how do they help our bodies stay healthy
  • Healthy eating – talking about the foods we like and don’t like, fruits and vegetables, trying new things
  • Keeping safe near the road – importance of holding hands near roads, stopping when told
  • Looking after our teeth – importance of tooth brushing
  • Emotional wellbeing – recognising and naming emotions in ourselves and in others

We will be reading stories, watching video clips, doing Wake Up Shake Up and some Yoga, preparing food and many other things. We will be sending home some challenges so please support us by helping your child to complete them.

Playgroup Fees

Invoices for this half term’s fees have been sent out and are due for payment by Monday 27th June please.

Invoices for children who are partly funded but who also pay fees were sent out at the beginning of this term and are due to be paid by Monday 20th June please. If you need another invoice, please let me know.

Additional payments from parents who access a funded place but who are able to make a contribution are welcomed. Payment of £1 per each day your child attends is suggested.



Kitchen roll

Paper for drawing

White board pens

Flowers, herbs for potion making in outdoor kitchen

Playgroup Update 6/6/2022

Welcome back for the second half of the Summer Term at Town Street Playgroup.

We look forward to some summery weather so the children can enjoy lots of fun activities outside. Don’t forget though that the outside area is always a little cooler so make sure your child has a warm layer to put on. They will not be exposed to direct sun in the outdoor area but you might want to apply all day sunscreen and send them with a sunhat to establish good habits.

Playgroup End of Year Picnic and Leavers’ Goodbye Ceremony

We are planning to hold the End of Year Picnic and Leavers’ Goodbye Ceremony on Wednesday 20th July in the morning.  All children and families invited. More details to follow.

Playgroup closes for Summer break after Friday 22nd July.

September Places for Children going to School

We can offer places at Playgroup in September for parents needing childcare for their children before they start in Reception. Fees will be payable as parents cannot claim funding. For more information about charges and to reserve a place, please contact Debbie.

Transfer Reports

I will be completing Transfer reports for all our children going to school. These share information about your child with their new school and you will be invited to contribute too. Please arrange a time to discuss your child’s transfer to school.

Please make sure I know about any playgroup absences for school visits or holidays please by sending an email.

There are several Tapestry Memos about Starting School, with useful information to help you support your child’s move to school. Please take time to have a look.


Kitchen roll

Flowers/ herbs for outdoor kitchen and potion making

Playgroup Update 23/5/2022


Playgroup is closed the week beginning Monday 30th May for Half Term.


All the children will be planting sunflower seeds at playgroup this week to bring home, look after and watch as they grow over the coming weeks.

Have a look at the Sunflower Memo on Tapestry for some ideas to develop this learning at home


Please remember to let us know by email in advance if your child is going to be away from playgroup on holiday. We have a Safeguarding responsibility to monitor children’s attendance.


Kitchen roll

Big newspapers

Playgroup Update 16/5/2022

Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and carers who joined us on the Spring Walk to Gledhow Valley Woods last week. It was so lovely to be doing this trip again after the past two years and to see the children enjoying being outside in their local community. And the rain held off!

Louise has been re -visiting the action painting outside so please make sure your children are wearing clothes that you don’t mind getting paint on!

The older children have started learning about sunflowers and their journeys to be “Sunflower Experts”. It was surprising how much they already know about sunflowers and how to grow them. We have talked about them sharing what they have learned with others so please ask them to tell you. We are moving on to planting sunflowers, and to representing them in drawing, painting and collage.

Look out for a new Tapestry Memo about Sunflowers.

Healthy Eating

Please remember to provide a healthy snack and packed lunch for your child.

Ideas and information here



Scrap paper for drawing

Kitchen roll

Good quality dry wipe pens and felt tips.

Playgroup Update 9/5/2022

We are continuing to watch the tadpoles and caterpillars at playgroup, talking about what we notice and what we think might happen next. Ask your child about them.

We’ve been reading “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” and sequencing the story. Children never seem to tire of this story!

Watch an animated version here

Spring Walk

This Wednesday 11th May. Meet in Gledhow Valley Woods at 9.45 am. Please check last week’s email for details.

Some parents with children who attend playgroup on Wednesday are still to let me know whether they will be accompanying their child on the walk. Please do so asap.


Flowers, plants, leaves, herbs for the children to use in the Outdoor Kitchen.

Staff Training

Playgroup staff met last Thursday to work on developing our Town Street Playgroup Curriculum Plan. Have a look on the Playgroup website to see this.

 Helen P. and I visited also St. Matthews Primary School to talk to their reception teachers about school readiness and the skills, knowledge and attitudes they hope to see in the children starting school. They told us how well prepared the children from Town Street Playgroup are when they start school and I’m sure that this is the same for the other primary schools that our children move on to.

Playgroup Update 2/5/2022


Playgroup closed tomorrow Monday 2nd May for bank holiday

Playgroup closed Thursday 5th May when our building is used as a polling station. Playgroup staff will be doing training around developing the curriculum at Town Street Playgroup on that day.

Spring Walk Wednesday 11th May. More information to follow.

Latest news

You may have seen news items that the Government is considering relaxing childcare ratios as a way of cutting costs to parents.

Please take time to look at this article to see how this would be a catastrophic and retrograde step for the early years sector.

Here is a link to a petition. Please show your support for early years settings by signing.


We are planning a focus for our children on becoming sunflower experts, not only planting sunflower seeds but also as a way of including numbers, counting, shape, measuring, art, music, finding information and sharing it with others.

Do you have any sunflower (or other planting and growing) books, pictures, resources you could lend us?

We also need more used plant pots, egg boxes, yoghurt pots and any other seeds you have going spare?

Playgroup Update 25th April 2022

Our focus for the next few weeks is on Growing and Changing. We will be watching what happens to the tadpoles in the tank, the tiny caterpillars which have arrived in the post and the sunflower seeds that we are going to be planting. Ask your child about the tadpoles and caterpillars at playgroup and talk about what they have learnt about them.

Have a look at the Tapestry Memo for some ideas for supporting this learning at home.

Wednesday 11th May Spring walk to Gledhow Valley Woods.

 We will be going to Gledhow Valley Woods to explore the trees, bushes and look for minibeasts.

The walk can be quite challenging for some children so we suggest that, where possible, parents drive to the woods, park on Gledhow Lane and then meet us in Gledhow Valley Woods at the junction with Gledhow Lane.

Children who do not usually attend on that day are welcome to join us. Please let Debbie know if this is what you plan to do. The path through the woods is suitable for pushchairs so younger siblings are very welcome.

 We will take some refreshments for a snack in the woods. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and in old clothes and wellies.

 Please email to let me know your plans. Without parents/helpers to come with us, we can’t go!



Baby wipes

Egg boxes

Clean yoghurt pots/ small clean plant pots for planting seeds.

Good quality felt tips

Town Street Playgroup Update 18/4/2022

Playgroup opens on Tuesday 19th April for the summer term.


Playgroup is closed Monday 2nd May (Bank Holiday) and Thursday 5th May (Council Elections).

Outdoor Area

We are hoping to spend as much time in the outdoor area as possible this term. Please make sure your child has a coat, fleece or cardigan with them each day because the outdoor area is in shade all morning and is always colder than it seems.

Covid Update

The DfE’s specific guidance on managing COVID-19 in early years and childcare settings has now been withdrawn.      It has been replaced with new guidance for people with symptoms of a respiratory infection including COVID-19

The recognised symptoms of COVID, the flu and other respiratory infections has been expanded and now includes:

  • continuous cough
  • high temperature, fever or chills
  • loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell
  • shortness of breath
  • unexplained tiredness, lack of energy
  • muscle aches or pains that are not due to exercise
  • not wanting to eat or not feeling hungry
  • headache that is unusual or longer lasting than usual
  • sore throat, stuffy or runny nose
  • diarrhoea, feeling sick or being sick

Town Street Playgroup Infectious Illness Policy has been updated to take account of UKHSA guidance and states that if children are unwell and have any of the symptoms of respiratory infections (listed above) AND a high temperature, they should stay at home. They can return to playgroup when they no longer have a high temperature and are well enough to attend.

 School Places September 2022

Parents will be notified of their child’s allocated school place on 19th April by email if you applied on line. If you applied in any other way, you'll receive an offer letter to your registered home address (a few days after offer day).

Please let me know which school your child has a place at so I can begin to plan transition.

Playgroup Places September 2022

Please remember to let me know what sessions you want for your child if they are returning to playgroup in September. Also tell your friends, families, and neighbours about Town Street Playgroup and that we have places for September 2022.


Kitchen roll


Paper for drawing and markmaking

Playgroup Update 28/3/2022

We are nearly back to full staffing so are open as usual for all children on their booked days.

However, we do know that there are increasing Covid infection rates so ask you not to send your child to playgroup if they are unwell. Also, hopefully, Louise and I have managed to avoid a positive test but that could change!

A BIG THANK YOU to playgroup staff who have worked so hard to support me, parents and each other, and to all parents who have worked with us to manage these challenging times.


We will be offering learning experiences and provision around Easter, including printing, patterns and sequences, practising scissor skills, counting, singing and stories.

Have a look at the easter Memo on Tapestry for some more ideas of activities to do at home during the Easter break.

Playgroup Update 21/3/2022

World Down Syndrome Day 2022

World Down Syndrome Day 2022 is coming up on Monday 21st March and the theme for this year is inclusion. Have a look at Tapestry memo  to find out more.

Sunshine and Smiles is a Leeds based charity which aims to improve the lives and opportunities for children and young people with Down syndrome.

They offer speech and language therapy, regular groups and activities, individual support, and advocacy for families, as well as raising awareness and challenging preconceptions in the wider community.

Please support them by wearing your favourite, brightest socks and making a donation.

Town Street Playgroup has sent a donation to support their work.

Tapestry Memos

Don’t forget that Tapestry Memos have lots of ideas for activities for supporting your child’s learning at home.


Gledhow Woodlings meets on Friday mornings in Gledhow Valley Woods. More information here:

Playgroup Update 14/3/2022

We are spending longer outside now that the weather is improving, and Spring seems to be on its way.

Have a look around when you are out and about for signs of Spring

  • Can you count the daffodils that you see? Notice that there are lots of different colour and shape of daffodil.
  • Listen out for birds singing.
  • Can you spot some frog spawn if you visit a place with a pond?
  • Look out for the first signs of blossom on the trees.

Why not let your child take a photo and add it to their Tapestry Journal.

Have a look at the Tapestry Memo Self Care – Putting on Your Coat 

And support us to develop your child’s Self Care skills.

Playgroup Update 7/3/2022

World Book Day

Thank you to everyone who sent photos of their children with their favourite books. It’s still not too late to add one to their Tapestry learning journal. Please have a look at the Tapestry Memo with your child.

Apologies if you haven’t yet received your Book Voucher – we will make sure they are given out next week.

Famous Artist

AS mentioned in a previous update, some children have been exploring the art of Jackson Pollock and producing their own action art, with lots of squirting, flicking and splashing of paint! A BIG THANK YOU to Louise who has led this activity and managed all the mess!

Playgroup Update 28/2/2022

It is World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March and we will be sharing lots of our favourite stories at playgroup this week, as well as enjoying some new ones.

All children will receive a World Book Day token which you can take to your local bookseller and swap for one of the exclusive, new, and completely FREE World Book Day books, or you can use it to get £1 off any full price book instead.

The Little Bookshop in Chapel Allerton will accept these tokens so why not support a local shop.

Have a look at the World Book Day Memo on

Tell us what your child’s favourite story is so they can share it with all their friends in a “My Favourite Story” Memo. Just take a photo of them reading their favourite story and add it to their Tapestry Journal as an observation. (Please say if you DO NOT want other parents to see this photo and we will NOT add it to the Memo which can be viewed by all.)

Playgroup Update 14/2/2022

Children’s behaviour is often an expression of feelings or emotions. To help children make sense of this, we have been reading stories and planning activities to help them to identify and deal with their emotions.

Have a look at this Tapestry Memo with some ideas of how to support this area of development at home:

Jackson Pollock

We will be having another focus on a famous artist and their work this week.

Jackson Pollock was an American artist, known for his unique style of painting which involved spraying, flinging or dripping paints onto canvas. He often painted with his canvas on the floor, moving around it as he worked, giving rise to the term ‘action painting’. Pollock’s art is basically process art, and he used all kinds of materials to paint – brushes, sticks and syringes, and is why it’s so suitable for children.

We need:

Large pieces of cardboard, e.g. from delivery boxes, large pieces of fabric, e.g. old bed sheets, unused canvases please.


Playgroup is closed from Monday 21st February for Half Term.

Invoices for half termly fees are due for payment tomorrow please.

Playgroup Update 31/1/2022

We are continuing to follow children’s interests in birthdays and parties. Thank you to those of you who have lent books and given resources.

Focus Story

“Cake” by Sue Hendra

Watch it here

We are also re visiting a favourite playgroup song all about Cake!

“I Love Cake” by Al Start.

Listen here

Preventing Choking

Whole Grapes, Popcorn, Cherry Tomatoes, olives, large berries, cherries, Hotdogs and Sausages can present a choking hazard in your child’s snack and lunchbox.

Please remember to cut them into quarters/ finger shape pieces.

At home, encourage your child to chew their food properly and not to overfill their mouths. And always to sit down when eating.

More information here

Playgroup Update 24/1/2022

Children are very interested in birthdays at the moment, so we have been planning some learning around Birthdays. If you have any stories or resources about birthdays, we’d be happy to borrow them. Maybe you have some things left over from a birthday party we could use, e.g. invitations, decorations.

Focus Story

“Kipper’s Birthday” by Mick Inkpen

Watch it here

We are also practising singing and signing “Happy Birthday”

Watch here Mr Tumble here:

Time without Shoes and Socks

We have introduced the practise of children taking off their shoes and socks/tights when they are doing Movement Play, Sticky Kids or using the physical play equipment upstairs.

Being barefoot allows children to receive important sensory information, it develops strength in the foot, and helps with balance. All the evidence suggests that being barefoot is also good for brain development and mental health. The feet are one of the most nerve-rich parts of the body and send important neurological and sensory information to our brains; wearing shoes interrupts this connection.

It also presents a good opportunity for children to develop self-care skills around taking off and putting on their own socks and shoes. Please support this by practising this skill at home.

Spare clothes

Our stock of spare clothes has become depleted! If you have any pants/knickers/ jogging bottom style trousers/ leggings, hoodies for ages 2-3, 3-4, or 4-5 that you can pass on, they would be gratefully received.

 Have you re-stocked your child’s bag with weather appropriate/ age and size appropriate spare clothing recently? Just ask us for your child’s bag to take home.


Salt and plain flour to make playdough


Playgroup Update 17/1/2021

We are continuing our focus on rhyming so please have a look at the Tapestry Memo Rhyming Words with some ideas to support this learning .

Focus Story

“Oi Frog” by Kes Gray and Jim Field

Watch it here

Golden Rules

We have been talking to children about Playgroup Golden Rules and why these rules are important so that Playgroup is a happy, safe and welcoming place for everyone.

Our Golden Rules are:

•             We all help to tidy up.

•             We help each other.

•             We share and take turns.

•             We listen to each other.

•             We look after the books and toys at playgroup

We will be noticing the children who show they know these rules and supporting others to do so, and recognising this by giving them a Star to put in the Jar. We will be working towards children giving stars to each other, to the adults and the adults giving them to each other. Unlike other reward systems, there will not be any particular reward for filling the Star Jar but at the end of the day, we will be talking to the children about what they have done to help fill the jar.

Maybe you could recognise some of these positive behaviours at home by telling us about them and we will give your child a Star to put in the Jar.

Special Helpers

We are re-introducing the system for our older children of being a special helper for the day at playgroup. Along with a friend, they will be given special responsibilities, e.g.  helping with setting up snack, tidying up and leading the lines upstairs. We will use Tapestry to let you know when your child has been a Special Helper so you can talk to them about what they did. They will also get a Special Helper sticker to show you!

Playgroup Invoices

Invoices will be sent out by email this weekend so if you pay fees please look out for it.


Kitchen roll

Sticky tape

Old birthday cards

Playgroup Update 10/1/2022

Focus Story

“The Whales on the Bus” by Katrina Charman and Nick Sharratt

Watch it here and learn some of the signs to go along with the story:

This story encourages children to practise speech sounds and to listen for rhyming words, really good foundations for reading and writing.

Take a look at Tapestry Memo Rhyming Words for some ideas to support this learning at home.



Children need to be dressed warmly, wearing several layers, at this time of year at Playgroup, especially as we have the door and windows open for ventilation.

We will be sending some children’s bags home next week so you can put in some warmer clothes ready if they need a change while they are at playgroup.


Kitchen roll


Paper for drawing


Playgroup Update 4th January 2022

Happy New Year from all the staff at Town Street Playgroup and a BIG thank you for the cards and presents, and especially for all your kind words of support.

We are looking forward to welcoming our children and families back on Tuesday 4th January 2022 for the Spring Term. We will also be welcoming some new children over the next few weeks.

Unfortunately, the Coronavirus situation has not improved at all in any way so we will not be changing any of the procedures or routines in place to reduce transmission of the virus.

The current Government guidance was updated on 14th December 2021 (but may well be updated again.)

“Actions for early years and childcare providers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak”


Wherever possible, parents will not be entering the playgroup building. Children will be collected from the door by a member of staff, and picked up from the outside gate. Any parent coming inside the building will have to wear a face covering please.

Doors/gates will open at 9.00 for drop off and 11.55/2.55 for pick up.  Please try to stagger your arrival time to avoid lots of parents arriving at once. Please keep your child with you when waiting, and maintain safe distancing (2m) at all times.

Children need a warm/waterproof coat, hat and gloves because they will be outside a lot. The importance of ventilation in reducing the risk of transmission of the virus has been highlighted so we will continue to have the door open at all times and the windows in the upstairs hall at lunchtime. So your child needs to be warmly dressed when inside too.

If your child develops symptoms, you should contact the playgroup leader immediately and If their test is positive, we will not be able to accept your child back to playgroup until the self-isolation periods are over.

If a member of their household develops symptoms and has a positive test, we will not be able to accept your child back to playgroup without a negative PCR test.

Children should not attend playgroup if they have any other illness.

Please think twice about sending your child back to playgroup next week if there is any chance your family might have been exposed to the virus during the holiday period

 Please continue to help us keep Playgroup a safe place for children, families and staff.


The outdoor area will be back in use, following repairs, an inspection of the roof and new sail shelters to replace the damaged ones. So please collect your child from the outside gate at the end of each session.

Donations Please

We know that many parents mistakenly think that the ‘funding’ we receive from the government for each child’s playgroup space is whatever we charge for a session.  Sadly this is not true.  The government decides on a funding rate to give to us and we have to accept it whether or not it covers our costs.  Parents have been told they are receiving a ‘free’ space but this is untrue and very unfair.  Our Local Authority currently pay us £4.46 per hour for each funded child but the cost for providing an hour at playgroup this year is £6.05.  We are pleased to be able to support working parents and offer the 30 hours of funding as well as the universal 15 hours for all other funded children however it comes at a cost to us and may well impact on our sustainability and the quality of service, we provide for you and your children.

So we ask those parents in receipt of the funded place, to pay an additional charge of £1.00 for each day their child attends, if they are in a financial position to do so.

This payment can be made by bank transfer:


We also welcome any donations of tissues, kitchen roll, sticky tape, paper of all sizes and colours, newspapers, old birthday cards, wrapping paper, junk for modelling, plain flour, salt to make playdough. These donations can be placed in the box outside playgroup each morning.


Staff Training

All playgroup staff have updated Paediatric First Aid training over two days during the break.


Don’t forget to add some photos, videos to your child’s Tapestry journal so we can talk to them about what they have been doing. Keep us up to date too with any other information about your child that we might need to know to support them well when they return to playgroup.


We will be planning activities and provision for the remaining two weeks around Christmas.

We will be doing lots of Christmas counting, and creative activities using glitter, glue and paint.

We will be reading lots of Christmas stories and singing lots of Christmas songs and finding out about The First Christmas.

Have a look at this Tapestry Memo to watch some of the stories and songs.


It would be great if all children could make a decoration to hang on the Playgroup Christmas tree which will be up from Monday. Please make sure their name is on it.


Please make sure you have confirmed your child will be coming and paid the £7 please.

More details in previous email.


There has been some wind damage to the Methodist Centre which means we cannot use the Outdoor Area until repairs are carried out to make it safe again. This also means that you will need to collect your child from the front door. Please wait outside and a member of staff will bring them to you.


Please add a comment to your child’s Termly Review when it is added to Tapestry. Don’t forget you can arrange a time to discuss it with their key person by phone or in person.


Playgroup fees for this half term are due for payment by Monday 29th November please.

Playgroup closes after Friday 10th December for the Christmas break and re-opens on TUESDAY 4th January 2022.


Kitchen roll

Plain flour and salt to make playdough

Any old Christmas decorations which we can use

Playgroup Update 15/11/2021
Focus Story
We are reading “Oliver’s Vegetables” by Vivian French and Alison Bartlett
Watch it here
We’ve been “cooking” with vegetables in the outdoor kitchen, using safety knives to chop and cut, and talking about our favourite foods and healthy eating.
Do you have any “past their best” vegetables and out of date herbs (fresh or dried) we could use in the outdoor kitchen next week please?
Getting out and About
Thank you to all the parents and helpers who came on the Autumn Walk to Chapel Allerton Park last week.
Some children have also walked to Chapel Allerton library this week to choose a book to bring back to playgroup.
Christmas Party
The Christmas Party this year will be on Wednesday 8th December from 10.30 a.m. to 11.50 a.m. Children who do not attend playgroup on that day are invited as well. Their parents should drop them at playgroup at 10.30. We will be having some party food, games and dancing and Father Christmas will be leaving some presents for everybody.
Please let me know if your child will be coming to the party. We are asking for £7.00 to cover the costs. This payment should be made with a bank transfer please
Dates for your Diary
Playgroup is closed from the week beginning 13th December 2021 and re-opens Tuesday 4th January 2022.
PLEASE NOTE We close earlier than the schools because early years funding is only for 13 weeks in the Autumn term.
All playgroup staff will be updating their Paediatric First Aid training over two full days during the first week of the holiday. This is a requirement of Ofsted.
Kitchen roll
Donations of Christmas decorations

Playgroup Update 18/10/2021

Focus Story

We are reading “The Three Little Pigs” and looking at different versions of the story.

Watch it here

This is supporting children to recognise groups of three, and introducing “first, second and third” mathematical language.

Children are also practising using scissors. Have a look at the Tapestry Memo Using Scissors for some ideas to use at home.


Dates for Your Diary

Autumn Walk

Monday 1st November at 1.40 p.m. (This is the first day back after Half Term)

We will be walking to Chapel Allerton Park, looking for signs of Autumn and collecting leaves and conkers on the way. We need lots of helpers to come with us.

 You will need to come to Playgroup, ready to leave at 1.40 and we will return to Playgroup for 2.50. You can go home from the park if you wish – just let us know.

Please email to let us know how many helpers we have.

You are welcome to join us on the walk even if your child does not usually attend Playgroup on that day.

Playgroup is closed for the week beginning Monday 25th October for Half Term.


Pumpkins of any size


Autumn leaves

Kitchen roll

Do you have any Autumn story books we could borrow?

Playgroup Update 11/10/2021

 We are focusing on recognising numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and recognising groups of objects 1,2,3,4,5 without having to count them. The mathematical term for this is subitising, defined as the ability to instantaneously recognise the number of objects in a small group without the need to count them.  An example often used to explain this, is to think of a die – we immediately recognise the number of dots without having to count each one individually and is an important mathematical skill.

Support this learning at home by playing games with dice, dominoes, numbered playing cards and pointing out groups of objects up to 5.

We are enjoying the story of “Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons”.

Watch it here:


We are pleased to be able to start cooking and baking again with the children, and some of them have made Fork Biscuits, a simple recipe but great for practising measuring, mixing and fine motor skills to shape dough and use tools.

Look at the Memo on Tapestry for the recipe

 Playgroup Fees

Playgroup fees for this half term are due to be paid by Monday 11th October please. Invoices were sent out by email.


Kitchen roll

Paper for drawing

Playgroup Update 4/10/2021

This week at playgroup, we have been revisiting the story of “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” by Michael Rosen, practising the voice sounds and sequencing the story,

Watch Michael Rosen read the story here:

We are using playdough to develop arm, hand, and finger strength. Have a look at the Tapestry Memos for some ideas for making playdough at home and doing some Dough Disco!


Playgroup Update 27/9/2021

We have been reading “Giraffes Can’t Dance” by Giles Andreae.

Gerald the giraffe wants nothing more than to dance. With crooked knees and thin legs, it's harder for a giraffe than you would think. Gerald is finally able to dance to his own tune when he gets some encouraging words from an unlikely friend.   This builds on our focus of supporting our children to develop characteristics of learning around having a go and not giving up easily.

Watch it here:

To be able to draw and write successfully a child needs to develop the muscles in their shoulders, arms, and hands. We have been planning activities for this at playgroup and you can help at home by providing the following opportunities:

Throwing beanbags, balls

Using ribbon sticks to make patterns in the air

Painting with water on walls outside

Carrying “heavy” buckets and bags

Digging in the sand or garden

Hanging by the arms from branches and climbing frames

Pegging out the washing


The weather is changing as summer comes to an end.   Children need to be always dressed warmly at playgroup. We are ventilating the building with doors and windows wide open, so it can be cold and spending lots of time outside. Lots of warm layers for inside and a warm, waterproof coat (that doesn’t matter if it gets dirty), hat and gloves for outside too please.


Kitchen roll, paper for drawing, envelopes, flowers and herbs from the garden, old pans, baking trays for the outdoor kitchen.

Playgroup Update 20/9/2021

We have been reading “Mabel and the Mountain” by Kim Hillyard.

 Mabel is a little fly who dreams of climbing a mountain. Everyone tells her she can't do it but Mabel believes in herself and knows that she can!

Watch it here


“Dear Zoo” by Rod Campbell

Read it here

We have been learning the names of the different animals in the story – frog, elephant, lion, giraffe, snake, camel, dog, and learning the Makaton signs for each one.



Invoices for playgroup fees have been sent out by email. Please check you have received it if you pay fees.


Thank you to the parents who have made additional payments. It is very much appreciated.

We also welcome donations of tissues, kitchen roll, plain flour, salt, and paper for drawing.

Tapestry Learning Journal

Thank you to all new parents who have activated their Tapestry Learning Journal account.

If you have an iOS or Android device, then from your app store you will be able to find the Tapestry Mobile app. The app is a quick and convenient way to access observations, activities and memos that have been added for your child, as well as for you to add things from home. Please note, all other features need to be accessed via the browser.

Please use the Add an Observation feature to upload a photo or video of your child and tell us about what they were doing.  Don’t forget to Add a Reply to an observation made by a member of Playgroup staff.

This will show us what your child is interested in, and how they are learning and developing.


Playgroup Update 13/9/2021

We are really pleased with the way the start of this new year at Playgroup is going. Our returning children have settled back in really well and have helped the new children by showing them the routines and helping to settle them in.

Thank you to all the parents and carers who have made everything easier for staff by following guidance and keeping to the routines. Don’t forget the importance of social distancing outside at drop off and pick up time. We try to get children in as quickly as we can but must allow time for handwashing and we want coming into playgroup to be a positive experience for the children so we won’t be rushing them.

Donations Please

We know that many parents mistakenly think that the ‘funding’ we receive from the government for each child’s playgroup space is whatever we charge for a session.  Sadly this is not true.  The government decides on a funding rate to give to us and we have to accept it whether or not it covers our costs.  Parents have been told they are receiving a ‘free’ space but this is untrue and very unfair.  Our Local Authority currently pay us £4.46 per hour for each funded child but the cost for providing an hour at playgroup this year is £6.05.  We are pleased to be able to support working parents and offer the 30 hours of funding as well as the universal 15 hours for all other funded children however it comes at a cost to us and may well impact on our sustainability and the quality of service, we provide for you and your children.

So we ask those parents in receipt of the funded place, to pay an additional charge of £1.00 for each day their child attends, if they are in a financial position to do so.

This payment can be made by bank transfer:


We also welcome any donations of tissues, kitchen roll, sticky tape, paper of all sizes and colours, newspapers, old birthday cards, wrapping paper, junk for modelling, plain flour, salt to make playdough. These donations can be placed in the box outside playgroup each morning.

Revised EYFS 2021

The Early Years Foundation Stage was introduced in 2008 and is how the Government and professionals working with young children describe the important stage in a child’s life between birth and age 5.

The EYFS has been updated several times over the years, to take account of current research into how young children learn and develop, and government policy related to children and families. The most recent version of the EYFS came into force on 1 September 2021.

The reforms announced are designed to:

  • Improve outcomes at 5 years old.
  • Improve language development for all children but particularly for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Improve children’s oral health by giving settings a responsibility for promoting good practice to parents
  • Reduce workload for teachers and childcare practitioners.

More information here

Considering these changes, staff at Town Street are spending time reflecting what we want our children to learn (Our Curriculum) and how we are going to implement this. More information soon.


Playgroup staff meet every Tuesday after playgroup to plan for the children's learning and development and we intend to share these plans with you each week.


Focus 1  Learning our friends' names.

You can support this by asking your child about their day and the children they played with. Maybe say hello to someone when you are waiting outside and ask their name.

Focus 2  Embedding routines at Playgroup, e.g. handwashing, snack time, lunch time, toilet time, tidying up

Focus Song “Hello Hello How Are You?”

Watch it here

Makaton Signs of the Week are Hello and Goodbye

Learn some Greeting signs here


Playgroup Update 19/7/2021

Here we are at the last week of this playgroup year. We would like to thank all our parents for their valued support over this particularly challenging year, and even longer for some of you.

Thank you for following the Covid procedures, without any protests or complaints, helping to keep staff, children, and families safe. Thank you for making additional payments and your donations to help us cope with the burden of extra costs due to Covid. Thank you most of all, for having the confidence in us to let us continue to care for and support your children’s learning and development.

We feel very privileged to have been part of your child’s life. We always feel sad to say goodbye at this time of year but know that our children and families are moving on to the next stage. We look forward to welcoming some of you back in September and hope you all have a great summer.

Returning Children

You will be sent an updated Parent Information Pack by email during the holidays.

We are reviewing the Covid procedures that have been in place for the past year to see what will change or stay in place from September and will let you know.

We do intend to return to our original opening times of 9.00 am drop off and pick up times of 12 for morning sessions and 3.00 pm for afternoons sessions.

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

Wednesday 21st July. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.45 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. Please meet us there.

All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on.

The weather is likely to be warm so make sure your child has sunscreen, a hat and plenty to drink.

We are asking parents and carers to practise social distancing during the picnic to continue to keep everyone safe.

We intend to allow parents to take photographs at the picnic. If you do not want your child to appear in anyone else’s photographs, please manage this yourself.

Playgroup places for Children Starting School

If you need a place for your child before they start school in September, please confirm days asap.

Friday 23rd July

Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer holidays.


Monday 7th September 2021

Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 8th September 2021

Playgroup opens for Autumn Term

Playgroup Update 5/7/2021

Focus Story

“Ten Little Pirates.”

Watch the story being read here.

We will be sharing other stories about pirates that also include female characters represented positively, e.g. being strong, brave, clever.

“Molly Rodgers Pirate Girl”

Focus Song

“When I was One.”

“If You Want to be a Pirate.”

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

We are planning provisionally to hold these two events at the same time on Wednesday 21st July. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.45 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. Please meet us there. All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on. If you cannot come with your child, please bring them to playgroup at 9.15 and send them with a ”picnic”.

If the restrictions on more than 30 people meeting outside remains after 19th July, we will hold the picnic in 2 separate but nearby areas. Of course, whatever the situation, we will expect adults to maintain social distancing.

 Please email so I know how many people will be coming.

30 hours Funding for Childcare

More information here and how to apply.

If you are continuing to claim 30 hours funding for September, please make sure you have validated your claim.


We are offering a limited number of childcare places for children who are going to school in September but who might need care until they start. Please speak to Debbie for more information and to reserve a place.


Dates for Your Diary

Friday 23rd July Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer holidays

Monday 6th September 2021      Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 7th September 2021       Playgroup opens for Autumn Term


Kitchen roll

Paper for markmaking

Do you have any Cause and Effect toys for younger children that you are looking to donate? For example, toys that make sounds, light up, have moving parts when pressed, sound books, sound puzzles.

 We are looking to build a resource base of these at playgroup.



Playgroup Update 21/6/2021

Focus Story

“Sharing a Shell” by Julia Donaldson

Watch it here

Focus Songs

“Down There Under the Sea” by Singing Hands

Watch and practise some of the signs for sea, fish, crab, shell, whale, shark

Playgroup End of Year Picnic and Leavers’ Goodbye Ceremony

We have still provisionally planning to hold the End of Year Picnic and Leavers’ Goodbye Ceremony on Wednesday 21st July in the morning. We are still not yet sure what form this will take as we are looking at the latest information about holding group events and waiting for the lifting of restrictions on 19th July but will let you know as soon as we can.


Kitchen roll


Sticky tape

Playgroup Update 14/6/2021

Some children have been on holiday or for days to the seaside so we have planned some activities about the seaside and revisiting their experiences.

Focus Story

“We Love the Seaside” by Kate Tym

Focus Songs

“Going to the Seaside Today”

Hear it here:

“Five Little Sandcastles”

Hear it here;

We will be setting up a role play Ice cream shop, playing with sand, shells and pebbles, and making sandcastles. We will be making a rock pool and finding out about the animals that live there.

Pyjama Drama

Sara from Pyjama Drama will be leading three sessions for the preschool children over the next three weeks, starting next week on Monday and Friday afternoons. We are asking parents to pay £12 to cover the cost of these sessions. We really wanted to offer something special to our preschool children who have missed out a lot due to the Coronavirus restrictions.

Thank you to the parents who have already made the payment.

It should be paid by bank transfer into the Playgroup account please.


Kitchen roll

Do you have any shells that we could use at playgroup please?

Playgroup Update 7/6/2021

Welcome back for the second half of the Summer Term at Town Street Playgroup.

It has been wonderful that our children and families have been able to take advantage in the easing of Coronavirus restrictions and visit more places and meet up with more people. However, the guidance for Early Years settings about Infection control has not changed so we will not be changing any of our procedures just yet. We ask that you all continue to follow the guidance so we can get to the end of this year without closing due to any positive cases.

We look forward to some summery weather so the children can enjoy lots of fun activities outside. Don’t forget though that the outside area is always a little cooler so make sure your child has a top to put on. They will not be exposed to direct sun in the outdoor area but you might want to apply all day sunscreen and send them with a sunhat to establish good habits.

New Member of Staff

We are very pleased to be welcoming Kiran as a new member of Playgroup staff from Monday. She is very excited to meet the children and families and get to know you all.

Playgroup End of Year Picnic and Leavers’ Goodbye Ceremony

We have provisionally planned to hold the End of Year Picnic and Leavers’ Goodbye Ceremony on Wednesday 21st July in the morning. We are not yet sure what form this will take as we await information about lifting of restrictions on 21st June but will let you know as soon as we can.

Playgroup closes for Summer break after Friday 23rd July.

September Places for Children going to School

We can offer places at Playgroup in September for parents needing childcare for their children before they start in Reception. Fees will be payable as parents cannot claim funding. For more information about charges and to reserve a place, please contact Debbie.

Transfer Reports

I will be completing Transfer reports for all our children going to school. These share information about your child with their new school and you will be invited to contribute too. They take the place of Termly Summaries which usually follow after your child has been a Focus Child.

Please make sure I know about any playgroup absences for school visits or holidays please by sending an email.


Kitchen roll

Plain flour and salt for playdough

Flowers/ herbs for outdoor kitchen

Playgroup Update 17/5/2021

Coronavirus Update

Whilst we are pleased that some restrictions will be lifted from 17th May, we remain cautious and vigilant at playgroup to prevent infections. The latest Government guidance

does not indicate any change in the Systems of Control which reduce risk of infection so we will be continuing at playgroup with everything that is currently in place.

We are also aware of the rise in cases in some local areas and the cases in local schools. So we ask you to continue to support us by not sending your child to playgroup if they or anyone in your household has coronavirus symptoms, until a negative PCR test has been obtained.

Playgroup staff have all had their second vaccinations and are testing twice a week. Thank you to them for this committment.

 Next Week at Playgroup

Following on from our enjoyment of “Superworm” last week, we’ll be continuing with the theme of Superheroes.

Focus Story

“Super Daisy” by Kes Gray

Watch it here


Focus Song

“Let’s be Superheroes”

We’ll be practising Superhero powers of keeping super still, doing super listening, super balancing, super moving in different ways, being super kind to others. We’ll be using the theme for exciting markmaking and number recognition too!


Children’s magazines

Kitchen roll

Plain flour

Envelopes for the message 



Playgroup Update 10/5/2021

Focus Story

“Superworm” by Julia Donaldson

Watch the story being read here.

Focus Song

“Five Little Worms on the Garden Lawn”

Listen to the song here

Places for September 2021

There is still availability for places at playgroup in September. Please pass this on to your friends and neighbours.

Starting School in September

If your child is starting school in September, have a look at the Tapestry Memos Starting School for some advice and ideas for how to start preparing them to be ready for school. We will be working on the same skills at playgroup.

We share lots of information about your child with their new school and you will be invited to contribute too.


Kitchen roll


Plain flour


Children’s comics

Playgroup Update 3/5/2021


Playgroup closed Monday 3rd May Bank Holiday and Thursday 6th May Council Elections Building used as polling station.

Focus Story

“Mad about Minibeasts” by Giles Andrae

Focus Song

“How Does a Butterfly Go?”

We will be watching the caterpillars at playgroup and noticing how they change, finding out about different minibeasts, sorting them into different groups, using number of legs, how they move, what they eat, using different resources to make minibeast pictures.


We are saying goodbye to Sarah who is leaving Town Street Playgroup at the end of the week to take up a position in a different setting. We all wish her well and thank her for her commitment to the children and families at Town Street Playgroup over the past four years.

 We are in the process of  recruiting a new member of staff who will be joining us in a few weeks, after all the necessary safeguarding checks have been made.

Staff Training

On Thursday Playgroup staff will be attending training around Supporting children with Autism.


Kitchen roll

Flowers, herbs, old pots and pans for outdoor kitchen

Playgroup Update 19/4/2021

Playgroup opens again on Monday 19th April for the summer term.

For the time being, we are keeping all procedures and routines in place, in line with current Coronavirus guidelines, which were updated 13 April 2021.

Focus Story

Traditional tale of “Jack and the Beanstalk”

We will also be reading different variations of this story, including “Jill and the Beanstalk” where a confident young girl is the hero.

Watch it here:

Children will be bringing home a bean to grow. The bean will not be planted in soil but in a plastic cup with a paper towel. They need to keep it damp and watch as it begins to grow. Talk about what they see happening.


Playgroup closed Monday 3rd May Bank Holiday

Playgroup closed Thursday 6th May Local Elections


Don’t forget to update your child’s Tapestry Journal with any new achievements or interests we can follow up at Playgroup. Don’t forget Tapestry Memos are available if you want some ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home.

Also, there is lots of information and ideas for supporting children’s learning and development from 0 – 5 years on these websites.

September School Places

If your child is due to start school in September 2021, you should have received an email telling you at which school they have been allocated a place.

Please email to let me know so I can plan for our children’s transitions to school.

September Places at Playgroup

Thank you to all parents who have confirmed their child’s place at playgroup for September. There is still some availability so please tell other people about Town Street Playgroup.


Kitchen roll

Sheets of paper for drawing

Herbs, flowers, leaves for outdoor kitchen

Old saucepans, baking tins, jugs, kitchen utensils for outdoor kitchen

Playgroup Update 29/3/2021

Focus Story

“You’re a Hero Daley B” – a favourite story about a rabbit. Watch it here.

We will be offering more learning experiences and provision around Easter, including printing, patterns and sequences and practising scissor skills.

Playgroup closes for the Easter holidays after next Thursday and re-opens on Monday 19th April.

Playgroup Closure Thursday 6th May

We have been informed by the Church that the Methodist Centre will be used as a polling station for the local elections on Thursday 6th May so Playgroup will have to close on that day. The Church suggested that the council use the Church itself but they said not.

Testing Four Year Olds in Reception

If you feel as strongly as we do about the formal testing of our youngest children just as they start in Reception, please add your name to this campaign.

Playgroup Fees

All invoices have been sent out. Please pay by Friday 2nd April please. Thanks to parents who have made additional payments too.

School Places September 2021

Parents will be notified of their child’s allocated school place at the end of the Easter holidays. Please let us know.


Debbie has completed Level 2 Good Autism Practice delivered by STARS and  the Autism Education Trust.


Kitchen roll

Paper for drawing

Playgroup Update 1/3/2021

World Book Day

It is World Book Day on Thursday 4th March. Find out more here

All children will receive a digital World Book Day token which is attached to this email, along with details for The Little Bookshop in Chapel Allerton of how to use your voucher with them.

We will be sharing lots of our favourite stories at playgroup this week, as well as enjoying some new ones.

Have a look at the World Book Day Memo on Tapestry to see Sarah and Louise reading two of the stories for next week.


Tell us what your child’s favourite story is so they can share it with all their friends In a “My Favourite Story” Memo. Just take a photo of them reading their favourite story, and add it to their Tapestry Journal as an observation. (Please say if you DO NOT want other parents to see this photo and we will NOT add it to the Memo which can be viewed by all.)

Playgroup Update 22/2/2021

Playgroup opens again on Monday 22nd February for the second half of the Spring Term. If your child has not been attending and you want to discuss a return, please email or phone.

Focus Story

“Giraffe’s Can’t Dance” by Giles Andreae.

 Use this story as a starting point to talk about Growth Mindset with your child, that they can learn anything they want to do, just like Gerald the Giraffe.

Growth Mindset is a way of thinking. It is the belief that you can achieve anything you set your mind too. It is not based on ability and celebrates making mistakes as being a key part of learning. And it’s not restricted to children. Anyone can have a Growth Mindset!

Tell us on Tapestry about when your child has shown a Growth Mindset.

The latest Memo on Tapestry has some activities linked to this story.


Kitchen roll


Plain flour/salt for making playdough

Dates for your Diary

Easter holidays

 Playgroup will be closed after Thursday 1st April. Back on Monday 19th April 2021

Local Elections

Thursday 6th May 2021

The Methodist Centre is usually used as a polling station for local council elections so we have to be prepared that playgroup cannot open on that day. We are awaiting more information so will confirm this date asap.

 Half term

 Playgroup closed for the week beginning Monday 31st May 2021

 End of term

 Playgroup closes for the summer on Friday 23rd July 2021

Playgroup Update 1st February 2021

This coming week is Children’s Mental Health Week

More information here

There are some really good ideas on the website for ways parents can support their children’s mental health, especially during this difficult time.

Don’t forget that your mental health is important too. Have a look at these suggestions for managing your own well-being.


The theme of Children’s Mental Health week this year is Expressing yourself - finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas, through creativity, and by doing activities that make you feel good.

At Playgroup over the next two weeks, we are focusing on feelings and expressing them through painting, music making, listening and moving to music, with lots of stories and talking about feelings.

Have a look at Tapestry Memo Feelings and listen to Kady read “In My Heart – A Book about Feelings” by Jo Witek. There are lots of ideas for activities to do at home about Feelings.


Date for Your Diary

Playgroup is closed for the week beginning Monday 15th February for Half Term.





Please continue to help us keep Playgroup a safe place for children, families and staff.

Playgroup Update 25/1/2021

A special hello to all the children and families who are not at playgroup at the moment. We are all missing you and look forward to seeing you all again soon. Don’t forget, you can email or give us a call with any concerns you have. If you get chance, let us know how your child is getting on by adding some observations to Tapestry.

Focus Story

“A Busy day for Birds” by Lucy Cousins.

Make sure you look at the Tapestry Home Learning Memo “Birds” to see Helen reading the story and for some ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home.


Playgroup Update 11/1/2021

Thank you for all your support over the last week and going forward. The next few weeks are still quite uncertain but at the moment, playgroup is open for the families who want to take up a place. Guidance is coming out almost daily so we will keep you all informed of any changes.

One piece of good news is that Leeds City Council has said, that for the time being, they will continue to pay the FEEE funding for children who are temporarily absent as long as we are open. This decision is not the same for all of the country. We are supporting the campaign to put pressure on the DFE to change their position that funding should only be paid for children actually attending. There is also no financial support to cover extra Covid costs or the loss of fees paid by parents.

You can support us best by following all the rules of the lockdown around staying at home as much as possible, not mixing households, social distancing, face coverings and washing hands. Please do not send your child to playgroup if they or anyone in your household has been in any contact with a positive case, has any Coronavirus symptoms or any other illness.

If you have decided to keep your child at home, we will be supporting you as much as possible by posting Home Learning ideas on Tapestry memos, by looking at all the things you add to Tapestry (and please do that if you are able) and by being ready to answer any emails or phone calls with your concerns or worries.

School Applications

If your child will be starting school this September, please make sure you have applied on line by 15th January 2021

Focus Story

“A Squash and a Squeeze” by Julia Donaldson

Lots of rhyming words and opportunities to join in with repeated refrains.

Watch the story here if you don’t have the book


Kitchen roll and tissues please


Playgroup Update 4th January 2021
Happy New Year from all the staff at Town Street Playgroup and a BIG thank you for the cards and presents, and especially for all your kind words of support.
We are looking forward to welcoming our children and families back on Monday 4th January 2021 for the Spring Term. We will also be welcoming some new children from Tuesday.
Unfortunately, the Coronavirus situation has not improved at all in any way so we will not be changing any of the procedures or routines in place to reduce transmission of the virus.
The Government guidance was updated on 31st December 2020.
Wherever possible, parents will not be entering the playgroup building. Children will be collected from the door by a member of staff, and picked up from the outside gate. Any parent coming inside the building will have to wear a face covering please.
Wherever possible, please limit drop off and pick up to one person per child, and do not bring siblings unless it is absolutely necessary
Doors/gates will open at 9.15 for drop off and 11.45/2.45 for pick up.  Please try to stagger your arrival time to avoid lots of parents arriving at once. Please keep your child with you when waiting, and maintain safe distancing (2m) at all times.
Children need a warm/waterproof coat, hat and gloves because they will be outside a lot. The importance of ventilation in reducing the risk of transmission of the virus has been recently highlighted so we will continue to have the door open at all times and the windows in the upstairs hall at lunchtime. So your child needs to be warmly dressed when inside too.
If your child, or anybody else in your household develops symptoms, you should contact the playgroup leader immediately and if their test is positive, we will not be able to accept your child back to playgroup until the self-isolation periods are over.
Children should not attend playgroup if they have any other illness.
Please think twice about sending your child back to playgroup next week if there is any chance your family might have been exposed to the virus during the holiday period, e.g. through not following social distancing, household mixing, visiting a Tier 4 area.
 Please continue to help us keep Playgroup a safe place for children, families and staff.
Donations Please
 We know that many parents mistakenly think that the ‘funding’ we receive from the government for each child’s playgroup space is whatever we charge for a session.  Sadly this is not true.  The government decides on a funding rate to give to us and we have to accept it whether or not it covers our costs.  Parents have been told they are receiving a ‘free’ space but this is untrue and very unfair.  Our Local Authority currently pay us £4.38 per hour for each funded child but the cost for providing an hour at playgroup this year is £6.00.  We are pleased to be able to support working parents and offer the 30 hours of funding as well as the universal 15 hours for all other funded children however it comes at a cost to us and may well impact on our sustainability and the quality of service we provide for you and your children.
 Unfortunately, opening the setting in line with Coronavirus guidelines also places an extra financial burden with the additional costs of providing cleaning materials, hand sanitiser, PPE and staff costs to cover cleaning time. There is no funding from central Government or the LA to help us cover these costs.
 So we ask parents, particularly those in receipt of the funded place, to pay an additional charge of £1.00 for each day their child attends, if they are in a financial position to do so.
We also welcome any donations of tissues, kitchen roll, sticky tape, paper of all sizes and colours, newspapers, old birthday cards, plain flour, salt to make playdough. These donations can be placed in the box outside playgroup each morning and will then be quarantined for a week before being used.
Don’t forget to add some photos, videos to your child’s Tapestry journal so we can talk to them about what they have been doing. Keep us up to date too with any other information about your child that we might need to know to support them well when they return to playgroup.

Playgroup Update Christmas 2020  

We will be planning activities and provision for the remaining two weeks around Christmas.

We will be doing lots of Christmas counting, and creative activities using glitter, glue and paint.

We will be reading lots of Christmas stories and singing lots of Christmas songs and finding out about The First Christmas.

Have a look at this Tapestry Memo to watch some of the stories and songs.


The Christmas Elf will be arriving at Playgroup on Tuesday. Remind your child to look out each morning to see what the Elf has been up to!

Home Learning Challenge

It would be great if all children could make a decoration to hang on the Playgroup Christmas tree which will be up from Monday. Please make sure their name is on it.

Christmas Party Monday 14th December from 1.00 p.m. to 2.30 p.m.

Please make sure you have confirmed your child will be coming and paid the £5 please. More details in previous email.

Playgroup Update 23/11/2020

Focus Story

“The Lion Inside” by Rachel Bright and Jim Field

A rhyming story portraying a positive message about overcoming your fears for younger children. You don't have to be BIG and BRAVE to find your ROAR. Being little isn't always easy. But when Mouse sets off on a journey to find his roar, he discovers even the smallest creature can have the heart of a lion.

Watch the story here

We are re visiting the nursery rhymes from last week. If you didn’t have chance to look at the memo about Nursery Rhymes, here’s the link



Kitchen roll please

Christmas Party

Town Street Playgroup Christmas Party will be a little different this year, but hopefully, just as special for the children.

It will be on Monday 14th December (the first week of the holidays) from 1.00 pm - 2.30 pm in the upstairs hall at playgroup.

Unfortunately, we cannot invite family members this year so we are asking you to drop your child off and then come back to collect them at 2.30. If you think your child might find it difficult to manage this experience and would not enjoy it, then maybe they could stay at home and we could deliver their present to them.

We will be having some party food, games and dancing and Father Christmas will be leaving some presents for everybody.

Please let me know if your child will be coming to the party. We are asking for £5.00 to cover just the cost of the present. This payment should be made with a bank transfer please.

And a big thank you to playgroup staff who will be working to get the party ready in their holiday time!


Playgroup Update 16/11/2020





Please continue to help us keep Playgroup a safe place for children, families and staff.

We will be getting involved in World Nursery Rhyme Week 2020 at playgroup this week.

Experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if children know eight nursery rhymes by heart by the time they're four years old, they're usually among the best readers by the time they're eight.

Learning nursery rhymes helps children with speech and language development and serve as an introduction to musical skills as well. Many have associated physical actions which can aid in motor skills development, and some use counting and numbers to develop numeracy skills. Participating in singing nursery rhymes with peers is also sociable and enjoyable!

We have chosen to learn “The Wheels on the Bus”, “Five Little Speckled Frogs”, “Hickory Dickory Dock”, “Miss Polly Had a Dolly” and “Old MacDonald had a Farm” and have planned lots of fun activities and stories to support this learning:

  • A ‘bus’ in the outdoor area, talking about different places to go and buying tickets.
  •  Counting 1 – 5 frogs and making a collage of a pond
  • Using instruments to tap out rhythms
  • Role play Doctors
  • Small world farm, making up stories with different animals

Have a look at the Memo on Tapestry to find out more about nursery rhymes and make sure you take time to sing or say these rhymes, and others, with your child. Please add any videos to your child’s Tapestry journal.


Dates for your Diary

Playgroup is closed from the week beginning 14th December 2020 and re-opens Monday 4th January 2021.

PLEASE NOTE We close earlier than the schools because early years funding is only for 14 weeks in the Autumn term.

Coronavirus Information for Parents

See attached to this email information from Leeds City Council “Helping you and Your Child with Doing a Test”

Playgroup Update 9/11/2020

Focus Story

“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

Watch the story here

We’ll be focussing on

  • words that describe size, e.g. tiny, minute, huge, enormous  
  • ordering 3 objects the same – big, middle size, and small
  • counting accurately to three and recognising number 3
  • recognising groups of three objects without counting


Playgroup Update 2nd November 2020





Please continue to help us keep Playgroup a safe place for children, families and staff.

Focus Story

“Room on the Broom” by Julia Donaldson

Watch the story being read here

Half term Challenge

Work with your child to make their face using the paper plate. They could use paint, felt tips, crayons, collage. We want it to be their work.  Look in a mirror with them and talk to them about their skin, hair and eye colour and their features. Take a photo of them making it and add it to Tapestry.

We will be using them in a display so please bring them back to playgroup after half term.

(Make sure they are named please.)

Donations Please

Additional payments towards cleaning costs are gratefully received

Kitchen roll, tissues, paper for drawing

Playgroup Update 26/10/2020

Just to remind everyone that playgroup is closed next week for half term.

We open again on Monday 2nd November for the next 6 week half term.

The new routines and procedures we have had to put in place due to Coronavirus do seem to be helping to keep playgroup open, and staff and children safe. However, the hardest part for all staff has been the impact it has had on our opportunities to speak to you and share information about your children. Unfortunately, the guidance is still that parents should not be coming into the setting.

If you have anything you want to discuss about your child, have any questions or comments you want to make, I will be available during half term ( Monday to Friday between 10 and 7)  to take your phone call. Just text beforehand so I know to expect a call please. Or you could email any questions  and I will answer them or call you back.

Staff have been completing 2 year old checks with children under 3. These are a statutory requirement to identify any areas that children under three might need additional support with. You will receive a copy of the check by email when it has been completed and I will be arranging a phone call to go through it with you.

Half term Challenge

Work with your child to make their face using the paper plate. They could use paint, felt tips, crayons, collage. We want it to be their work.  Look in a mirror with them and talk to them about their skin, hair and eye colour and their features. Take a photo of them making it and add it to Tapestry.

We will be using them in a display so please bring back to playgroup after half term.

Tapestry Memo

Look at the latest Memo on Tapestry for some ideas of Autumn activities to do with your child during half term. Don’t forget to add some photos to Tapestry of them.

 (You have to log in to Tapestry through the browser to see all the Memos


Playgroup Update 19th October 2020

Focus Story

“Farmer George and the Hedgehogs” by Nick Ward

Find out how to use the Makaton Sign for hedgehog here

Focus Song

“Now It’s Autumn”

Listen to the song here

Find out how to use the Makaton Sign for Autumn here

If you are out and about this weekend, please collect some conkers to bring to playgroup. We will be filling buckets with conkers and carrying them around to develop shoulder and arm strength ready for writing.

Could you bring us a pumpkin, any size, and we can move them around too?

Half Term Challenge

Please collect a paper plate from playgroup this week.  Work with your child to make their face using the plate. They could use paint, felt tips, crayons, collage. We want it to be their work.  Look in a mirror with them and talk to them about their skin, hair and eye colour and their features. Take a photo of them making it and add it to Tapestry.

We will be using them in a display so please bring back to playgroup after half term.


Playgroup is closed for the week beginning 26th October 2020 for Half term.


When playgroup opened in September, our intention was to review all the additional procedures and routines that had been put in place due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, the situation in this country, and Leeds in particular, has not improved as we might have hoped. So we will be continuing with everything as it has been for the last half term.

But I do want to send a big thank you to the parents, children and staff who have all co-operated and worked so hard to make it possible for us to get through this half term.

And thank you to all of you who have made additional payments towards the costs of cleaning and who have made donations too.


Playgroup Update 12/10/2020

We continue to maintain systems of control around infection control at playgroup and one of these is to model and encourage children to wash their hands effectively. Please support this at home.

Focus Story

“Now Wash Your Hands” by Matt Carr

Focus Song

“Wash Your Hands”


Golden Rules

We will be talking to children about Playgroup Golden Rules and why these rules are important so that Playgroup is a happy, safe and welcoming place for everyone.

Our Golden Rules are:

  • We all help to tidy up.
  • We help each other.
  • We share and take turns.
  • We listen to each other.
  • We look after the books and toys at playgroup

British values are a set of four values introduced to help keep children safe and promote their welfare – as is the duty of all providers following the EYFS to counter extremism. 

The fundamental British values are:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths.

The promotion of British values is firmly embedded in the work that we do and the Golden Rules are an example of part of it.

 We will be watching out for children who show they know these rules and recognising this by asking them to choose a special shell from the box to put on the sand tray. We will be working towards children giving shells to each other, to the adults and the adults giving them to each other. Unlike other reward systems, there will not be any particular reward for filling the sand tray but at the end of the day, we will be talking to the children about what they have done to help fill the sand tray.

Maybe you could recognise some of these positive behaviours at home by telling us about them and we can take your child to put a shell in the sand.


Clippings of fresh herbs, lavender, flowers we can use in the outdoor kitchen next week

Kitchen roll




Playgroup Update 5/10/2020

Thank you to the parents who are supporting us to keep Playgroup open by not sending their children if they are unwell and by following all the guidance around self isolating and testing.

Attached to this email is some up to date information from Leeds City Council to help you if your child becomes unwell.

Thank you too for the additional payments many of you are making and for the donations of kitchen roll, tissues, plain flour and salt. We welcome donations of these items at any time. Just place them in the Quarantine box outside the door in the morning.

Focus Story

“Shark in the Park on a Windy Day” by Nick Sharratt

This story has lots of rhyming words and some detailed illustrations to encourage talking and using a wider vocabulary.

Focus Song

“Baby Shark

Love it or hate it, we use this song to practise finger, hand and arm movements and build up muscles for markmaking.

Tapestry Learning Journals

Don’t forget to look at your child’s learning journal regularly and add observations, photos and videos, and reply to our observations too. Share the journal with your child too and ask them to tell you what they were doing.

Playgroup Update 28/9/2020

Coronavirus Update

The government have classed Leeds as an 'area of intervention'. They have put in the extra local rules to reduce social contact and slow the spread of infection.

If you live in Leeds, from Friday 25 September, you must not:

  • have guests in your home or garden
  • go to someone else's home or garden (in or outside of Leeds)

Informal childcare between households is permitted - even in local areas with restrictions on household mixing. Informal childcare arranged between households must be part of a “consistent” relationship and “one-off” playdates are not permitted.

Coronavirus Attendance Policy

A new policy has been added to take account of Coronavirus. Please make sure you have read it. It is available to see on Tapestry documents, on the Playgroup website and is attached to this email.

This week at playgroup:

Focus Story

“Blow Your Nose Mr. Wolf” by Steve Smallman. Watch the story being read here


We will be learning this song too. Maybe you could sing it at home, whilst reinforcing the message about Catch It, Bin It, Kill It: using a tissue or an elbow to catch sneezes and coughs and then washing hands.


Learn this song to stop the spread of germs

(Tune: Frere Jacques)

Are you sneezing?
Are you coughing?
Cover your mouth
Blow your nose
Germs are always flying
Throw away the tissues
Wash your hands
Wash your hands


We are ventilating the building with doors and windows wide open, so it can be cold.  Children need to be dressed warmly at playgroup at all times. Lots of warm layers for inside and a warm, waterproof coat, hat and gloves for outside too please.

Playgroup Update 21/9/2020

Another week where children have been so amazing at adapting to the new routines and procedures. You can be very proud of them - We are!




Please continue to help us keep Playgroup a safe place for children and staff

Outdoor play and keeping the building ventilated with doors and windows open are very important for reducing transmission of coronavirus but it does mean children need to be dressed in warm clothes with layers so they do not get cold. The weather will be getting cooler and wetter from the middle of the week so please send your child in appropriate clothing and shoes and a warm waterproof coat.

Key Workers

Leeds City Council has asked all childcare providers in the city to identify which parents are key (critical) workers. Please tell me by email so I know who you are. This is because in the event of a Tier 4 Lockdown, childcare settings will only stay open for vulnerable children and children of key workers.

More information here

Thank you to the parents who have made additional payments. It is very much appreciated.

We also welcome donations of tissues, kitchen roll, plain flour, salt and paper for drawing.

Please leave them in the box outside the door, ready to be quarantined before use.


Playgroup Update 14/9/2020

Dear Parents and Carers

We are really pleased with the way the start of this new (and challenging!) year at Playgroup is going. Our returning children have settled into the new routines really well. We know they will help the new children, starting this week and next, showing them the routines and helping to settle them in.

Thank you to all the parents and carers who have made everything easier for staff by following guidance and keeping to the new routines. Don’t forget the importance of social distancing outside  as drop off and pick up get busier, with more children attending. We will try to get children in as quickly as we can but must allow time for handwashing and we want coming into playgroup to be a positive experience for the children so we won’t be rushing them.

Playgroup staff meet every Tuesday after playgroup to plan for the children's learning and development and we intend to share these plans with you each week


Focus 1  Learning our friends' names.

You can support this by asking your child about their day and the children they played with. Maybe say hello to someone when you are waiting outside and ask their name.

Focus 2  Embedding routines at Playgroup, e.g. handwashing, snack time, lunch time, toilet time, tidying up

Focus Song “Hello Hello How Are You?”

Watch it here

Makaton Signs of the Week are Hello and Goodbye

Learn some Greeting signs here



Town Street Playgroup Update 7th September 2020
Playgroup re-opens on TUESDAY 8th SEPTEMBER
Staff will be in playgroup on Monday 7th September preparing for the new term.
We have enjoyed using the settling and resettling visits to meet up with and welcome new children and their families to playgroup, returning children ready for their preschool year, and some children who have had siblings at playgroup in the past.
A big thank you to Playgroup staff who gave up time during their holiday to come to these visits.
We also have some children coming to playgroup for a short time before they start school.
Playgroup will open its doors from 9.15 am and we expect parents to wait outside, maintaining social distance and queueing up the steps to the door before your child comes in, and then leaving down the slope, following a one way system. A similar system will operate when you collect your child from the gate to the outdoor area. Children will be ready to collect from 11.45 and 2.45.
Please try and avoid having to wait in the queue for too long as your child might find this unsettling so maybe arrive a little later or have a little walk around.
Avoid carrying your child too please. It will be much easier for staff to take your child in if they are holding your hand. Staff need to avoid close contact with parents so will not take a child from your arms.
The lunchbox trolley will be near the door along with a crate for your child’s named snackbox. Please put them in these places, ready to be sanitised. The Donations box will also be here.
Children need a bag with a change of clothes to keep at playgroup and a weather appropriate coat everyday as they will be outside a lot of the time.
Donations Please
We know that many parents mistakenly think that the ‘funding’ we receive from the government for each child’s playgroup space is whatever we charge for a session.  Sadly this is not true.  The government decides on a funding rate to give to us and we have to accept it whether or not it covers our costs.  Parents have been told they are receiving a ‘free’ space but this is untrue and very unfair.  Our Local Authority currently pay us £4.38 per hour for each funded child but the cost for providing an hour at playgroup this year is £6.00.  We are pleased to be able to support working parents and offer the 30 hours of funding as well as the universal 15 hours for all other funded children however it comes at a cost to us and may well impact on our sustainability and the quality of service we provide for you and your children.
Unfortunately, opening the setting in line with Coronavirus guidelines also places an extra financial burden with the additional costs of providing cleaning materials, Hand sanitiser, PPE and staff costs to cover cleaning time. There is no funding from central Government or the LA to help us cover these costs.
So we have decided to ask parents, particularly those in receipt of the funded place, to pay an additional charge of £1.00 for each day their child attends.
Details of how to pay will be sent in a separate email.
We welcome any donations of tissues, kitchen roll, sticky tape, glue sticks, paper of all sizes and colours, newspapers, old birthday cards, junk for modelling, plain flour, salt to make playdough, good quality felt pens. These donations can be placed in the box outside playgroup each morning and will then be quarantined for a week before being used.
Tapestry Learning Journals
Please make sure you have completed/updated the About Me for your child before they come to playgroup.
 If you are a returning parent, don’t forget to use your child’s Tapestry Journal to tell us what they have been up to during the summer, including any recent achievements.
The following webpage explains how to use Tapestry through the browser on a computer
Information sheets on how to use Tapestry on a tablet or phone are available on the playgroup website
 Please read the Parent Information Pack which is available to view in Documents on Tapestry. The areas highlighted in red are relevent to the changes made due to Coronavirus.
Please make sure you have looked at the playgroup website
which has all the information you need about policies and procedures. These policies are also available to view in Documents on Tapestry
Town Street Playgroup Coronavirus Risk Assessment and Coronavirus FAQs are available to read in Documents on Tapestry and on Playgroup Website
Please make sure you have looked at them.
The forms that you need to complete and sign have been sent in a previous email: Registration Form and Parent Contract. These need to be completed again because there are some changes due to Coronavirus. Please make sure all contact details are up to date.
If you are able to, please print both forms off, complete, sign and bring on your child's first day. If not, please complete and email back to me.
You will be signing to say you have read the policies and parent information pack so please make sure you do!
We cannot accept any child back to playgroup without these completed forms.
Dates for Your Diary
Half term
Week beginning Monday 26th October 
Christmas holidays
 3 weeks beginning Monday 14th December. Back on Monday 4th January 2021.
NOTE We close a week before schools because we are only funded for 13 weeks in the Autumn Term.
Half term
Week beginning Monday 15th February
Easter holidays
Close after Thursday 1st April. Back on Monday 19th April
Half term
Week beginning Monday 31st May
End of term
 Friday 23rd July

Playgroup Update 13/7/2020

Here we are at the last week of this playgroup year. We would like to thank all our parents for their valued support over the past year, and particularly for the past few months.

We feel very privileged to have been part of your child’s life. We always feel sad to say goodbye at this time of year but this year, especially so. But we know that some of our children and families are moving on to the next stage and wish them all well.

We have decided to hold our Leavers Goodbye on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 at 10.00 am on the green space at the junction of Gledhow Valley Road and Allerton Grange Way.

 This is a change of usual place because Chapel Allerton Park may get too busy. We are only inviting children who are leaving Town Street Playgroup because of the need to keep numbers low enough to maintain social distancing, and to be within Government Guidance. Parents are asked to respect  this guidance and to consider bringing the minimum of family members with them. Playgroup staff will be there to say hello and to wish you all well and we will be giving your child a special Certificate. Parents will be responsible for deciding how long to stay and how to manage their family for themselves.

Let us know if you will be coming.  Any questions, please get in touch.

 We look forward to welcoming some of you back in September and will be sending out more information about what that will look like very soon. We are hoping to have a Returners Meet up too, later in the summer.


Tempest Photography are opening up again soon and I am expecting photo orders to be processed and delivered to me. I will be in touch with all parents when they are ready for collection.

Playgroup Update 29/6/2020

Hello to all Playgroup children and families. Hope you are all well.

 All Playgroup staff are doing OK but very much missing seeing you all. We are all in touch and have met (in a socially distanced way) to work on supporting all our children and families and to plan for September.

We are all thrilled with the fundraising so many of you are involved in to help us fund an upgrade to the outdoor area. Just in time too as last week one of the planters collapsed off the wall as it had rotted away, and the others are going the same way!

It is great to see the generosity of so many people, especially families who attended playgroup some time ago. We are looking forward to seeing many of you completing your Mile for Town Street. We can’t thank you all enough and are very excited for what we can now plan for the outdoor area, including:

  • A replacement shed which will be taller and weatherproof
  • A minibeast hunting area
  • New benches
  • An updated outdoor kitchen
  • A giant chalkboard on the wall
  • An updated sand pit

We will also be spending time painting and cleaning the paving outside.

If you have any suggestions, please let us know.

Tapestry Journals

It will soon be time to finish the Journals of the children going to school and to enable parents to download them so if you have anything you want to add finally, please do so over the next week.

And finally some good news for all of us who supported the More Than A Score Campaign against Baseline Testing for Reception Children. The Government has decided to postpone the statutory rollout of the Reception Baseline Assessment until September 2021.

Nancy Stewart of More than A Score said: “We are glad they have listened, after intense campaigning from the More Than A Score coalition of parents, teachers, heads and education experts, who are united in condemning the introduction of these useless, harmful tests. Only the government persists in believing these tests have any worth.

“The tests will not help children to learn, or teachers to teach. Schools carry out their own, much more careful, personal and accurate informal assessments of Reception pupils. The Government will lock away the results of its tests for seven years and has still not revealed how it will use this data to measure schools."

Town Street Playgroup Update 15/6/2020

Hello everyone – We are thinking about you all and hoping you are all getting on ok during these challenging times. If you need any help, advice or support with anything, please do get in touch – we are still here for you.

I know some parents have said to me how difficult it is to get their child to sit to write, to do phonics activities or numbers. Be reassured that it is more important is to let your child have control of their learning/ play, let them decide what they are interested in, read to them daily and continue to give them the extra love, support and reassurance they need at this given time. Everything else can wait!

You are all doing a great job!!

We are watching closely the guidance around outdoor gatherings and social distancing and as soon as it allows and we are sure we can do so safely, we will be looking to arrange some meet ups. Until then, please use the Parents WhatsApp group to arrange small meetings with other parents.

I have contacted all our feeder schools and already spoken to many of them to pass on information which will support your child if they will be moving on to school. They are all focussed on the children’s well being and supporting their social and emotional development as they move into school. We talked about “school readiness” and you can be reassured that their expectations were the same as we are sharing with you through Tapestry Memos “Going to School”. If you haven’t had chance to look at these yet, please take some time to do so.

We will also be focusing on well being and social and emotional development when our three year old children return to playgroup in September. We are already planning for this, although we will be waiting to see how things develop over the next weeks before we finalise our planning. As soon as we know anything, rest assured we will share it with you.

Playgroup staff have been working from home, accessing training for their Professional Development and for when Playgroup re-opens, e.g. Infection Prevention and Control, Supporting Children’s Well-Being after Lockdown and Helping Children Cope with Illness and Bereavement.

We are planning to do some work the Outdoor Area at playgroup ready for September. It is a few years now since we accessed funding to set it up so it is now ready for a re vamp. Unfortunately the days of funding for such projects are gone so we will have to be creative in how we do that!

Playgroup Update 1/6/2020

Hello to you all from all the staff at playgroup. We are all well and missing you all like mad!

It was lovely to speak to lots of you on the phone recently and to hear that everyone is doing OK, and that the Parents’ Whats App group is supporting you to keep in touch with each other. Don’t forget to get in touch by phone or email if you have any questions or concerns, I’m always available to help if I can.

Thank you all too for the support that you offered around the decision to wait until September to open Playgroup again.

I know that lots of you are using Tapestry Memos to help with ideas for play and learning activities at home. Check them out if you haven’t had a look recently. Lots of new ideas to come, including some “borrowed” from what you have shared. We all enjoy looking at the photos, videos and posts you add for your child and they help us to feel that we are still connected to them.

If your child is due to start school in September 2020, a Memo “Going to School” will be added to Tapestry over the next week with some ideas for how you might prepare them. Transition this year is going to be quite different than before but we will be working with the Primary schools to make it the best it can be for you and your child.

Playgroup Update 4/5/2020

Hello to all our families and hope that you are all keeping safe and well. All playgroup staff are OK and missing you all.

Sadly, the past week has been a very tough one with the news that Coronavirus has touched Playgroup families, present and past. I’m sure you join me in sending all our love to the children and families affected.

Make sure you have a look at the latest Memo on Tapestry, inviting your child to exhibit something in the Town Street Playgroup Art Gallery. It would also give all children a chance to see photos of their friends from playgroup (as long as parents are Ok with this).

Don’t forget you can email or phone with any questions, comments or even a moan or two! I’m happy to listen.

But most of all, be reassured that you are all doing an amazing job, looking after your children and families at home and helping to keep everyone safe.

Have a good week.

Playgroup staff


Playgroup Update 27/4/2020

Hi to you all from all the playgroup staff. We are all well, getting to grips with home schooling for a wide age range of children. My children are past school, apart from the two who do actually work in school and are coping with home schooling from a different perspective! But just like your children, they still need to check in with mum and dad and get some reassurance that things will return to some sort of normal, and that following the rules around social distancing is what we all have to do.

Once again, thank you to everyone who is using Tapestry for ideas to support their children’s play and learning at home, and to all of you sharing ideas, photos and videos so we can see what all the children and families have been up to.

 And thanks to all playgroup staff, who are checking in and contributing with Tapestry, undertaking some Professional Development and supporting me and each other, whilst coping at home.

Any parent who has any concerns or worries is welcome to contact me on the playgroup phone number or by email and I will get back to you.

School places

Thanks to everyone who has told me which schools their children will be going to in September. If you haven’t done so yet, please do. Some parents have asked about getting in contact with each other to plan for this happening. The best thing would probably be to do this through a WhatsApp group, similar to the one, Gabby has set up for parents. Several parents could do this or maybe it has happened already, and someone could let me know.

First Aid Training

Take some time to have a look at these videos on Mini First Aid YouTube channel.

This one has lots of excellent advice for parents and carers about both preventing choking and how to deal with it. It finishes with Kate Ball talking to children and reading a story about how to prevent choking.

This one shows children how to put someone into the recovery position

Take care and be safe.

Playgroup Update 20/4/2020

Hi to all our children and families from all the staff at playgroup. We are all well and hope you are too.

We love keeping up with what all your children are doing at home. Thank you for the feedback about the Memos that are being posted on Tapestry with ideas for learning and play activities that you might do at home. They are meant to be a bank of ideas so you can dip in and out of them and revisit them again.

Memos can only be viewed by looking at Tapestry through the browser   If you usually view Tapestry through the App, you can then navigate to the website.

Thank you to the parents with children going to school in September, who have emailed to let me know which school they have been allocated. If you haven’t done so yet, please do.

Understandably, parents are concerned about how prepared for school their children will be come September. It is still a long way off yet, especially for the children, so don’t be surprised if they don’t want to talk and are anxious about it. Individual schools will be getting in touch with parents to make arrangements for transitions and they will all have plans for how to do it in these challenging times.

Parents can help with school readiness by working on the skills children will need, without even mentioning school. I will be sending out some information about this in the next few weeks

Playgroup Update 6/4/2020
Hello to you all. Hope you are all keeping well.
Thanks to all the parents who are looking at Tapestry, using some of the ideas posted in the Memos there with their children and who are adding photos and videos of what their children are doing.
You are all doing an amazing job in the most difficult of circumstances. Be kind to yourselves and each other.
 Take advantage of the Spring weather to get outside in the garden. But remember, how important it is that you stay at home and when you are maybe out for some exercise, that you remember to keep your distance from other people.
There’ll be lots more ideas on the Memos of things to do in the garden. Don't worry about repeating activities you have done before. Children don't mind and learn by doing things over and over again. Just think of how many times you have read the same story or watched the same video!
This is an ideal time to work on developing your child’s self-care skills and independence, especially if they are going to school In September, e.g. putting on coat and doing zip up, getting dressed and undressed, putting on socks and shoes, eating with a knife and fork, using the toilet and wiping. If your child finds any of these difficult, break it down into easy steps, use lots of encouragement and praise and maybe a reward or two.

Playgroup Update 30/3/2020

Hello to you all and hope you and all your family are keeping well.

These updates may be short but nevertheless important so that we all keep in touch.

If you have anything you want to pass onto the other playgroup families, please let me know.


Here is a link to a lovely short film to help children make some sense of the need for Social Distancing.

Lots of you are looking at the Memos on Tapestry with ideas for what to do with your children whilst they are at home. Playgroup staff are enjoying looking at your comments, photos and videos so please keep them coming.

Town Street Playgroup Update 23/3/2020

The events of the past week have overtaken us all and we’re all looking to the time ahead in quite a different way; with fear for what’s to come, with sadness for what’s going to be missed, and with anxiety about how we will all cope. But cope we all will, by being there for each other in any way we can, and being reassured that we will come out the other side.

Here is a link to a really good explanation of the situation for young children. Adapt it to suit your situation.

We will be using Tapestry as the main way of communicating with you and your children while there is no playgroup. We’ll be saying hello, Happy Birthday, How are you? and sharing ideas for things to do at home.

This will be done through the newly added Memo tab on the Tapestry Journal you access through the web browser.

But we want to hear from you too so please share with us what you have been doing by adding observations, photos and videos to your child’s individual journal. You can now upload longer videos.

We will still use Playgroup email to communicate on any other matter.

Take care, and we’re all looking forward to getting together as soon as possible.


Debbie, Helen P., Helen A., Sarah, Kady and Louise


Town Street Playgroup Update 16/3/2020

Focus Story

“Monkey Puzzle” by Julia Donaldson

Watch it here

Photograph Orders

Please make sure you have placed your order online before Monday.

September Places

Thank you to everyone who has confirmed their requests for September 2020 places at Town Street Playgroup. If you have not done so yet, please let me know as soon as possible, even if you are not entirely sure what sessions you want. I will soon be allocating places from the waiting list, so need to know what is available.


Advice about Coronavirus has been sent out in a separate email and is also available on playgroup website

Please make sure you have read it and shared it with all the people who drop off and collect your children. Please make sure the contact details we hold for you all are up to date too.


Fruit and vegetables for snack

Paper for markmaking

Playgroup Update 9/3/2020

Focus Story

“Cake” by Sue Hendra

Watch the story here

We will be planning some learning around Birthdays this week. If you have any stories or resources about birthdays, we’d be happy to borrow them. Maybe you have some things left over from a birthday party we could use, e.g. invitations, decorations.

Tooth Brushing

The children have been learning about why it’s important to brush their teeth. Please help them to fill in the tooth brushing chart they brought home, and then bring it back to get a special sticker.


The DFE has issued the following guidance to schools and nurseries that you should not be unduly worried about the possibility of your children catching the Coronavirus and that there is no reason why your children should not continue to attend playgroup as normal.

At Playgroup, we are following Public Health England advice about handwashing, using and disposing of tissues and discouraging touching of faces.

More information here

Wake Up, Shake up

Following the success of Be Active Week at playgroup, we have introduced a Wake Up, Shake Up session at the beginning of the day. The children have been enjoying moving to the Superheroes Unite song.

Maybe you could do it at home too.


Fruit and Vegetables for snack



Kitchen roll

Paper for drawing and writing




Playgroup Update 2nd March 2020

Focus Story

“Smile Crocodile Smile” by An Vrombaut

Read the story here.

We are focusing this week on encouraging the children to brush their teeth, as one of the ways to prevent tooth decay.

Figures from Public Health England (PHE) show that more than 160,000 five-year-olds - or 23.3 per cent - have dental decay when they start school.

PHE's National Dental Epidemiology Programme for England shows that, while there have been marked improvements in the proportion of youngsters who show signs of dental decay, there are still 164,000 new primary school pupils with rotten teeth.

Around 17,000 of these youngsters have been forced to have decayed teeth removed. Tooth extraction often requires a hospital stay and a child being put under general anaesthetic.

If you want to know more about preventing dental decay in your child, look here

They will be bringing a Tooth Brushing Chart home at the end of the week and ask that you give them a tick on their chart each time they brush their teeth, morning and night, for a week. They then bring their chart back to playgroup for a special “I Look after My Teeth” sticker.

Be Active Week

Many thanks for all your support for the Half Term Challenge to encourage your child to be more active. The response was amazing! We loved looking at all the photos on Tapestry, seeing how you all managed to find ways to be active, even when the weather was so terrible. We feel sure this will have a positive impact on your child and your family in increasing levels of activity.


Thursday 5th March from 9.15 a.m.

The photographer will be at Playgroup to take individual photographs of children or in family groups with brothers and sisters.

Children who do not usually attend playgroup on that day can come in with a parent to have their photograph taken.

There is no obligation to purchase but the photographs are always of an excellent quality and playgroup receives commission on sales.

You MUST sign up on the list at playgroup to give permission for your child’s photo to be taken.

Library Visit

Thank you to all the helpers who came with us to Chapel Allerton library last week.

World Book Day Thursday 5th March.

World Book Day was first created in 1995 by UNESCO - World Book and was aimed at promoting reading & love of books.

Did you know 1 in 8 disadvantaged children in the UK say that they don’t have a book of their own?

We will be giving all our children a voucher to get a free book, but we are also asking your child to donate a book that they are happy to pass onto a child who might not have many books of their own. We will collect these books and pass them onto a local charity which works with disadvantaged children and families.


Fruit and vegetables for snack

Hand wipes

Kitchen roll

Paper for drawing


Playgroup Update 24th February 2020

Focus Story

“Rhinos Don’t Eat Pancakes” by Anna Kemp

Watch it here

Half Term Challenge reminder

Before Half Term, we gave every child a Be Active Card and asked you to give them a sticker every time they were active, e.g. walking instead of driving or going in the pushchair, going to the park or playground, scooting or cycling, playing a game of football, swimming, dancing to music. There are lots of ideas on the Change4Life website, many of which can be done inside too.

We want to see lots of photos on Tapestry of your child being active and will have a small prize for every child who comes back after half term with their card filled in. Thank you to all the parents who have already added lots of photos.

Has your child completed their Be Active Sticker chart? Make sure they bring it back this week to get their prize.


Thursday 5th March from 9.15 a.m.

The photographer will be at Playgroup to take individual photographs of children or in family groups with brothers and sisters.

Children who do not usually attend playgroup on that day can come in with a parent to have their photograph taken.

There is no obligation to purchase but the photographs are always of an excellent quality and playgroup receives commission on sales.

You MUST sign up on the list at playgroup to give permission for your child’s photo to be taken.

Dates for Your Diary

Playgroup closed 2 weeks beginning Monday 6th April Easter holidays

Playgroup opens for Summer Term on Monday 20th April

Playgroup will be closed on Thursday 7th May. The building will be used as a polling station for Council elections so we cannot open.

Playgroup closed Friday 8th May Bank holiday

Playgroup closed week beginning Monday 25th May Half term

Playgroup closes for Summer break after Friday 19th July


Fruit and vegetables for snack


Playgroup Update 10th February 2020

Focus Story

“Keep Running Gingerbread Man”

Listen to the story here

Be Active Week

10th – 14th February 2020

At Town Street Playgroup, we all know how important it is for our children to be active and how this supports all their learning and development.

We want to share this with you by inviting you and your child to take part in Be Active Week.

We have a week of fun planned to get our children really active:

  • Wake Up Shake Up
  • Dancing
  • Balls, Balls, Balls
  • Mini Sports Day
  • Taster Yoga session from Tatty Bumpkins

You can join us by committing to walk to playgroup or parking a little further away and walking at least one day of the week.

Maybe your child could cycle or scoot to playgroup at least one day (we will look after the bike or scooter).

At Half Term, we will be giving every child a Be Active Card and asking you to give them a sticker every time they are active, e.g. walking instead of driving or going in the pushchair, going to the park or playground, scooting or cycling, playing a game of football, swimming, dancing to music. There are lots of ideas on the Change4Life website, many of which can be done inside too.

We want to see lots of photos on Tapestry of your child being active and will have a small prize for every child who comes back after half term with their card filled in.


Thursday 5th March from 9.15 a.m.

The photographer will be at Playgroup to take individual photographs of children or in family groups with brothers and sisters.

Children who do not usually attend playgroup on that day can come in with a parent to have their photograph taken.

There is no obligation to purchase but the photographs are always of an excellent quality and playgroup receives commission on sales.

Playgroup Fees

Fees for this half term must be paid by Monday 10th February please.


Fruit and Vegetables for snack


Town Street Playgroup Update 3/2/2020

Focus Story

“The Jolly Postman” by Janet and Allan Ahlberg

Listen to the story here

We want our children to begin to understand that writing is a form of communication and their marks on paper convey a message so we will be encouraging them to “write messages” and post them in our postbox, and to write messages to take home for their family. If they bring a message home, please show an interest.

Maybe they could also write some messages at home, put them in an envelope and bring it to playgroup to post.

The message can be a few marks, a drawing, some letter shapes they may know, or some words they may know. It might include an attempt at their name, and you could scribe what the message says ( but only if they ask you to).

This is a fun activity, with writing for a purpose at the heart of it, and is not something that should be forced on your child.

We are setting up a Message Centre so we need envelopes, blank cards, notelets, writing pads, unused party invitations, post its, in fact anything that can be used to write a message on. If you have any of these laying around at home, please bring them in.

Playgroup Fees

All fees for this half term should be paid by Monday 10th February please.

Home Learning Packs

We are really pleased that so many children are borrowing books and activity packs, but please remember to return them so others can borrow them too.

Coming Soon at Playgroup

Be Active Week 10th – 14th February

More information later this week


Items for the Message Centre (see above)

Drawing paper

Kitchen roll

Fruit and vegetables for snack


Town Street Playgroup Update 27/1/2020

Focus Story

“Stomp Chomp Big Roars. Here Come the Dinosaurs!” by Kaye Umansky

We’ll be learning lots of dinosaur names and joining in with dinosaur actions. Lot of stomping!

Focus Song

“Dinosaurs” by Sticky Kids

Library Visit

On Tuesday we will be taking the children who are at playgroup on that day to visit Chapel Allerton Library for a storytime. The space in the library is limited so we can’t open it to all the children at the same time. But we do plan to repeat this on different days to include all children.

30 Hours Funding

If you claim 30 hours funding for your child, you must re validate your claim regularly to be able to claim for the next term.


Have you completed a Shape Hunt at home or when walking to and from playgroup? We’d love to see some pictures on Tapestry.

We are going to be building models with 3D junk this week as a way of exploring the properties of 3D shapes.  Do you have any boxes, tubes, lids, big and small, of different shapes (the more interesting the better) we could use?


Fruit and vegetables for snack

Paper for drawing

Masking tape

Playgroup Update 20th January 2020

Focus Story

“Supertato” by Sue Hendra

Watch the story being read here

Focus Song

“If You Know this Shape, Shout it Out”

We will be learning to recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes, and exploring their properties in lots of different ways.

Maybe you could do a shape hunt at home. Look out for circles, squares, triangles and rectangles which are 2D “flat” shapes, and cylinders (e.g. food can), cubes (e.g. a dice), cuboids (e.g. cereal packet) and spheres (e.g. a ball) which are 3D shapes. Maybe take a picture of your child with the shapes they have found and put it on Tapestry.

Do you have any stories about shapes, we could borrow?

Focus Children

Is your child a focus child this coming week? You will have a message from Tapestry telling you and asking you to contribute information for us to use in supporting their learning and development. Please make time to do this as we really value your input


Please bring some fruit or vegetables to share at snack time.



Playgroup Update 13th January 2020
Focus Story
“Farmer Duck” by Martin Waddell
Watch the story here
Moving to School in September 2020
If your child is due to start school in September 2020, you should have made the application by 15th January 2020.
Please let Debbie know what school your child is allocated to.
Fruit and vegetables for snack time
Dried pasta shapes
Writing pads, notebooks for children to markmake in

Playgroup Update 6th January 2020


Welcome back to you all as we start this new term, and best wishes for a happy, peaceful and healthy 2020.


We are sure that the children will have enjoyed the Christmas holidays so please add photos of what your child has been doing to their Tapestry Learning Journal.


Focus Story

“The Tiger Who Came to Tea” by Judith Kerr (Maybe you watched the film on TV over Christmas.)

Does anybody have a large size copy of this book we can borrow? Our copy is a bit small to share with a group. Do you have any other stories about tigers we could borrow?


We have kept some of the Christmas resources in the Home Corner for this first week back as we know that children are often keen to revisit their experiences of Christmas through their play.


Moving to School in September 2020

If your child is due to start school in September 2020, you should have made the application by 15th January 2020

Please let Debbie know what school your child is allocated to.



Make sure you restock your child’s bag with a change of clothes and anything else they might need. Please make sure their name is written on their bag.

Please make sure your child comes to playgroup with a warm and waterproof coat, hat and gloves and change of clothes so they can play out in the Outdoor Area. Also, the temperature inside playgroup is sometimes variable, so please make sure they have several layers to put on when inside.


Funded Places

If you are claiming 15 or 30 hours funding for your child for the first time or are changing your claim this term, you will have to complete a new contract at playgroup next week. Please make sure you have the relevant information with you:

  • 30 hour validation code (a number beginning with 500)
  • The National Insurance number of the parent who made the claim
  • What hours you have claimed at any other setting, if appropriate.


Home Learning

Have you been encouraging your child to borrow one of our books or an activity pack to do with you at home? We have added some new packs and books.



Fruit and vegetables to share at snack time.

Envelopes of different sizes

Big newspapers

Notepads of different sizes for children to use in their markmaking.

Kitchen roll

Playgroup Update Christmas 2019  

The Christmas Elf has arrived at Playgroup. Remind your child to look out each morning to see what he’s been up to!

We still need some more decorations for the playgroup Christmas tree so maybe your child could make one (or another) to put on it.

The postbox is waiting for any child who wants to make a card for their friends.

Visit to St Matthews School Wednesday 11th December

Thank you to the people who have said they can come with us.

Make sure you arrive promptly at 9.00 on Wednesday so we can set off in plenty of time.

Christmas Cards

All children have made a Christmas card to post to their families. Look out for the brightly coloured envelope, open the card with your child and maybe take a photo or video for Tapestry. Please bring a stamp or 61p if you haven’t done so yet.

Christmas Party Wednesday 11th December

at 10.45 prompt.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having a visit from Santa Claus, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and lots of singing.

Not all parents have given permission for photos to be taken by other parents at the party so we ask that you do not take any photos which might include another child. You can take a photo of your child with Santa but we will take photos of the children altogether with the playgroup camera and put them on children’s Tapestry journals.

Please make sure all family members are aware of this.

30 Hours Childcare Funding

Please make sure you have re-validated your claim if you have been claiming this past term and will be continuing next term.

If you want to start a new claim for next term, you will find details here:

Playgroup closed Thursday 13th December for building to be used as polling station

Playgroup is closed for the three weeks beginning Monday 16th December and re-opens on Monday 6th January 2020.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our families

Love from Debbie, Helen P., Helen A., Kady, Sarah and L


Playgroup Update Christmas 2019  

We will be planning activities and provision for the remaining two weeks around Christmas. We will be setting up Santa's Workshop where children will be wrapping presents and writing labels. We will be writing Christmas cards for our friends and posting them in the playgroup post box. Children can bring cards from home for their friends and post them if they want. We will be doing lots of Christmas counting, and creative activities using glitter, glue and paint.

We will be reading lots of Christmas stories and singing lots of Christmas songs and finding out about The First Christmas.

“Santa’s Beard” is a favourite. Watch it here:


“Dear Santa” by Rod Campbell with Makaton signs Watch it here:

Watch how to sing and sign “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” here:

The Christmas Elf has arrived at Playgroup. Remind your child to look out each morning to see what he’s been up to!

Visit to St Matthews School Wednesday 11th December

Thank you to the people who have said they can come with us.

Make sure you arrive promptly at 9.00 on that Wednesday so we can set off in plenty of time.

Christmas Cards

All children will make a Christmas card to post to their families. Please bring a stamp or 61 p for their card.

Christmas Party Wednesday 11th December at 10.45 prompt.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having a visit from Santa Claus, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and lots of singing.


Fruit and vegetables for snack

Christmas decorations for the children to use in the home corner.

Wrapping paper, labels, tinsel, ribbons for making decorations

Playgroup Update 25th November 2019

Focus Story

“You Can’t Take an Elephant on the Bus” by Patricia Cleveland Peck

Focus Song

“The Wheels on the Bus”

Watch it here with Makaton signing.

We’ll also be revisiting all the Nursery Rhymes we learnt last week too.

We know that some of our children love to wear their favourite dressing up clothes to playgroup but please consider whether the outfit might pose a problem for your child running around, going up and down steps and stairs, jumping, getting involved in messy play or using the toilet independently and if it might, please leave it at home!

Playgroup fees should be paid by Monday 9th December please. Invoices have been sent to parents who pay fees.

Visit to St Matthews School Wednesday 11th December

Thank you to the people who have said they might be able to come with us. I need to confirm numbers with St. Matthews this coming week please email so I know for certain who is able to come.

Make sure you arrive promptly at 9.00 on that Wednesday so we can set off in plenty of time.

Home Learning Challenge

It would be great if all children could make a decoration to hang on the Playgroup Christmas tree which will be up from 2nd December.  Please make sure your child’s name is on it.

Christmas Cards

All children will be making a Christmas card to post to their families. We need all parents to bring a stamp (or 61p) into Playgroup for this.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 11th December at 10.45 prompt.

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having presents, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and lots of singing.

 A charge of £7.50 per child will go towards the costs, including a present. If you wish younger siblings to receive a present, please provide one that is wrapped and clearly named. Please confirm if you will be coming by signing up on the list at Playgroup and paying as soon as possible.


Any Christmas wrapping paper, decorations, ribbons please.

Fruit and vegetables for snack


Playgroup closed Thursday 12th December when the building is used as a polling station.

Playgroup closes for Christmas holidays for three weeks after 13th December 2019.


Playgroup opens again Monday 6th January 2020.


Playgroup Update 18/11/2019

We will be getting involved in World Nursery Rhyme Week 2019 at playgroup this week.

Experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if children know eight nursery rhymes by heart by the time they're four years old, they're usually among the best readers by the time they're eight.

Learning nursery rhymes helps children with speech and language development and serve as an introduction to musical skills as well. Many have associated physical actions which can aid in motor skills development, and some use counting and numbers to develop numeracy skills. Participating in singing nursery rhymes with peers is also sociable and enjoyable!

We have chosen to learn “Incy Wincy Spider”, “Baa Baa Black Sheep”, “Humpty Dumpty”, “Row Row your Boat” and “Two Little Dickie Birds” and have planned lots of fun activities and stories to support this learning:

  • A spider’s web assault course to encourage crawling and physical strength
  • Using wool to make collages
  • Working together to paint Humpty Dumpty
  • Exploring floating and sinking and boats in the water tray
  • Making feeders for the birds in our garden

Have a look at the display at playgroup to find out more about nursery rhymes and make sure you take time to sing or say these rhymes, and others, with your child.

St Matthews School Christmas Play

Wednesday 11th December

We have had our usual invitation from St Matthews School to take our children to see their Christmas play. We need to be there before 9.20 in the morning and will need some parents to come with us, to walk there, watch the play and walk back to playgroup, getting back before 10.30.


Please let me know asap if you will be able to help with this and sign up on the list at playgroup.

Unfortunately, helpers will not be able to bring younger siblings with them to the school.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 11th December 10.45 – 12.00

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having presents, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and singing.

 A charge of £7.50 per child will go towards the costs, including a present. If you wish younger siblings to receive a present, please provide one that is wrapped and clearly named. Please confirm if you will be coming by signing up on the list at Playgroup and paying by Friday 22nd November (please put money in named envelope).


Playgroup is closed on Thursday 12th December when the building will be used as a polling station for the General Election.

Playgroup is closed from the week beginning 16th December 2019 and re-opens Monday 6th January 2019.

PLEASE NOTE We close earlier than the schools because early years funding is only for 14 weeks in the Autumn term.


Playgroup Update 11/11/2019

Focus Story

“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”

Watch the story being read here.

Focus Song

“When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bears”

We are focusing on recognising numbers 1,2,3 and recognising groups of objects 1,2,3 without having to count them. Maybe you can find ways to support this at home.

Home Learning Session

Thank you to everyone who came to the Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session. If you have any comments or suggestions for future Home Learning Sessions, please let us know. If you weren’t able to attend, there are some information sheets available in the Home Learning folder – just ask Helen P.

They are also available to view or download on the Playgroup website

It is great that so many of you are borrowing books and Home Learning Packs with your child. Please remember to return them when you have finished with them so someone else can borrow them.

School Admissions

If your child is starting school in September 2020, you should have received a letter from Leeds City Council, explaining how to apply for a school place.

Playgroup Reunion

This Friday after playgroup, we have invited the children who left to go to school to come back and visit for a reunion. It is always lovely to see them and their parents again and to find out how the transition to school has gone.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 11th December at 10.45 prompt.

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having presents, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and singing.

 A charge of £7.50 per child will go towards the costs, including a present.

 Please confirm if you will be coming by signing up on the list at Playgroup and paying as soon as possible. Please put money in a named envelope and give to Debbie.

If it is not possible for an adult to come to the party and you do not want your child to be at the party without one, please do not send your child to playgroup on that day.

Places Available

We have a limited number of places available from January on Monday morning or all day, and Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Please contact Debbie if you are interested.

30 Hours Childcare Funding

Please make sure you have re-validated your claim if you have been claiming this past term and will be continuing next term.

If you want to start a new claim for next term, you will find details here:


Fruit and vegetables for snack

Salt, plain flour to make playdough

Paper for writing and drawing

Old birthday cards

Children’s comics when your child has finished with them.

If you are having a clear out before Christmas, we would be happy to accept any donations of toys. If we can’t use them, they will be donated to St Georges Crypt Toy Appeal.


Playgroup Update 4th November 2019

Focus Story

“Flash Bang Whee”

A story about some children going to a firework display.

Focus Song

“Five Fat Fireworks”

Listen to the song here.

Focus Activity

Revisiting experiences of fireworks and using lots of different media to make collages and pictures.

Using our bodies and voices to represent fireworks.

Half Term Challenge

Work with your child to make their face using a paper plate. They could use paint, felt tips, crayons, collage. We want it to be their work.  Look in a mirror with them and talk to them about their skin, hair and eye colour and their features. Take a photo of them making it and add it to Tapestry.

We will be using them in a display so please bring back to playgroup after half term. Make sure their name is on the back.

Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session

Wednesday 6 th November at 10.45am

 All parents, carers and children invited. (If your child doesn't usually attend on Wednesdays, you are still welcome to come along with them at 10.45). The event takes place in the upstairs hall and we will set out activity stations for you to complete with your child. If your child is already at playgroup, they will meet you there or you can bring your child along if they do not usually attend on Wednesdays.

Please arrive promptly at 10.45 as we cannot spare a member of staff to wait on the door for too long.

Come and meet the other parents and find out about how to support your child’s learning at home.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 11th December at 10.45

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

More information nearer the time.


Dates for Your Diary

Thursday 12th December 2019

Playgroup closed. The Methodist Centre is used as a polling station for the General Election.

Christmas Holidays

Playgroup is closed from the week beginning 16th December 2019 and re-opens Monday 6th January 2019.

PLEASE NOTE We close earlier than the schools because early years funding is only for 14 weeks in the Autumn term.

Half Term

Playgroup closed for the week beginning Monday 17th February 2020

Easter Holidays

Playgroup closed for 2 weeks beginning Monday 6th April and re-opens on Monday 20th April 2020.


Fruit to share at snacktime



Scrap paper


Playgroup Update 2ist October 2019

Focus Story

“The Happy Hedgehog Band”

A lively, noisy romp of a book about woodland animals who decide to join together to make a band, even though they don't all have instruments.

We’ll be practising making sounds with different parts of our body, e.g. clapping hands, tapping on knees, and using drums and tapping sticks to copy rhythms.

Focus Song

“Now It’s Autumn”

Listen to the song here

If you are out and about this weekend, please collect some leaves to bring to playgroup. We need lots of different size and shape leaves for leaf printing and collage next week and the ones we have already collected do seem to be drying out quickly.

We are continuing with developing shoulder and arm strength outside by filling buckets with conkers and carrying them around.

Could you bring us a pumpkin, any size, and we can move them around too?

Half Term Challenge

Please collect a paper plate from playgroup this week.  Work with your child to make their face using the plate. They could use paint, felt tips, crayons, collage. We want it to be their work.  Look in a mirror with them and talk to them about their skin, hair and eye colour and their features. Take a photo of them making it and add it to Tapestry.

We will be using them in a display so please bring back to playgroup after half term.

Home learning session

Wednesday 6th November 2019 from 10.45am

 Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session

 All parents, carers and children invited. (If your child doesn't usually attend on Wednesdays, you are still welcome to come along at 10.45.)

Please arrive promptly at 10.45 as we cannot spare a member of staff to wait on the door for too long.

Come and meet the other parents and find out about how to support your child’s learning at home.

There will be different activities to try with your child and lots of ideas to take home.

Please sign up at playgroup.


Playgroup is closed for the week beginning 28th October 2019 for Half term.

Playgroup Update 14/10/2019

Focus Story

“Shark in the Park on a Windy Day” by Nick Sharratt

This story has lots of rhyming words and some detailed illustrations to encourage talking and using a wider vocabulary.

Focus Song

“Baby Shark

Love it or hate it, we use this song to practise finger, hand and arm movements and build up muscles for markmaking.

Autumn Walk Thursday 17th October at 1.30 pm

Thank you to all the helpers who have signed up to come with us on the walk. Please make sure children are dressed appropriately for the weather. Every child needs something to collect leaves, sticks, conkers etc in – a small seaside bucket is a good idea.

If you are out and about this weekend, help your child to collect leaves, acorns, conkers and bring to playgroup to put in the Autumn basket.

Helpers Wanted – Parents or Grandparents

Do you have a free morning now and then to come and help us cook and bake with groups of children? You don’t have to be a great baker but would be prepared to lend a hand. Please email or speak to Debbie for more information.


Playgroup closes for the Half Term break the week beginning Monday 28th October


The heating system in the Methodist Centre is waiting for some quite major repairs which will be undertaken as soon as possible. In the meantime, we will be using portable heaters to warm the rooms before children arrive and we ask that children wear warm clothing, with layers that can be taken off and put on if necessary.


Fruit or vegetables for snack time

Paper for drawing

Rolls of sticky tape


Playgroup Update 7/10/2019

Focus Story

“We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”

Watch it here.

We’ll be listening to this song and acting out Going on a Bear Hunt.

The weather is turning colder and wetter so make sure your child has a warm, waterproof coat that won't spoil with messy play, wellies, a hat and mittens (no gloves please!) because we do play outdoors all through the winter.

Inside the building can vary in temperature too so please send your child with a cardigan or fleece they can put on or take off as they wish. Please name children’s coats, bags and wellies to prevent confusion with children having same coats, bags and wellies.

Dates for Your Diary

Autumn Walk

Thursday 17th October at 1.30 p.m.

We will be walking to Chapel Allerton Park, looking for signs of Autumn and collecting leaves and conkers on the way. We need lots of helpers to come with us.

You are welcome to join us on the walk even if your child does not usually attend Playgroup on that day.

You will need to come into Playgroup at 1.30, we will leave at 1.40 and we will return to Playgroup for 2.50 p.m.. You can go home from the park if you wish – just let us know.

Please sign up on the list at playgroup, so we know how many helpers we have.


Playgroup fees must be paid by Monday 21st October. You will have received an invoice by email. Any problems, please speak to Debbie.

Playgroup Update 30/9/2019

Focus Story

“Little Red Hen Makes Pizza”.

Watch the story being read here.

We’ll be making more pizza! Maybe your child could make pizza at home with you. Put some photos on Tapestry.

We are having a playgroup focus for the next few weeks on developing children’s prewriting skills, around building up shoulder and arm strength. To be able to draw and write successfully a child needs to develop the muscles in their shoulders, arms and hands. You can help at home by providing the following toys and opportunities:

Throwing beanbags, balls

Using ribbon sticks to make patterns in the air

Painting with water on walls outside

Hanging by the arms from branches and climbing frames

Pegging out the washing

Sweeping and mopping

Hanging balls or balloons from the washing line and trying to bat them with a cardboard tube.

Dates for Your Diary

Autumn Walk

Thursday 17th October at 1.30 p.m.

We will be walking to Chapel Allerton Park, looking for signs of Autumn and collecting leaves and conkers on the way. We need lots of helpers to come with us.

You are welcome to join us on the walk even if your child does not usually attend Playgroup on that day.

You will need to come into Playgroup at 1.30, we will leave at 1.40 and we will return to Playgroup for 2.50 p.m.. You can go home from the park if you wish – just let us know.

Coffee Morning and Home Learning Sessions

Wednesday 6th November at 10.45am

  All parents, carers and children invited. (If your child doesn't usually attend on Wednesdays, you are still welcome to come along with them at 10.45)

Please arrive promptly at 10.45 as we cannot spare a member of staff to wait on the door for too long.

Come and meet the other parents and find out about how to support your child’s learning at home.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 11th December at 10.45

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

More information nearer the time.

School admissions September 2020

Primary schools are holding Open Mornings soon for parents of children starting school next September 2020. Check on school websites


Hand wipes



Kitchen roll


Cream crackers

Fruit and vegetables for snack



Playgroup Update 23rd September 2019

Focus Story

“Pizza for Pirates” by Adam and Charlotte Guillain

Watch the story here

We will be learning the Makaton sign for pirate and for pizza.

Focus Song

“The Pirate Song”

We will be making pizzas too!

Golden Rules

We will be talking to children about Playgroup Golden Rules and why these rules are important so that Playgroup is a happy, safe and welcoming place for everyone.

Our Golden Rules are:

  • We all help to tidy up.
  • We help each other.
  • We share and take turns.
  • We listen to each other.
  • We look after the books and toys at playgroup

From 1 July 2015 the Prevent Duty became law. This is a duty on all schools and registered early years providers to have due regard to preventing people being drawn into terrorism. In order to protect children in our care, we must be alert to any reason for concern in the child’s life at home or elsewhere. This includes awareness of the expression of extremist view.

British values are a set of four values introduced to help keep children safe and promote their welfare – as is the duty of all providers following the EYFS to counter extremism. 

The fundamental British values are:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths.

The promotion of British values is firmly embedded in the work that we do and the Golden Rules are an example of part of it.

 We will be watching out for children who show they know these rules and recognising this by asking them to choose a special marble from the box to put into the marble jar. We will be working towards children giving marbles to each other, to the adults and the adults giving them to each other. Unlike other reward systems, there will not be any particular reward for filling the marble jar but at the end of the day, we will be talking to the children about what they have done to help fill the jar.

Maybe you could recognise some of these positive behaviours at home by telling us about them and taking your child to put a marble in our jar.

Playgroup Fees

Invoices have been sent out by email to all parents who pay fees. Please check your Junk folder if you haven’t received it.


Fruit or vegetables for snack

Big newspapers


Playgroup Update 16th September 2019

Focus Story

“Owl Babies” by Martin Waddell

Watch the story here

We will be learning the Makaton signs for Owl and Mummy. Check them out on the Makaton display near the outside door at playgroup.


Fruit to share at snack time


Big newspapers

Items for use in collage – wrapping paper, ribbons, buttons, old birthday cards.

Children’s comics

Clean yoghurt pots

Playgroup Update 9/9/2019

Dear Parents and Carers

We are really pleased with the way the start of this new year at Playgroup is going. Our returning children have been very kind and considerate to the new children, showing them the routines and helping to settle them in. The new children are settling well, bearing in mind that for some of them, this will be their first experience of being away from mum or dad, and getting to know all the staff, and their Key Person especially.

Playgroup finishing times are 12.00 and 3.00 but we will be opening the doors between 5 and 10 minutes earlier to allow you to choose a Borrow a Book or Activity Pack with your child and to give you more time to speak to staff. 

Home Learning Packs

 You can borrow them for a week and then please return them for someone else to borrow. We have invested a lot of time and money in these packs so please take care of them. But we do know that accidents happen so if anything goes missing or gets damaged, just let us know. Don’t be put off from borrowing them.

All we ask is that you give feedback on your child’s Tapestry Learning Journal by adding a photo of them enjoying the pack.

Don’t forget we also have lots of books to borrow too.

Playgroup staff meet every Tuesday after playgroup to plan for the children's learning and development and we intend to share these plans with you each week


Focus 1  Learning our friends' names.

You can support this by asking your child about their day and the children they played with. Maybe say hello to someone when you are waiting outside and ask their name.

Focus 2  Embedding routines at Playgroup, e.g. snack time, lunch time, toilet time, tidying up

Focus Song “Hello Hello How Are You?”

Watch it here

Makaton Signs of the Week are Hello and Goodbye. Look out for the display which tells you how to sign these and please do it with your child.


Don’t forget to bring something for the fruit monster to share at snack time. The fruit monster also likes vegetables, so you could bring a cucumber, carrots, pepper, small tomatoes.


Town Street Playgroup Update 2nd September 2019

Playgroup re-opens after the summer holidays on TUESDAY 3rd SEPTEMBER

Staff will be in playgroup on Monday 2nd September preparing for the new term.

We are looking forward to welcoming new children and their families to playgroup, returning children ready for their preschool year, and some children who have had siblings at playgroup in the past.

Well Done to Sarah!

 Sarah has now completed a Level 3 Early Years Educator qualification. Her commitment to achieving this, studying whilst working at playgroup and looking after her daughter is credit to her. Thank you to all the staff and parents who have supported her along the way.

Date for Your Diary

Half Term

Playgroup closed for the week beginning Monday 28th October 2019

Christmas Holidays

Playgroup is closed from the week beginning 16th December 2019 and re-opens Monday 6th January 2019.

PLEASE NOTE We close earlier than the schools because early years funding is only for 14 weeks in the Autumn term.

Half Term

Playgroup closed for the week beginning Monday 17th February 2020

Easter Holidays

Playgroup closed for 2 weeks beginning Monday 6th April and re-opens on Monday 20th April 2020.


Donations Please

We know that many parents mistakenly think that the ‘funding’ we receive from the government for each child’s playgroup space is whatever we charge for a session.  Sadly this is not true.  The government decides on a funding rate to give to us and we have to accept it whether or not it covers our costs.  Parents have been told they are receiving a ‘free’ space but this is untrue and very unfair.  Our Local Authority currently pay us £4.30 per hour for each funded child but the cost for providing an hour at playgroup this year is £5.50.  What is even more worrying is that the Government has frozen their funding rate until 2020.  We are pleased to be able to support working parents and offer the 30 hours of funding as well as the universal 15 hours for all other funded children however it comes at a cost to us and may well impact on our sustainability and the quality of service we provide for you and your children.

So we welcome any donations of fruit and vegetables, breadsticks for snack, hand wipes, tissues, kitchen roll, sticky tape, glue sticks, paper of all sizes and colours, newspapers, old birthday cards, wrapping paper, junk for modelling, plain flour, salt to make playdough, good quality felt pens.

Tapestry Learning Journals

New parents will have received an email from Tapestry about how to set up your account. Check your Junk Mail folder. Please make sure you have completed the About Me for your child before their first day as it will help your child’s key person know something about them from the start.

If you are an existing parent with a new child starting,  the account you had with their older sibling will still be there for the new child.

The following webpage explains how to use Tapestry through the browser on a computer

Information sheets on how to use Tapestry on a tablet or phone are available on the playgroup website

If you are a returning parent, don’t forget to use your child’s Tapestry Journal to tell us what they have been up to during the summer, including any recent achievements.

Parent Information Pack

If you are a returning parent, please make sure you have read the new information on the playgroup website or in the Parent Handbook. There have been a few changes to policies and procedures at playgroup for September.

Bringing things from Home

We discourage children from bringing toys from home into Playgroup. If your child has a comforter object/toy which they might need as they are settling in, please discuss this with their key person. We cannot take responsibility for any such object/toy.


We celebrate children’s and staff’s birthdays by lighting candles, singing and signing “Happy Birthday”.

In line with our Healthy Child Policy, we ask that parents no longer send sweets or chocolates at birthday times, but you can send some extra fruit.



Playgroup Update 15/7/2019

Here we are at the last week of this playgroup year. We would like to thank all our parents for their valued support over the past year, particularly those who have attended events, and given or lent resources

We feel very privileged to have been part of your child’s life. We always feel sad to say goodbye at this time of year but know that our children and families are moving on to the next stage. We look forward to welcoming some of you back in September and hope you all have a great summer.

Focus Story

“What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday” by Julia Donaldson

Listen to the story here

Focus Song

“We’re all Going on a Summer Holiday”

Listen to the song here


Parent Questionnaires

Thank you to everyone who has returned their questionnaire. We really value your feedback and suggestions. There is still time to complete and return one.

Borrow a Book

Please return any books, games or activity packs you have borrowed so we can get them ready for next year.

Please take your child’s bag home with them on their last day at playgroup.

Returning Children

You will be sent an updated Parent Information Pack by email during the holidays..

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

Wednesday 17th July. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. You can meet at playgroup and walk to the park or meet us there.

All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on.

If you cannot come with your child, please send them with a packed lunch.

If the weather is wet, we will hold the picnic in the Upstairs Hall but may change the time.

Please reply to this email so we know who is coming, with or without an adult, so we know how many ice lollies to buy!

Friday 19th July

Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer holidays

 NOTE We close before schools as our funding is only until Friday 19th July.


Monday 2nd September 2019

Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 3rd September 2019

Playgroup opens for Autumn 

Playgroup Update 8/7/2019

This week we will be planning some activities and stories about the seaside and holidays.

30 hours funding for childcare

More information here and how to apply.

If you are continuing to claim 30 hours funding for September, please make sure you have validated your claim.

Thank you to all the helpers who came to Temple Newsam Farm. We had a great day!

Home Learning Packs

Please return any books, games or activity packs you have borrowed so we can get them ready for next year.

Parent Questionnaire

We will be giving everyone a questionnaire about playgroup to complete. We very much welcome your feedback on all aspects of playgroup so please take one and return it. Your suggestions and opinions will be used in our setting development plan for next year.

We will be talking to the children too to find out from them what it is like to be a child at Town Street Playgroup and what we could do better.


Playgroup fees from September 2019 will be £16.50 per 3 hour session. Our costs are increasing, e.g. rent, wages, but the FEEE funding has not been increased at all and remains considerably less than our costs.

Please collect and pay for your Leaver’s Photo if you haven’t done so already.

We are offering a limited number of childcare places for children who are going to school in September but who might need care until they start. Please speak to Debbie for more information.

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

We will be holding these two events at the same time on Wednesday 17thJuly. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. You can meet at playgroup and walk to the park or meet us there. All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on. If you cannot come with your child, please send them with a packed lunch. If the weather is wet, we will hold the picnic in the Upstairs Hall but may change the time.

 Please sign up so we know how many people will be coming.

Friday 19th July

Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer holidays

Monday 2nd September 2019      Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 3rd September 2019       Playgroup opens for Autumn Term

Playgroup Update 1/7/2019

Focus Story

“What the Ladybird Heard” by Julia Donaldson

Read the book here

Focus Song

“Old McDonald Had a Farm”

Listen to the song here

This week we will be planning some activities and sharing some stories and songs about farms and farm animals, as we prepare to visit Temple Newsam Farm on Thursday 4th July.

Please make sure you have read the email with information about the visit and have returned the permission letter.

Playgroup Fees

Please make sure any outstanding fees are paid by Monday 15th July.

Playgroup Update 24/6/2019

Focus Story

“Open Very Carefully” by Nicola O’Byrne

Read the book here.

Focus Song

“5 Little Monkeys”

Watch it here

We are going to be designing and making Stick Puppets and using them to make up and re-tell stories.

Temple Newsam Trip

 Thursday 4th July

Please make sure you have paid £8.00 and returned the completed permission letter, which will be given out this week. Information about the trip will be sent to all parents by email.



Paper for writing





Sticky tape/masking tape

Home Learning Activity Bags

We will be collecting in all the activity packs and books after next week so we can check them all. Please return any you have and any items that might have got separated from a pack. We are missing some animals from “Dear Zoo” pack and a book from the “Physical Activity” pack.

Playgroup Update 17/6/2019

Focus Story

“Mr Big” by Ed Vere

Listen to it here

Focus Song

“Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed”

Watch it here

Temple Newsam Trip

Please pay £8.00 as soon as possible, in a sealed named envelope.

Thank you to all the people who have offered to be helpers.


Hand wipes


Fruit to share at snack time

Paper for drawing

Playgroup Update 10/6/2019

Focus Story

“The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson

Watch it here

Focus Song

“The Gruffalo Song”

Watch it here

We will be making bread this week and doing some “fizzy” experiments.

If you have any out of date baking powder, Bicarbonate of Soda or vinegar at the back of your cupboard, we will be glad to use it up!

Friend of Gledhow Valley Woods Funday

Saturday 15th June 1.30 Allerton Grange Way.

Come and meet the animals from Sam’s Safaris, who visited us at playgroup last year, listen to live music and join in with lots of activities for all the family.

If you have any donations of good quality prizes for their tombola stall, please bring them in as soon as possible.




Paper for markmaking

Big newspapers

Sticky tape





Playgroup Update 3/6/2019

Focus Story

“The Giant Jam Sandwich”

Watch the story here

We will be making our own bread and making sandwiches for snack this week.

Leavers’ Photo

We are now taking orders for the Leavers Photo, which is available to be viewed at playgroup.  I will place one group order so please sign up on the master order sheet, detailing which photo you want to order. I will collect payment when the photos arrive.

Dates for Your Diary

Thursday 4th July Temple Newsam trip

We have arranged a coach outing to Temple Newsam Farm on Thursday 4thJuly.

We will be leaving from Playgroup at 9.45 a.m. and returning from Temple Newsam at 1.45 p.m. – back at Playgroup some time around 2.15 p.m.

Children who are booked in for the afternoon session on Thursdays can remain at Playgroup until the usual picking up time of 3.00 p.m. if necessary.

We plan to visit the farm, have a picnic lunch and then enjoy the outdoor space. (We will not be going to the playground).

We have only been able to book a 57 seat bus from Tetleys so will be able to take 37 children and 14 helpers plus staff.

Places will be allocated first to children who attend playgroup on Thursdays and then to preschool children who do not usually attend on Thursdays. Any spare places after that will be allocated on a first come first served basis. We do not want to exclude anyone who really wants to come so if your child does not get a place on the coach this year, you are invited to make your own way to Temple Newsam and enjoy the day with us.

We will have to make a charge of £8.00 per child to cover the cost of hiring the coach. Entry into the farm is free.

We cannot run this trip without parent helpers – they must be able to travel on the coach there and back, and be responsible for two children while we are there, and make a firm commitment to helping on that day.

Please reply to this email if you wish your child to come on the trip and if you are able to come with us.

Please send £8.00 cash in a sealed envelope with your child’s name clearly marked on it.

Once we know which children and adults will be coming, we will send out a letter with details of permission, risk assessment and what children need on the day.

Wednesday 17th July

 Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

Playgroup closes after Friday 19th July 2019 for summer break.



Hand wipes

Fruit for snack


Paper for drawing, any size or colour

Rolls of sticky tape

Paper plates



Playgroup Update 20th May 2019

Focus Story

“The Little Red Hen”

Listen to the story here:

Spring Walk

Thank you to everyone who came on the Spring Walk to Gledhow Valley Woods and helped make it a lovely trip out.

We are supporting the Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods who maintain the woods by collecting tombola prizes for their Fun Day on Saturday 15th June. If you have any good quality items that could be prizes, we’d be pleased to pass them on for the Funday.

Home Learning Activity Packs

Please return any packs your child has finished with so other children can enjoy them, and then choose a new one.

Start of the Day

As our older children are preparing for school, we ask parents to try and drop children off between 9.00 and 9.15 am where possible and to say goodbye as soon they are settled. All staff will then be available to work with the children as soon as possible.


Thursday 23rd May Playgroup closed European Elections

Playgroup closed for week beginning Monday 27th May - Half Term

Wednesday 17th July Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

Playgroup closes after Friday 19th July 2019 for summer break.

30 Hours Childcare Funding

Information about the 30 hours childcare funding here:

if you are continuing to claim for the Autumn term or starting a claim for then, please make sure you look at this website for information and act accordingly.


Hand wipes

Fruit for snack


Paper for drawing, any size or colour

Rolls of sticky tape

Paper plates



Playgroup Update 13/5/2019

Focus Story

“Caterpillar and Bean” by Martin Jenkins

A caterpillar hatches from a tiny white egg and munches through the leaves of its bean plant home. It gets bigger and bigger – but what will it turn into next?

We will be revisiting “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle on the 50th Anniversary of its publication.

Watch this lovely animation of the story here.

We are keeping a close eye on the caterpillars at playgroup and expect them to form cocoons soon.

We are changing the Home Corner into a Baker’s Shop and Café so if you have anything we could use for this role play, please bring them in: e.g. cardboard cake stands, spare baking tins and baking equipment.

Tuesday 14th May Spring walk to Gledhow Valley Woods.

 We will be going to Gledhow Valley Woods and will be exploring the trees, bushes and looking for minibeasts.

Children who do not usually attend on that day are welcome to come with us, either meeting at playgroup and walking there or meeting us in Gledhow Valley Woods at the junction with Gledhow Lane. We will leave Playgroup about half past nine and come back to playgroup for 11.45. Parents can go home from the woods with their children if they wish.

The walk back up the hill to playgroup can be quite challenging for some children. In the past, some parents have planned to drive to the woods, park on Gledhow Lane and then meet us for the walk in the woods only. Please let Debbie know if this is what you plan to do

 We will take some water and biscuits for a snack in the woods. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and in old clothes and wellies. Long trousers and long sleeves are also a good idea to protect against nettles and brambles

We will be bringing some magnifiers and pots for looking for minibeasts but if you have any at home, maybe you could bring them too.


Please send an email of any holiday dates when your child will be absent from playgroup.

All other absences should be reported with a phone call or a text please.

It is a safeguarding requirement that we monitor children's attendance.

Dates for Your Diary

Thursday 23rd May Playgroup Closed European Elections. This date has been confirmed and unfortunately, we do have to close on that day as we cannot use the Methodist Centre.

Playgroup closed for week beginning Monday 27th May - Half Term

Wednesday 17th July Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

Playgroup closes after Friday 19th July 2019 for summer break.


Hand wipes

Fruit for snack


Paper for drawing, any size or colour

Rolls of sticky tape

Paper plates

Playgroup Update 6th May 2019

Focus Story

“Jack and The Beanstalk”

Watch it here

Children will be bringing home a bean to grow. The bean will not be planted in soil but in a plastic cup with a paper towel. They need to keep it damp and watch as it begins to grow. Talk about what they see happening.


Playgroup closed Monday 6th May Bank Holiday

Playgroup closed Thursday 23rd May European Elections

Staff Training

All staff have been updating Safeguarding Training

Tuesday 14th May Spring walk to Gledhow Valley Woods.

 We will be going to Gledhow Valley Woods and will be exploring the trees, bushes and looking for minibeasts.

Children who do not usually attend on that day are welcome to come with us, either meeting at playgroup and walking there or meeting us in Gledhow Valley Woods at the junction with Gledhow Lane. We will leave Playgroup about half past nine and come back to playgroup for 11.45. Parents can go home from the woods with their children if they wish.

The walk back up the hill to playgroup can be quite challenging for some children. In the past, some parents have planned to drive to the woods, park on Gledhow Lane and then meet us for the walk in the woods only. Please let Debbie know if this is what you plan to do

 We will take some water and biscuits for a snack in the woods. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and in old clothes and wellies

 Please sign up on the list at playgroup. Without parents/helpers to come with us, we can’t go.

September Places

We have limited availability for September places at playgroup. Please share this with anyone you know who might be interested in a place. Ask them to contact Debbie.


Fruit for snack


Paper for drawing


Kitchen roll

Playgroup Update 29th April 2019

Our focus for the next few weeks is on Growing and Changing. We will be watching what happens to the tadpoles in the tank, the tiny caterpillars and the sunflower seeds we planted. Ask your child to show you the tadpoles and caterpillars at playgroup and tell you what they have learnt about them.

Remind your child to take care of the sunflower seeds they planted and to watch them as they grow.

Focus Story

“Tadpole’s Promise”

"Where the willow meets the water, a tadpole met a caterpillar. They gazed into each other's tiny eyes and fell in love. 'Promise me that you will never change', the caterpillar says."

 “Growing Frogs”

Watch it here:

Focus Song

“Five Little Speckled Frogs”

Leavers’ Photo

This Monday 29th April






Fruit for snack



Paper for markmaking

Herb and Flower plants to plant in the playgroup outdoor area.

Playgroup Update 22/4/2019

Focus Story

“How to Grow a Dinosaur”

Read the story here

We will be planting some sunflower seeds and watching them grow at playgroup and bringing a pot to look after at home

Easter Fun Session

Thank you to everyone who came to the Easter Fun Session last week. Any feedback/comments would be gratefully received. Please add any photos to Tapestry of the cress your child has grown.

Monday 29th April 9.30 am

The photographer will be coming on Monday 29th April to take a group photograph of the children leaving to go to school, with Playgroup staff. You will be able to order a copy but there is no obligation.

You must sign up at playgroup to give permission for your child to have their photo taken and for other parents to own a copy of a photo with your child in it.

It would be great if all leavers could come in to be in the photo, even if they don’t usually attend playgroup on that day.

Tuesday 14th May Spring walk to Gledhow Valley Woods.

 We will be going to Gledhow Valley Woods and will be exploring the trees, bushes and looking for minibeasts.

Children who do not usually attend on that day are welcome to come with us, either meeting at playgroup and walking there or meeting us in Gledhow Valley Woods at the junction with Gledhow Lane. We will leave Playgroup about half past nine and come back to playgroup for 11.45. Parents can go home from the woods with their children if they wish.

The walk back up the hill to playgroup can be quite challenging for some children. In the past, some parents have planned to drive to the woods, park on Gledhow Lane and then meet us for the walk in the woods only. Please let Debbie know if this is what you plan to do

 We will take some water and biscuits for a snack in the woods. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and in old clothes and wellies

 Please sign up on the list at playgroup. Without parents/helpers to come with us, we can’t go.





We are still waiting for final confirmation of whether we need to close for European Elections on 23rd May.

End of Year Picnic and Leavers’ ceremony

17th July 2019

More details nearer the time.


Hand wipes



Fruit for snack time

AA batteries for the remote control toys





Playgroup Update 15/04/2019

Playgroup opens on Monday 15th April for the summer term

Focus Story

“Hop Little Bunnies”

Focus Song

“Sleeping Little Bunnies”

Listen to the song here

Focus Activity

We will be doing activities around Easter, e.g. egg hunt outside, printing patterns on egg shapes, counting chicks and putting in numbered eggs.

Have you Completed the Easter Challenge?

Help your child be a Minibeast Detective and look for minibeasts in the garden and when you are out and about. Let your child take a photo of what they find and upload it to their Learning Journal. This information sheet from the Woodland Trust will give you some ideas.

Easter Fun Home Learning Session

Thursday 18th April from 1.15 – 2.45 pm for all children and families.

 We are holding it in an afternoon as a response to parents asking that we offer these sessions on different days at different times.

There will be a charge of £5 per family to cover the extra costs that will be involved, e.g.  craft, cooking. This charge applies to children who attend playgroup on Thursdays afternoon too.

Please sign up this week and pay £5.00.

Outdoor Area

We are hoping to spend as much time in the outdoor area as possible this term. Please make sure your child has a coat, fleece or cardigan with them each day because the outdoor area is in shade all morning and is always colder than it seems


Fruit to share at snack time

Big newspapers

Hand wipes


Paper for drawing/markmaking

Envelopes – different sizes and colours

School places

Parents with children going to school this September will be informed of school places on April 15th.  Please tell Debbie which school your child has been allocated.

Dates for your Diary

Playgroup re-opens on Monday 15th April 2019.

Playgroup closed Good Friday 19th April and Easter Monday 22nd April 2019

Playgroup closed Thursday 2nd May 2019 - Methodist Centre used for voting in local elections

Playgroup closed Monday 6th May 2019 - Bank Holiday

Playgroup closed for week beginning Monday 27th May - Half Term

Playgroup closes after Friday 19th July 2019 for summer break

European Elections

We have been informed by the Council that we will have to close playgroup on Thursday 23rd May if European elections go ahead as the Methodist Centre will be used as a polling station. We will let parents know as soon as possible.

Leavers’ Photograph

 The photographer will be coming on Monday 29th April at 9.15 am to take a group photograph of the children leaving to go to school, with Playgroup staff. You will be able to order a copy but there is no obligation.

You must sign up at playgroup to give permission for your child to have their photograph taken and for other parents to own a copy of a photo with your child in it.

It would be great if all leavers could be in the photo, even if they do not usually attend playgroup on that day.


Playgroup Update 25/3/2019

Focus Story

We will be sharing stories about Mums.

 “Monkey Puzzle” – a story about a monkey looking for its mum

“The Mommy Book” - The Mommy Book celebrates all different kinds of mums and highlights the many reasons they are so special.

Watch the stories being read here

Focus Song

“I Love Mummy” – a special song for Mothers’ Day

We will be drawing pictures of our mums and talking about why they are special.

Easter Home Learning Session

Thursday 18th April from 1.15 – 2.45 pm for all children and families.

 We are holding it in an afternoon as a response to parents asking that we offer these sessions on different days at different times.

There will be a charge of £5 per family to cover the extra costs that will be involved, e.g.  craft, cooking.

Please sign up this week and pay £5.00.

Easter Challenge

Help your child be a Minibeast Detective and look for minibeasts in the garden and when you are out and about. Let your child take a photo of what they find and upload it to their Learning Journal. This information sheet from the Woodland Trust will give you some ideas.


Fruit for snack

Hand wipes

Kitchen roll


Paper for markmaking

Playgroup Update 18/3/2019

Focus Story

“Along Came a Different” by Tom McLaughlin

Reds love being red. Yellows love being yellow. And Blues love being blue. The problem is that they just don't like each other. But one day, along comes a different colour who likes Reds, Yellows and Blues, and suddenly everything starts to change.

Focus Song

“Shapes Freeze Dance Song”

Watch it here

“Colours Freeze Dance Song”

Watch it here

We will be doing lots of activities about shapes and colours.

Easter Home Learning Session

We are planning an Easter Home Learning Session on Thursday 18th April from 1.15 – 2.45pm for all children and families. We are holding it in an afternoon as a response to parents asking that we offer these sessions on different days at different times.

There will be a charge of £5 per family to cover the extra costs that will be involved, e.g.  craft, cooking and you must sign up for the event please.


Fruit for snack

Hand wipes

Kitchen roll


Paper for markmaking

Playgroup Update 11/3/2019

Focus Story

“This is Our House” by Michael Rosen.

George says the cardboard house is his and no one else can play in it!

Watch the story here


All photo orders need to be back by next Thursday please.

 If you order online, you must do so within this time too to get free postage, and Playgroup will receive the commission on your order. Otherwise, you will have to pay for separate delivery and we won’t get commission.

 Our Leavers’ photo will be on Thursday 23rd May. More details soon.


September Places

Thank you to everyone who has confirmed their requests for September 2019  places at Town Street Playgroup. If you have not done so yet, please let me know as soon as possible, even if you are not entirely sure what sessions you want. I will soon be allocating places from the waiting list, so need to know what is available.




Kitchen roll

Big newspapers


Paper for drawing

Fruit for snacktime

Playgroup Update 4/3/2019

World Book Day

It is World Book Day on Thursday 7th March and we will be reading lots of our favourite stories this week.

All children will receive a World Book Day token which you can take to your local bookseller and swap for one of the exclusive, new and completely FREE World Book Day books, or you can use it to get £1 off any full price book instead.

The Little Bookshop and Armadillo in Chapel Allerton will accept these tokens so why not support a local shop.

Home Learning Activity Packs

Helen P. has been reviewing all the activity packs and putting together some new ones. If you have had a pack for a while, why not bring it back and swap for another. We have lost track of some items from the packs so if you have them at home, please return them so we can reunite them. Also, do you have the Physical Activity Pack at home to return?

Half Term Challenge

What a fantastic response from parents and children to the Half Term Challenge to make a picture or model of your house! We couldn’t keep all the models so we have photographed them and included them in the display in the middle room. Make sure you have a look at all the amazing work!


Thursday 7th March 2019 from 9.15 a.m.


Fruit for snacktime



Kitchen roll

Paper for markmaking

Old mobile phones

Playgroup Update 25/2/2019

Focus Story

“The Great Pet Sale” by Mick Inkpen

In the Great Pet Sale everything is a bargain, even a little rat with half his whiskers missing. The koalas are nine pence a pair, and a box of assorted brown things is only 20 pence. The rat with half his whiskers missing thinks that he is the best bargain - but what is behind that door?

Focus Song

“Do You Have a Pet?”

Listen to the song here:



Thursday 7th March from 9.15 a.m.

The photographer will be at Playgroup to take individual photographs of children or in family groups with brothers and sisters.

Children who do not usually attend playgroup on that day can come in with a parent to have their photograph taken.

There is no obligation to purchase but the photographs are always of an excellent quality and playgroup receives commission on sales.

You must sign the list at playgroup if you wish your child to have their photograph taken.


Playgroup will be closed on Thursday 2nd May. The building will be used as a polling station for Council elections so we cannot open.

Have you and your child completed the Half Term Challenge?

The challenge has two parts:

Part 1

Work with your child to make a picture or model of their house. They could use paint, felt tips, crayons, collage, junk modelling. We want it to be their work. Look at the front of their house with them and talk to them about what they see and the number of their house. Take a photo of them making it and add it to Tapestry.

We will be using them in a display so please bring back to playgroup after half term.

Part 2

Teach your child their address so that in an emergency they can tell the emergency services where they live.



Fruit for snack


Big newspapers

Paper for drawing and markmaking.

Old mobile phones for pretend play.


Playgroup Update 11th February 2019

Focus Story

“The Three Little Pigs”

Listen to the story here

Half Term

Playgroup is closed from the week beginning Monday 18th February for half term.

Half Term Challenge

The challenge has two parts:

Part 1

Work with your child to make a picture or model of their house. They could use paint, felt tips, crayons, collage, junk modelling. We want it to be their work. Look at the front of their house with them and talk to them about what they see. Take a photo of them making it and add it to Tapestry.

We will be using them in a display so please bring back to playgroup after half term.

Part 2

Teach your child their address so that in an emergency they can tell the emergency services where they live.


Thursday 7th March from 9.15 a.m.

The photographer will be at Playgroup to take individual photographs of children or in family groups with brothers and sisters.

Children who do not usually attend playgroup on that day can come in with a parent to have their photograph taken.

There is no obligation to purchase but the photographs are always of an excellent quality and playgroup receives commission on sales.

Playgroup Update 4th February 2019

To celebrate Chinese New Year, we will be reading the story about the animal race and how the Zodiac years were named by the Jade Emperor.

 Watch it here:

We will be listening to a Chinese New Year Song

Listen to it here:

Watch CBeebies with your child to find out how Chinese New year is celebrated around the world.

Children will have chance to make a Lucky Red Envelope and eat some noodles with chopsticks.

Half Term

Playgroup is closed from the week beginning Monday 18th February for half term.

Playgroup Fees

All outstanding fees must be paid by Monday 11th February please.


Fruit for snack

Paper for markmaking



Playgroup Update 28th January 2019

Focus Story

“Wonky Donkey” by Craig Smith

Watch the story being read here

Our Kindness Tree

We have been talking with all the children about kindness and what being kind to someone means. Some children have helped make a Kindness Tree at playgroup and we will be using this to celebrate when we see children being kind to each other, unprompted.




Fruit for snack

Big Cardboard boxes

Big newspapers

Chunky necklaces, strings of beads, bracelets for role play

Collage materials

Scrap paper for drawing painting


Playgroup Update 21st January 2019

The focus starting this week will be on Being Kind. Talk to your child about what “being kind” might mean.

Focus Story

“The Smartest Giant” by Julia Donaldson

Watch the story being read here

Focus Song

“Being Kind to Each Other”

Watch it here

We are going to have a Tree of Kindness at playgroup. More information about that next week.

Focus Children

Is your child a focus child this coming week? You will have had a message from Tapestry telling you and asking you to contribute information for us to use in supporting their learning and development. Please make time to do this as we really value your input


Please bring some fruit to share at snack time. Maybe you could bring a pack of grapes, a melon or strawberries once every few weeks to increase the variety of snack we can offer children.



Paper for markmaking

Key Person Groups

Louise has worked hard to make a new display about Key Person groups with children's photos on a "bus" driven by their key person. Help your child to see whose bus they are on.

We have used the photos you brought from home to make a "My Friends at Playgroup" book which children can look at together.

Playgroup Update 14/1/2019

Focus Story

“Superworm” by Julia Donaldson

Listen to the story here

Focus Song

“Five Little Worms on the Garden Lawn”

Listen to the song here


Please bring some fruit to share at snack time. Maybe you could bring a pack of grapes, a melon or strawberries once every few weeks to increase the variety of snack we can offer children.



Paper for markmaking


The date of the photographer’s visit has been changed to THURSDAY 7TH MARCH


If you are claiming the 15 hours or 30 hours funding for the first time, you will need to complete a form this week at playgroup. If you have changed your address or have increased the number of hours you are claiming this term, you need to complete a new form too.

If you are claiming the 30 hours funding, you need to bring details of your National Insurance number and the 30 hours validation code you were given when you completed your claim.

If you are sharing your claim with another setting or childminder, you need to have their details and what they are claiming too when you complete the form at playgroup.



Playgroup Update 7th January 2019

Welcome back to you all as we start this new term, and best wishes for a happy, peaceful and healthy 2019.

We are sure that the children will have enjoyed the Christmas holidays so please add photos of what your child has been doing to their Tapestry Learning Journal.

Focus Story

“Stickman” by Julia Donaldson

Watch the story here

Staff Training

All playgroup staff completed the statutory 12 hours Paediatric First Aid training during the Christmas break.

Following this training and new advice about preventing choking in children, we ask that all parents cut grapes, cherry tomatoes, olives and large blueberries into quarters before putting them into their child’s lunchbox. Carrots, cucumber and sausages should be cut into thin stick shapes.

More information here

Moving to School in September 2019

If your child is due to start school in September 2019, you should have made the application by 15th January 2019

Please let Debbie know what school your child is allocated to.


Make sure you restock your child’s bag with a change of clothes and anything else they might need. Please make sure their name is written on their bag.

Please make sure your child comes to playgroup with a warm coat, hat and gloves and change of clothes so they can play out in the Outdoor Area. Also the temperature inside playgroup is sometimes variable, so please make sure they have several layers to put on when inside.

Home Learning

Have you been encouraging your child to borrow one of our books or an activity pack to do with you at home? We have added some new packs and books.


Paper for drawing and painting on - if you have any contacts in businesses, they sometimes have spare paper they could donate.

Hand wipes


Fruit to share at snack time.

Dates for your Diary

Monday 18th February 2019 – Friday 22nd February 2019 Half Term Week – Playgroup closed

Thursday 14th March 2019 – the photographer will be visiting playgroup to take individual and family photographs. More information nearer the time.

Monday 1st April - Friday 13th April Easter holidays

Friday 19th April Good Friday and Monday 22nd April Easter Monday Playgroup closed.

Monday 6th May Playgroup closed May Day Bank Holiday

Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May  Half Term Week Playgroup closed.

The final date for the end of term has not yet been confirmed by Leeds City Council.

Playgroup Update Christmas 2018  

We will be planning activities and provision for the remaining week around Christmas. We will be setting up Santa's Workshop where children will be wrapping presents and writing labels. We will be writing Christmas cards for our friends and posting them in the playgroup post box. Children can bring cards from home for their friends and post them if they want. We will be doing lots of Christmas counting, and creative activities using glitter, glue and paint.

We will be reading lots of Christmas stories and singing lots of Christmas songs and finding out about The First Christmas.

The Christmas Elf has arrived at Playgroup. Remind your child to look out each morning to see what he’s been up to!

Visit to St Matthews School Wednesday 12th December

Thank you to the people who have said they can come with us.

Make sure you arrive promptly at 9.00 on Wednesday so we can set off in plenty of time.

Christmas Cards

All children have made a Christmas card to post to their families. Look out for the brightly coloured envelope, open the card with your child and maybe take a photo or video for Tapestry.

Christmas Party Wednesday 12th December

at 10.45 prompt.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having a visit from Santa Claus, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and lots of singing.

Not all parents have given permission for photos to be taken by other parents at the party so we ask that you do not take any photos. We will take photos with the playgroup camera and put them on children’s Tapestry journals.

Playgroup is closed for the three weeks beginning Monday 17th December and re-opens on Monday 7th January 2018.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our families

Love from Debbie, Helen P., Helen A., Kady, Sarah and Louise. xxx

Playgroup Update 3/12/2018

Focus story

We will be enjoying lots of favourite Christmas stories.

Read two of them here:

“Santa’s Beard”

“Dear Santa”

Focus Songs

We will be singing lots of Christmas songs too.

See two of them here:

“When Santa Got Stuck up the Chimney”

“Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”

We will be planning activities and provision for the remaining weeks around Christmas. We will be writing Christmas cards for our friends and posting them in the playgroup post box. Children can bring cards from home for their friends and post them if they want. We will be doing lots of Christmas counting, and creative activities using glitter, glue and paint.

We will be reading lots of Christmas stories and singing lots of Christmas songs.

The Christmas Elf has arrived at Playgroup. Remind your child to look out each morning to see what he’s been up to!

Christmas cards

All the children have made a special Christmas card to send to their family. It will be in a bright coloured envelope so please look out for it, open it with your child and maybe add a photo or video to Tapestry.

Have you brought a stamp or 56p so we can post it?

Visit to St Matthews School Wednesday 12th December

Thank you to the people who have said they can come with us

Make sure you arrive promptly at 9.00 on that Wednesday so we can set off in plenty of time.

Home Learning Challenge

Has your child made a decoration to hang on the Playgroup Christmas tree which will be up from Monday?  Please make sure their name is on it.


Christmas Party Wednesday 12th December

at 10.45 prompt.

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having a visit from Santa Claus, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and lots of singing.




Paper for writing and drawing

Old birthday cards

If you are having a clear out before Christmas, we would be happy to accept any donations of toys. If we can’t use them, they will be donated to St Georges Crypt Toy Appeal.

Any wrapping paper, decorations, ribbons please.


Playgroup is closed for three weeks from Monday 17th December and re-opens on Monday 7th January.

All staff will be in playgroup on Monday and Tuesday 17th and 18th December to complete Paediatric First Aid training.

30 Hours Childcare Funding

Please make sure you have re-validated your claim if you have been claiming this past term and will be continuing next term.

If you want to start a new claim for next term, you will find details here:

You must do this before 31st December 2018 to claim for the Spring Term.



Playgroup Update 26th November 2018

Focus Story

“We’re Going on an Elf Chase” - Four bunnies set off on a jolly Christmas lift-the-flap adventure to find ten little elves hidden under the flaps.

Focus Song

“Five Christmas Elves”

Watch it here.

Visit to St Matthews School Wednesday 12th December

Thank you to the people who have said they might be able to come with us. I need to confirm numbers with St. Matthews this coming week please email so I know for certain who is able to come.

Make sure you arrive promptly at 9.00 on that Wednesday so we can set off in plenty of time.

Home Learning Challenge

It would be great if all children could make a decoration to hang on the Playgroup Christmas tree which will be up from 3rd December.  Please make sure your child’s name is on it.

Christmas Cards

All children will be making a Christmas card to post to their families. We need all parents to bring a stamp (or 56p) into Playgroup for this.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 12th December at 10.45 prompt.

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having presents, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and lots of singing.

 A charge of £6.50 per child will go towards the costs, including a present. If you wish younger siblings to receive a present, please provide one that is wrapped and clearly named. Please confirm if you will be coming by signing up on the list at Playgroup and paying as soon as possible.


Any wrapping paper, decorations, ribbons please.


Playgroup closes for Christmas holidays for three weeks after 14th December2018.


Playgroup opens again Monday 7th January 2019.


All playgroup staff will be completing Paediatric First Aid training on Monday and Tuesday of the first week of the Christmas holidays. This is statutory training and has to be renewed every three years.

Playgroup Update 19/11/2018

We are focusing this week on Feelings and Emotions

Children begin developing emotional skills from birth. Emotional skills include being able to recognise, express, understand and manage a wide range of feelings. These skills are important for children’s developing ability to interact successfully with others and their physical world. Children who can understand and manage their feelings, stay calm and enjoy their experiences, are more likely to develop a positive sense of self and be confident and curious learners.

Focus Story

“In My Heart- A Book of Feelings”

Read the book here

We will be revisiting a favourite song

“Hello, Hello How Are You”

and doing the “Emotions Okey Cokey”

We will be looking at our faces and making self- portraits using paint, collage, charcoal and pastels.


 Pop up animal toy, with four different knobs which when pressed make a different animal pop up. Ours has broken so if you have one that your child no longer uses, we’d be glad to give it a new home.

Out of date dried goods such as pasta, lentils, beans, dried herbs to use in the outdoor kitchen. Please have a look at the back of your cupboards.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 12th December

Please confirm your attendance and pay £6.50 as soon as possible.

Playgroup Update 12/11/2018

Focus Story

“Ten Little Pirates.”

Watch the story being read here.

Focus Song

“When I was One.”

“If You Want to be a Pirate.”

Home Learning Session

Thank you to everyone who came to the Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session. If you have any comments or suggestions for future Home Learning Sessions, please let us know. If you weren’t able to attend, there are some information sheets available in the Home Learning folder – just ask Helen P.

It is great that so many of you are borrowing books and Home Learning Packs with your child. Please remember to return them when you have finished with them so someone else can borrow them.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 12th December at 10.45 prompt.

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having presents, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups, games) and singing.

 A charge of £6.50 per child will go towards the costs, including a present.

 Please confirm if you will be coming by signing up on the list at Playgroup and paying as soon as possible. Please put money in a named envelope and give to Debbie.

If it is not possible for an adult to come to the party and you do not want your child to be at the party without one, please do not send your child to playgroup on that day.

30 Hours Childcare Funding

Please make sure you have re-validated your claim if you have been claiming this past term and will be continuing next term.

If you want to start a new claim for next term, you will find details here:





Paper for writing and drawing

Old birthday cards

If you are having a clear out before Christmas, we would be happy to accept any donations of toys. If we can’t use them, they will be donated to St Georges Crypt Toy Appeal.


Playgroup Update 5th November 2018

Focus Story

“There’s a Spider In this Book”

There's a spider in this book. Are you brave enough to take a look?

Eric the spider can't understand why people scream and run away from him. He only wants to say hello. But Fluffy the cat wants to eat Eric, so he's hiding. 

Focus Song

“Five Fat Fireworks”

Listen to the song here.

Focus Activity

Revisiting experiences of fireworks and using lots of different media to make collages and pictures.

Using our bodies and voices to represent fireworks.

A BIG thank you to all parents who completed the Half Term Challenge with their children. There have been some great photos and unusual places to read a book!

Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session

Wednesday 7th November at 10.45am

 All parents, carers and children invited. (If your child doesn't usually attend on Wednesdays, you are still welcome to come along with them at 10.45)

Please arrive promptly at 10.45 as we cannot spare a member of staff to wait on the door for too long.

Come and meet the other parents and find out about how to support your child’s learning at home.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 12th December at 10.45

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

More information nearer the time.

School admissions September 2019

Primary schools are holding Open Mornings soon for parents of children starting school next September 2019. Check on school websites

Dates for Your Diary

Christmas Holidays

Playgroup is closed from the week beginning 17th December 2018 and re-opens Monday 7th January 2019.

PLEASE NOTE We close earlier than the schools because early years funding is only for 14 weeks.

Half Term

Playgroup closed for the week beginning Monday 18th February 2018

Easter Holidays

Playgroup closed for 2 weeks beginning Monday 1st April and re-opens on Monday 15thApril 2019.

Playgroup closed Good Friday 19th April and Easter Monday 22nd April 2019


Fruit to share at snacktime



Scrap paper


Playgroup Update 22nd October 2018

Focus Story

“Leaf Trouble”

A young squirrel panics when the leaves on his tree change colour and fall, but he feels better when his mother tells him about autumn.

Watch the story being read here

Focus Songs

“Autumn Leaves are Falling Down”

Words for the song are here

If you are out and about this weekend, please collect some leaves to bring to playgroup. We need lots of different size and shape leaves for leaf printing and collage next week and the ones we have already collected do seem to be drying out quickly.

Half term Challenge

Please take a photo of your child reading their favourite book in an unusual place. Put the photo on their Tapestry Journal

Home learning session

Wednesday 7th November 2018 from 11.00 am

 Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session

 All parents, carers and children invited. (If your child doesn't usually attend on Wednesdays, you are still welcome to come along at 11.00.)

Please arrive promptly at 11.00 as we cannot spare a member of staff to wait on the door for too long.

Come and meet the other parents and find out about how to support your child’s learning at home.

There will be different activities to try with your child and lots of ideas to take home.

Please sign up at playgroup.


Playgroup is closed for the week beginning 29th October 2018 for Half term.


Playgroup Update 15th October 2018

Focus Story

“Shark in the Park on a Windy Day” by Nick Sharratt

Read the story here

We love Nick Sharratt books at playgroup and you can go along to Leeds Central Library to immerse yourselves in Nick’s world! In this Arts council funded exhibition you can find out about his childhood and what inspired him to become an illustrator, and meet a host of characters that he has created throughout his career. Nick has written at least 40 children’s books, illustrated close to 250 more and his picture book collaborations have had combined sales of more than 9 million. He has worked with a number of other successful children’s authors including Jacqueline Wilson, Jeremy Strong and Julia Donaldson.

There are plenty of fun things to see and do in the exhibition, including a reading room where visitors can sit and enjoy a wealth of books that Nick has written and illustrated. It will run from 22 September to 25 November at Leeds Central Library and is FREE to attend! Bring the family and join the fun! Opening hours: Monday – Wednesday 9:00am – 7:00pm, Thursday 9:00am – 6:00pm, Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm, Saturday 10:00am – 5:00pm, and Sunday 11:00AM – 3:00PM.

Autumn Walk Thursday 18th October at 1.30 pm

Thank you to all the helpers who have signed up to come with us on the walk. Please make sure children are dressed appropriately for the weather. Every child needs something to collect leaves, sticks, conkers etc in – a small bucket is a good idea.


Playgroup closes for the Half Term break the week beginning Monday 29th October


Egg boxes (half dozen size) to make into Autumn treasure boxes. Every child needs one and any spares would be great.


This half term’s fees need to be paid by Friday 26th October.

Playgroup Update 8th October 2018

Focus Story

“The Gingerbread Man”

Watch a version of the story here

Focus Song

“Five Gingerbread Men”

Watch it here

Autumn Walk

Thursday 18th October at 1.30 p.m.

This is the first time we are having this walk in the afternoon.  Feedback from parent questionnaires asked for us to have events on different days and at different times so we hope you will support this.

We will be walking to Chapel Allerton Park, looking for signs of Autumn and collecting leaves and conkers on the way. We need lots of helpers to come with us.

You are welcome to join us on the walk even if your child does not usually attend Playgroup on that day.

You will need to come into Playgroup at 1.30, we will leave at 1.40 and we will return to Playgroup for 2.50 p.m.. You can go home from the park if you wish – just let us know.



Fruit for snack time

Boxes of tissues

Hand wipes

Paper for markmaking – any size and colour

Do you have any planters going spare that we could use to plant daffodils in for the outdoor area?

Herbs, flowers, leaves to use in the mud kitchen next week

Playgroup Update 1/10/2018

Focus Story

“Odd Bods” by Steven Butler

 The story, written in rhyme, runs through an alphabetical list of children and their whimsical quirks and behaviour: Hermione howls at the moon, Quentin moves objects with his mind and Xena has a severe case of warts. Finally, there’s Zelda who is SO well-behaved, SO well-adjusted and SO all-round brilliant that she can only be…the oddest of the lot!

Focus Song

“Action Rap”

A rhyming rap involving different parts of the body. Watch out for a video on Tapestry.

Dates for Your Diary

Autumn Walk

Thursday 18th October at 1.30 p.m.

This is the first time we are having this walk in the afternoon.  Feedback from parent questionnaires asked for us to have events on different days and at different times so we hope you will support this.

We will be walking to Chapel Allerton Park, looking for signs of Autumn and collecting leaves and conkers on the way. We need lots of helpers to come with us.

You are welcome to join us on the walk even if your child does not usually attend Playgroup on that day.

You will need to come into Playgroup at 1.30, we will leave at 1.40 and we will return to Playgroup for 2.5 p.m.. You can go home from the park if you wish – just let us know.

Coffee Morning and Home Learning Sessions

Wednesday 7th November at 10.45am

  All parents, carers and children invited. (If your child doesn't usually attend on Wednesdays, you are still welcome to come along with them at 10.45)

Please arrive promptly at 10.45 as we cannot spare a member of staff to wait on the door for too long.

Come and meet the other parents and find out about how to support your child’s learning at home.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 12th December at 10.45

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

More information nearer the time.

School admissions September 2019

Primary schools are holding Open Mornings soon for parents of children starting school next September 2019. Check on school websites


Hand wipes



Paper for markmaking

Fruit for snack

 Playgroup Update 24/9/2018

Focus Story

“Dear Zoo” by Rod Campbell

Read it here

Focus Song

“Going to the Zoo”

Listen to it here

We ‘ll be moving like the different animals in the story – frog, elephant, lion, giraffe, snake, camel, dog, using voices to make the sounds they do and learning the Makaton signs for each one.




Paper for drawing

Fruit to share at snacktime

Playgroup Update 17th September 2018

At playgroup next week, we will be talking about the things we like and don’t like. This helps children explore similarities and differences between themselves and others and to respect each other. Look out for what your child tells us they like and dislike next to their photo on the wall.

Focus Story

“Things I like” by Anthony Brown. Read the book here.

The older children will also be sharing “I Like Bees, I Don’t Like Honey”, a favourite playgroup book about likes and dislikes.

Focus Song

We will be singing “Look at Me and You Will See What I Like to Do” which Justin sings in this episode of “Something Special”. Watch it here.



Fruit to share at snack time

Hand wipes


Paper for drawing – any size, any colour

Big newspapers

Items for use in collage – wrapping paper, ribbons, buttons, old birthday cards.

Playgroup Update 10/9/2018

Dear Parents and Carers

We are really pleased with the way the start of this new year at Playgroup is going. Our returning children have been very kind and considerate to the new children, showing them the routines and helping to settle them in. The new children are settling well, bearing in mind that for some of them, this will be their first experience of being away from mum or dad, and getting to know all the staff, and their Key Person especially.

Playgroup finishing times are 12.00 and 3.00 but we will be opening the doors between 5 and 10 minutes earlier to allow you to choose a Borrow a Book or Activity Pack with your child and to give you more time to speak to staff. 

Home Learning Packs

We have listened to the feedback from parents who answered our questionnaire and have expanded the Home Learning Activity packs available for you and your child to borrow. You can borrow them for a week and then please return them for someone else to borrow. We have a new system for you to record what you have borrowed. We have invested a lot of time and money in these packs so please take care of them. But we do know that accidents happen so if anything goes missing or gets damaged, just let us know. Don’t be put off from borrowing them.

All we ask is that you give feedback on your child’s Tapestry Learning Journal by adding a photo of them enjoying the pack.

Don’t forget we also have lots of books to borrow too.


Playgroup staff meet every Tuesday after playgroup to plan for the children's learning and development and we intend to share these plans with you each week


Focus 1  Learning our friends' names.

You can support this by asking your child about their day and the children they played with. Maybe say hello to someone when you are waiting outside and ask their name.

Focus 2  Embedding routines at Playgroup, e.g. snack time, lunch time, toilet time, tidying up

Focus Story "Say Hello to the Dinosaurs”.

Focus Song “Hello Hello How Are You?”

Watch it here

Makaton Signs of the Week are Hello and Goodbye. Look out for the display which tells you how to sign these and please do it with your child.



Don’t forget to bring fruit for the fruit monster.

 Tissues, handwipes, scrap paper, big newspapers.

Playgroup Update 16/7/2018

Here we are at the last week of this playgroup year. We would like to thank all our parents for their valued support over the past year, particularly those who have attended events, and given or lent resources. Thanks also to the parents who contributed to our Outstanding judgement from Ofsted in April.

We feel very privileged to have been part of your child’s life. We always feel sad to say goodbye at this time of year but know that our children and families are moving on to the next stage. We look forward to welcoming some of you back in September and hope you all have a great summer.

Parent Questionnaires

Thank you to everyone who has returned their questionnaire. We really value your feedback and suggestions. There is still time to complete and return one.

Borrow a Book

Please return any books, games or activity packs you have borrowed so we can get them ready for next year.

Please take your child’s bag home with them on their last day at playgroup.

Returning Children

Please complete a new Playgroup Registration Form and Contract. They will be given out next week.

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

Wednesday 18thJuly. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. You can meet at playgroup and walk to the park or meet us there.

All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on.

If you cannot come with your child, please send them with a packed lunch.

If the weather is wet, we will hold the picnic in the Upstairs Hall but may change the time.

Please reply to this email so we know who is coming, with or without an adult, so we know how many ice lollies to buy!

Town Street Playgroup Parents and Carers End of Year Get Together

Wednesday 18th July

8 p.m. at The Mustard Pot, Chapel Allerton

Everybody welcome, not just parents of children leaving!

Friday 20thJuly

Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer holidays

 NOTE We close before schools as our funding is only until Friday 20th July.


Monday 3rd September 2018

Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 4thSeptember 2018

Playgroup opens for Autumn Term

Half Term

Playgroup closed for the week beginning Monday 29th October.

Christmas Holidays

Playgroup is closed from the week beginning 17th December 2018 and re-opens Monday 7th January 2019.

PLEASE NOTE We close earlier than the schools because early years funding is only for 14 weeks.


Playgroup Update 9/7/2018


Thank you to all the helpers who came to Temple Newsam Farm. We had a great day!

Home Learning Packs

Please return any books, games or activity packs you have borrowed so we can get them ready for next year.

Parent Questionnaire

We will be giving everyone a questionnaire about playgroup to complete. We very much welcome your feedback on all aspects of playgroup so please take one and return it. Your suggestions and opinions will be used in our setting development plan for next year.

We will be talking to the children too to find out from them what it is like to be a child at Town Street Playgroup and what we could do better.

Next Year

Jemma has just about completed her Early Years Teacher qualification so I’m sure you join us in congratulating her. She has worked really hard. Thanks to all the other staff too who have supported her to achieve this.

 We are really pleased that Louise, who has been working as a temporary member of staff to cover Jemma’s university placement, will be remaining as part of the staff team from September.

Playgroup fees from September 2018 will be £15.00 per 3 hour session. Our costs are increasing, e.g. rent, wages, but the FEEE funding has not been increased at all and remains considerably less than our costs.

Leaver’s Photos are ready to be collected so please bring the money to pay for them if you haven’t done so already.

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

We will be holding these two events at the same time on Wednesday 18thJuly. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. You can meet at playgroup and walk to the park or meet us there. All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on. If you cannot come with your child, please send them with a packed lunch. If the weather is wet, we will hold the picnic in the Upstairs Hall but may change the time.

Town Street Playgroup Parents and Carers End of Year Get Together

Wednesday 18th July 8 p.m. at The Mustard Pot, Chapel Allerton.  Everybody welcome.

Friday 20th July

Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer holidays

Monday 3rd September 2018      Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 4th September 2018       Playgroup opens for Autumn Term

Playgroup Update 2/7/2018

The children will continue to vote for the story they want to revisit and we will also be reading some stories about starting school.

The hot weather seems set to continue so we will be having lots of water play outside, including a paddling pool. Please make sure your child has a change of clothes – someone is bound to sit down in it!

 We have set up a Water Station outside and are encouraging children to drink plenty of water.

The last few weeks of term are set to be very busy with parent meetings, school visits and the parents and children starting in September coming in too.


Temple Newsam Farm Visit Thursday 5th July.

 Please make sure you have read the information sent out by email this week, have completed a Consent Form and have paid £8.50.

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony Wednesday 18th July

The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. You can meet at playgroup and walk to the park or meet us there.

All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on.

If you cannot come with your child, please send them with a packed lunch.

If the weather is wet, we will hold the picnic in the Upstairs Hall but may change the time.


Town Street Playgroup Parents and Carers End of Year Get Together

Wednesday 18th July 8 p.m. at The Mustard Pot, Chapel Allerton. Everybody welcome.

Friday 20th July

Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer holidays

Monday 3rd September 2018

Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 4th September 2018

Playgroup opens for Autumn Term

Playgroup Update 25/6/2018

We will be revisiting some of the stories from the past year and asking children to vote for which one they want to hear each morning. Please help your child to decide and vote.

Favourite Song

We have really enjoyed the song “I Love Cake” this week. Maybe you could listen to it again with your child.

Temple Newsam Farm Visit

Information for parents about the trip will be sent out this next week by email so make sure you read it please. Also, please return the permission letter which will be given out too. Without this, we will not take your child on the trip. Please pay the £8.50 for the trip by the end of this coming week.

An email will be sent to the parents/carers who volunteered to help with the trip to confirm they will be needed. Thank you to all of them.

Parent Questionnaire

We will be giving everyone a questionnaire about playgroup to complete. We very much welcome your feedback on all aspects of playgroup so please take one and return it. Your suggestions and opinions will be used in our setting development plan for next year.

Playgroup Fees

Outstanding playgroup fees for this half term must be paid by 6th July please.

30 Hours Funding

If you are continuing to claim 30 hours funding for September, please make sure you have validated your claim.

If you are going to start claiming from September, please act now!

Information here


Playgroup Update 18th June 2018

Focus Story

“Cake” by Sue Hendra

Cake has been invited to a party. He's very excited! He's never been to a birthday party before. And he doesn't know what to expect. But as the candles on his party hat begin to burn and the other party guests start to sing, Cake starts to think that this is one party he'd rather not be at . . .

Focus Song

Five Currant Buns

Learn the rhyme here

Do you have any birthday party resources we can use in the home corner

e.g. Invitations, party bags, party hats, cards, wrapping paper, candles ?

Temple Newsam Farm Trip Thursday 5th July

I will be sending out details of the trip this week and confirming which children, who do not usually come to playgroup on Thursdays, will be able to come on the coach. I will also confirm the parent helpers. Thank you to all who have volunteered.

Please send £8.50 in a named envelope to pay for the coach if your child has a place.

Leavers’ Photo

A copy of the Leavers’ Photo has now arrived for parents to look at and place an order if they wish. Details of how to order from Debbie in playgroup this week.

Promoting British Values

As part of our Prevent duty, we have to uphold and promote the fundamental principles of British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. More information here

Our children are being introduced to the idea of democracy by being asked to vote for what they want for snack, or which story to read or which game they want to play. They are learning that the one with the highest number of votes is the one that has been chosen. Please support this by helping your child to vote each morning as they come in.

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

We have decided to hold these two events at the same time on Wednesday 20th July. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. More information nearer the time but put the date in your diary.


Hand wipes



Paper for markmaking

Town Street Playgroup Update 11/6/2018

Focus Story

“The Quangle Wangle’s Hat” by Edward Lear

Watch it here


Our preschool children are starting to make visits to their new schools so we will be sharing stories and talking about going to school. We have some school role play resources for the children to use.


We all enjoyed the visit from Sam’s Safaris last week and meeting all the different animals Sam brought. The children all listened well and were very gentle with the animals.


Fruit for the fruit monster


Large cardboard boxes

Paper for markmaking

Town Street Playgroup Update 4/6/2018

Playgroup re-opens on Monday 4th June for the second half of the Summer Term.

Animal Visit to Playgroup

We have arranged for Sam’s Safaris

to visit Playgroup on Thursday 7th June and bring some unusual animals for the children to see.

Voluntary contribution of £4.00 per child to help towards the cost of this special activity. We need to collect this money this week please.

Children who do not usually attend on that day are invited to come for the visit but must be accompanied by an adult.  These children can attend the session at 9.30 – 10.30 am.

Please let us know by email if you are going on holiday and your child is going to be absent from playgroup.





Scrap paper

Fruit to share at snack time.


Town Street Playgroup Update 21st May 2018

Focus Story

“The Scarecrow’s Wedding” by Julia Donaldson

Watch it here

Focus Song

“Dingle Dangle Scarecrow”

Watch it here

The children have shown an interest in camping, holidays and the seaside so we will be following this interest over the next few weeks. If you have any old camping equipment to get rid of, we could make use of it for our role play.

Thank you to all the helpers who came with us last Friday to release the butterflies.

Playgroup will be featured in the Yorkshire Evening Post on Monday, to celebrate our Outstanding grading from Ofsted.


Playgroup is closed for a week from Monday 28th May 2018 for Half Term

Sam’s Safari Animal Visit

Sam’s Safaris will be coming to playgroup on Thursday 7th June to bring some animals for the children to meet. If your child does not usually attend on Thursdays they can still come in for the session starting at 9.30 but please let me know so we can organise the groups. Voluntary contributions of £4.00 per child would be welcomed to go towards covering the cost. Please send money in an envelope with your child’s name on as soon as possible.

Temple Newsam Farm Trip

We have arranged a coach outing to Temple Newsam Farm on Thursday 5th July.

More details to follow.

30 Hours Childcare Funding

Information about the 30 hours childcare funding here:

if you are continuing to claim for the Autumn term or starting a claim for then, please make sure you look at this website for information and act accordingly.

Town Street Playgroup Update 14/5/2018

Focus Story

“Handa’s Surprise” by Eileen Browne

Watch it here

Children will be exploring the different fruits in the story and will be taking on the role of the different characters and acting out the story.

Spring Walk

Thank you to all the parents and helpers who came with us for the Spring Walk last week – we could not plan such activities without your help.

Leavers’ Photograph

 The photographer will be coming on Thursday 17th May to take a group photograph of the children leaving to go to school, with Playgroup staff. You will be able to order a copy but there is no obligation.

You must sign up at playgroup to give permission for your child to have their photograph taken and for other parents to own a copy of a photo with your child in it.

It would be great if all leavers could be in the photo, even if they do not usually attend playgroup on that day.


Going to School

Parents often ask which other children will be going to the same school as their child. If you do not want us to share this information, please let me know.

Sam’s Safaris

Sam’s Safaris will be coming to playgroup on Thursday 7th June to bring some animals for the children to meet. All children are invited to attend and we will let you know the arrangements soon.

Voluntary contributions of £4.00 per child would be welcomed to go towards covering the cost. Please send money in an envelope with your child’s name on as soon as possible.

End of Year Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

Wednesday 18th July in Chapel Allerton Park. All children and families invited. More details nearer the time.



Fruit for snack time



Old birthday cards


Playgroup Update 7th May 2018


Tuesday 8th May Spring walk to Gledhow Valley Woods

Thank you to all the helpers who have signed up to come with us.

Children who do not usually attend on that day are welcome to come with us, either meeting at playgroup and walking there or meeting us in Gledhow Valley Woods at the junction with Gledhow Lane. We will leave Playgroup about 9.30 and come back to playgroup for 11.45. Parents can go home from the woods with their children if they wish.

The walk back up the hill to playgroup can be quite challenging for some children. In the past, some parents have planned to drive to the woods, park on Gledhow Lane and then meet us for the walk in the woods only. Please let Debbie know if this is what you plan to do

 We will take some water and biscuits for a snack in the woods. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and in old clothes and wellies. We will be exploring the trees, bushes and looking for signs of spring. We have some special food for the ducks – please don’t bring bread.

Leavers’ Photograph

 The photographer will be coming on Thursday 17th May to take a group photograph of the children leaving to go to school, with Playgroup staff. You will be able to order a copy but there is no obligation.

You must sign up at playgroup to give permission for your child to have their photograph taken and for other parents to own a copy of a photo with your child in it.

It would be great if all leavers could be in the photo, even if they do not usually attend playgroup on that day.


Going to School

We are working with local primary schools on planning the transition from Playgroup to reception. Schools will be invited to visit children at playgroup to find out all about them, and children will be visiting new schools.


Summer Outing

We are planning our summer outing to Temple Newsam and will need helpers to come with us. A date will be confirmed soon.


Outdoor Area

We are hoping to spend as much time in the outdoor area as possible this term. Please make sure your child has a coat, fleece or cardigan with them each day because the outdoor area is in shade all morning and is always colder than it seems.



Fruit for snack



Paper for markmaking



Town Street Playgroup Update 30/4/2018

Focus Story

“Grumpy Frog” By Ed Vere

Watch the story being read here.

Focus Song

“Five Little Speckled Frogs”

Ask your child to show you the tadpoles and caterpillars at playgroup and tell you what they have learnt about them.


We are planning to have a day each week for groups of children to do baking. If you are interested in helping with one of these sessions, please talk to Debbie. You don’t have to be an expert!

Tuesday 8th May Spring walk to Gledhow Valley Woods

Please sign up on the list at playgroup. Without parents/helpers to come with us, we can’t go.

Children who do not usually attend on that day are welcome to come with us, either meeting at playgroup and walking there or meeting us in Gledhow Valley Woods at the junction with Gledhow Lane. We will leave Playgroup about half nine and come back to playgroup for 11.45. Parents can go home from the woods with their children if they wish.

The walk back up the hill to playgroup can be quite challenging for some children. In the past, some parents have planned to drive to the woods, park on Gledhow Lane and then meet us for the walk in the woods only. Please let Debbie know if this is what you plan to do

 We will take some water and biscuits for a snack in the woods. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather and in old clothes and wellies. We will be exploring the trees, bushes and looking for signs of spring.




 Thursday 17th May  9.15 am

Leavers’ Photo for all the children leaving to go to school


Fruit for snack



Paper for markmaking

Town Street Playgroup Update 23/4/2018

Focus Story

“The Crunching Munching Caterpillar”

Watch the story here

The caterpillars have arrived. We will be taking care of them and watching what happens as they change into butterflies.

We also have some tadpoles to take care of and watch what happens to them.


Town Street Playgroup will be being inspected by Ofsted on Monday 23rd April 2018.

The inspector will be available to meet with parents at drop off time or you can email any comments you wish to make to her about Playgroup.

Thank you to all the parents who have done so already.


Fruit to share at snack time.


Paper for drawing – any size and colour

Flowers and herbs for children to use in the outdoor kitchen next week.


We want to support children’s learning about the World and places they visit. If you go on holiday anywhere (it doesn’t have to be abroad), or on a trip somewhere, please bring back a postcard of the place.


Playgroup closed

Thursday 3rd May Council elections

Monday 7th May  Bank Holiday

Playgroup Update 16/4/2018

Playgroup opens on Monday 16th April for the summer term

We will have some caterpillars and tadpoles arriving at playgroup next week. We will be watching them and learning about how they grow and change.


Fruit to share at snack time

Big newspapers

Hand wipes


Paper for drawing/markmaking


The photo orders have arrived and are ready to be collected from playgroup next week.

Please make sure your child has something to wear to play in the outdoor area which will keep them warm and which you don’t mind getting messy and wet. The outdoor area is often cooler because it is in the shade.

Packed Lunches

Please remember that we have a Healthy Lunchbox policy.

No sweets/fizzy drinks please.

No nuts or nut products.

Grapes, tomatoes, sausages to be cut in half lengthways please.

We expect children to have fruit/vegetables as part of their lunch, and as part of our responsibility to promote healthy eating we will send home any food that is not a healthy choice, e.g. chocolate bars.

Look here for some good ideas for packed lunches.

School places

Parents with children going to school this September will be informed of school places on April 16th.  Please tell Debbie which school your child has been allocated.

Staff Training

All staff attended training on Preparing for Ofsted during the holidays.

Jemma will be on placement at St Matthews Primary School for the next three weeks as part of her Early Years Teacher training.

Dates for your Diary

Playgroup closed THURSDAY 3rd MAY. The Methodist Centre is used as a polling station for the council elections so we have to close.

Playgroup closed Monday 7th May Bank Holiday

Leavers Group photo Thursday 17th May. The photographer will be in to take a group photo of the staff and all the children leaving to go to school. More information nearer the time.

Thursday 7th June We have booked a visit from Sam’s Safaris, who will be bringing some different animals for the children to meet. More information nearer the time.

Playgroup Closed week beginning Monday 28th May for Half Term

Playgroup closes for Summer holidays after Friday 20th July.

Look out for the dates of the Spring Walk to Gledhow Valley Woods and the trip to Temple Newsam farm.

Playgroup Update 19/3/2018

Focus Story

“Every Bunny Count!” by Ellie Sandall

Focus Song

 “This is the Way the Bunny Hops”

“Five Little Bunnies”

Easter Activities

We will be making an Easter basket to bring home with some Easter treats in. A contribution of £1 per child would be appreciated towards the costs. Please give to Debbie.

Easter Holidays

Playgroup closes after Friday 23rd March and re-opens on Monday 16th April.


All photo orders need to be back by Thursday please.

 If you order online, you must do so within this time too to get free postage, and Playgroup will receive the commission on your order. Otherwise, you will have to pay for separate delivery and we won’t get commission.

Our Leavers’ photo will be on Thursday 17th May. More details soon.

Home Learning Session

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came to the Home Learning Session last week,  and thank you for all the positive feedback. We take on board some comments about holding it on different days but would need to know whether parents would want to give up time on a full day, in the morning. Let us know.

If you do any of the activities with your children, please put some photos on Tapestry.

September 2018 places

I will be contacting parents by email this week to ask them to confirm their child’s attendance at playgroup from September 2018 and to book the sessions they want. Please reply asap to make sure you have the place you want.




Big newspapers


Paper for drawing

Fruit for snacktime

Playgroup Update 12/3/2018

Focus Story

“Walter’s Wonderful Web” – story about shapes

Focus Song

“If You Know this Shape, Shout it Out”

We will be learning to recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes, and exploring their properties in lots of different ways.


The visit from the photographer has been re-arranged for THURSDAY 15th MARCH at 9.15 am.

If you have previously signed to give permission, you don't need to do so again.

If you didn't sign, but would like to have a photo now, please speak to Debbie to sign up.


WEDNESDAY !4th MARCH 10.45 am

All parents, carers, childminders and children welcome.

Come and find out about how to support your child's learning around Shape, Space and Measure - an area of Mathematics as important as numbers and counting.

Please sign up on the sheet at playgroup to confirm your attendance.



Hand wipes

Paper for markmaking

Fruit for snack time

Playgroup Update 5/3/2018

It is Mother’s Day next Sunday so all the stories this week will be about Mums.

We will be learning a Special song to sing to our mums and talking about all the things that Mums do for us.


The snow last week led to the Photographs being postponed. A new date will be arranged soon.

Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session

Wednesday 14th March 10.45 – 11.45 am

Our focus will be “There’s More to Maths than Numbers and Counting”

All children and families welcome.



Hand wipes

Paper for markmaking

Fruit for snack time

Dates for your Diary

Monday 26th March- Friday 13th April Easter holidays

Please note playgroup is closed a week before schools as the funding for places finishes then.


Thursday 3rd May Playgroup closed as building is used for voting for Council elections


Monday 7th May Playgroup closed May Day Bank Holiday


Monday 28th May – Friday 1st June  Half Term Week Playgroup closed


The final date for the end of term has not yet been confirmed by Leeds City Council

Playgroup Update 26/2/2018

Focus Story

 The children have really enjoyed the Supertato stories so we are reading another one this week

“Supertato Veggies Assemble”

Read the story here

Focus Song

We will be learning the actions and singing “Superman” by Black Lace

Watch it here


Vegetables we can use for printing with



Thursday 1st March from 9.15 a.m.

The photographer will be at Playgroup to take individual photographs of children or in family groups with brothers and sisters.

Children who do not usually attend playgroup on that day can come in with a parent to have their photograph taken.

There is no obligation to purchase but the photographs are always of an excellent quality and playgroup receives commission on sales.

Cold Weather

Please make sure children are dressed appropriately for the cold weather we have been promised.

They will need gloves, hats and scarves and warm coats.


Playgroup Update 19/2/2018

Focus Story


Read the story here

Some of the children have been playing imaginatively around the idea of rescuing people, goodies and baddies and superheroes so we will be planning some activities and provision around this book.

Any donations of vegetables that can be used in our play would be great!

Have you and your child completed the Half Term Challenge?

Work with your child to make their face using the paper plate. They could use paint, felt tips, crayons, collage. We want it to be their work.  Look in a mirror with them and talk to them about their skin, hair and eye colour and their features. Take a photo of them making it and add it to Tapestry.

We will be using them in a display so please bring back to playgroup after half term.


Thursday 1st March from 9.15 a.m.

The photographer will be at Playgroup to take individual photographs of children or in family groups with brothers and sisters.

Children who do not usually attend playgroup on that day can come in with a parent to have their photograph taken.

There is no obligation to purchase but the photographs are always of an excellent quality and playgroup receives commission on sales.

If you wish to have your child’s photograph taken, please sign up on the list at playgroup.

Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session

Wednesday 14th March 10.45 – 11.45 am

Our focus will be “There’s More to Maths than Numbers and Counting”

All children and families welcome.



Hand wipes

Paper for markmaking

Getting Ready for Reading

We want to improve the playgroup environment by providing more opportunities for our children to get ready for reading.

We will be providing access to books all round the setting, and adding other things for children to read. Do you have any catalogues, comics, maps, postcards, calendars, takeaway menus, TV magazines, wall signs, food containers that we could use?


Playgroup Update 5/2/2018

Focus Story

“Don’t Pick Your Nose Pinocchio”

Learn the importance of good hygiene with this hilarious story all about bogies!
In Don't Pick Your Nose, Pinocchio! every time Pinocchio picks his nose he lies to Gepetto about doing so and his nose grows!
Mr Cricket arrives to help distract Pinocchio and keep his fingers busy, but when Pinocchio accidentally pushes Mr Cricket up his nose, he learns a big lesson!

Focus Story for Younger Children

“Mungo Monkey Goes on a Train”

Look at the book here

Focus Rhyme

“Five Little Monkeys Swinging in a Tree”

Watch it here

Half Term

Playgroup is closed from the week beginning Monday 12th February for half term.

Half Term Challenge

Please collect a paper plate from playgroup this week.  Work with your child to make their face using the plate. They could use paint, felt tips, crayons, collage. We want it to be their work.  Look in a mirror with them and talk to them about their skin, hair and eye colour and their features. Take a photo of them making it and add it to Tapestry.

We will be using them in a display so please bring back to playgroup after half term.


Thursday 1st March from 9.15 a.m.

The photographer will be at Playgroup to take individual photographs of children or in family groups with brothers and sisters.

Children who do not usually attend playgroup on that day can come in with a parent to have their photograph taken.

There is no obligation to purchase but the photographs are always of an excellent quality and playgroup receives commission on sales.

If you wish to have your child’s photograph taken, please sign up on the list at playgroup.

Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session

Wednesday 14th March 10.45 – 11.45 am

All children and families welcome.



Hand wipes

Playgroup Update 29/1/2018

Focus Story

“What makes Me a Me? By Ben Faulks

Who am I?
I ask myself.
What makes me a ME?
I think hard with all my might,
And look around to see.

What makes you a you? Are you like a sports car – lightning fast? Or maybe you're like a tree ... Do your arms stick out like branches? No? Then perhaps you're like a snail – very slow (especially when it's time for school!).

We will be asking the children to think of one thing they are really good at. This could be a skill, e.g. football, dancing or it could be something like being kind, helping to look after a younger sibling.

Please talk to your child about this too.

Half Term

Playgroup is closed from the week beginning Monday 12th February for half term.


Thursday 1st March from 9.15 a.m.

The photographer will be at Playgroup to take individual photographs of children or in family groups with brothers and sisters.

Children who do not usually attend playgroup on that day can come in with a parent to have their photograph taken.

There is no obligation to purchase but the photographs are always of an excellent quality and playgroup receives commission on sales.

If you wish to have your child’s photograph taken, please sign up on the list at playgroup.

Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session

Wednesday 14th March 10.45 – 11.45 am

All children and families welcome.


Fee outstanding for this half term should be paid by Monday 5th February please.

Playgroup Places for September 2018

There have been a lot of enquiries about places at Town Street Playgroup for September 2018. So I can manage the waiting list and allocate places to new children, I will need existing parents to tell me what sessions they want for their children from September. All children who are three years old before August 31st 2018 are entitled to a funded 15 hours. Some children may be entitled to extended hours if their parents meet the 30 hours funding criteria.

I will be speaking to those parents straight after half term about their intentions for September 2018.


We need lots of rolls of big paper, e.g. wallpaper, lining paper to practise markmaking on.

Playgroup Update 22/1/2018

Focus Stories

“Down by the Cool of the Pool”

Watch the story here

“Stinky Jack and the Beanstalk”

In this change to the traditional tale, Jack refuses to wash and is smelly and dirty. When a beanstalk grows in his garden, Jack climbs up to spy on the giant at the top, but each time he visits the giant can smell him. When the giant finally catches him, Jack realises the importance of being clean.

Children’s bags

Please help us out by making sure your child’s bag is clearly named in BIG WRITING. We can lend you a pen to do it in the morning.

Focus Children

Is your child a focus child this coming week? You will have had a message from Tapestry telling you and asking you to contribute information for us to use in supporting their learning and development. Please make time to do this as we really value your input


Please bring some fruit to share at snack time. Maybe you could bring a pack of grapes, a melon or strawberries once every few weeks to increase the variety of snack we can offer children.



Paper for markmaking

A soft toy donkey or donkey hand puppet to borrow for this week’s story.

Playgroup Update 15/1/2018

We will be planning some group times where the children will be organised into different groups to access different activities and learning. These will include:

  • story and singing groups aimed at older and younger children
  • Move to Include Groups for the younger children to help them get to know the adults and the other children at playgroup
  • Physical games and active play
  • Letters and Sounds Phase I for the older children.

More information is available here

We will also be funding a Dance Group on Friday mornings this term, led by Emma Clayton, a professional dance teacher.

Please talk to Debbie if you want more information about what your child will be doing.

Focus Stories

“Oi Frog”

“Dear Zoo”

Focus Children

We have focus children each week and we invite their parents to share information about their interests and learning at home with us, using Tapestry Learning Journals. You will get notice the week before and we really do need you to add this information for us.

The focus children are given extra attention, but the other children are also pursuing their own learning, in the same environment, supported by the same adults.

Observations are recorded daily and are added to the children’s Tapestry Learning Journals.

The week after your child has been a focus child, we will be speaking to you about arranging a time to discuss your child’s learning and development.

Funding Claims for this term

If your child is already in receipt of a 15 or 30 funded place, you only need to complete a new contract if any details have changed.

Please check that your 30 hours code is the same as it was last term, if it has changed since you re-validated it, you MUST give Debbie the new code to use for this term’s claim.

Debbie will have contracts for parents claiming for the first time to complete. If you are claiming 30 hours funding you will need your NI number and your validation code from HMRC.

Invoices have been sent by email to all parents paying fees.


Fruit for snack time


Hand wipes

Paper for drawing


Playgroup Update 8/1/2018

Focus Story

“Cuddly Dudley” by Jez Alborough

Watch the story here

Focus Song

“Five Little Penguins”

Watch the song here

Look at this video all about penguins with your child.

Do you have any Penguin stories we could borrow to read at Playgroup?


Please make sure you inform us if your child is going to be absent from playgroup, and tell us the reason why. We are required to monitor children’s attendance as part of our Safeguarding responsibilities.

Playgroup Update 2nd January 2018


Welcome back to you all as we start this new term, and best wishes for a happy, peaceful and healthy 2018.


We are sure that the children will have enjoyed the snow from last week so we will be revisiting this experience in some of our activities and provision. Please add photos of what your child has been doing during the holidays to the Tapestry Learning Journal.


Focus Story

“One Snowy Night” by Nick Butterworth

Watch the story here

Focus Song

“Five Little Snowmen Fat”

Learn the words here


Moving to School in September 2018

If your child is due to start school in September 2015, you should have made the application by 15th January 20158

Please let Debbie know what school your child is allocated to.



Make sure you bring your child’s bag back to playgroup with them, restocked with a change of clothes and anything else they might need.

Please make sure your child comes to playgroup with a warm coat, hat and gloves and change of clothes so they can play out in the Outdoor Area. Also the temperature inside playgroup is sometimes variable, so please make sure they have several layers to put on when inside.


Home Learning

Have you been encouraging your child to borrow one of our books or an activity pack to do with you at home? We will be adding some new packs and books soon.


Jemma will be starting her Early Years Teacher placement at Milestones Nursery this term but will still be in playgroup on Tuesdays and some Wednesdays. Louise will be covering for her.



Paper for drawing and painting on - if you have any contacts in businesses, they sometimes have spare paper they could donate.

Hand wipes


Fruit to share at snack time.


Dates for your Diary

Monday 12th February 2018 – Friday 16th February Half Term Week – Playgroup closed

Thursday 1st March 2018 – the photographer will be visiting playgroup to take individual and family photographs. More information nearer the time.

Monday 26th March- Friday 13th April Easter holidays

Please note playgroup is closed a week before schools as the funding for places finishes then.

Monday 7th May Playgroup closed May Day Bank Holiday

Monday 28th May – Friday 1st June  Half Term Week Playgroup closed

The final date for the end of term has not yet been confirmed by Leeds City Council.

Playgroup Update 11/12/2017

Thank you to all the helpers who came up to St. Matthews School last week. The children were all extremely well behaved, sitting and listening for quite a long time. The headteacher at St Matthews too commented on how well they all sat.

We have been learning to sing and sign some Christmas songs to sing at the party. Please ask your children to sing them to you. I’m sure you will know them too.

Christmas Party Wednesday 13th December

at 10.45 prompt.

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having a visit from Santa Claus, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and lots of singing.

The children will all be receiving a Sticky Kids CD from Santa. This has a selection of their favourite Music and Movement songs that we do at playgroup so now they will be able to practise them at home.

Christmas Holidays

Playgroup closes for the next two weeks after Friday 15th December.

Playgroup opens again on TUESDAY 2nd January

Please take your child’s bag home on their last day so you can make sure it has spare clothes that will fit them. You might be surprised how much they have grown since September! Remember to bring it back in January!


Packed lunches must not contain any nut products please. This includes Nutella and biscuits with nuts. No Sweets either please.


Tissues, hand wipes, big newspapers

Playgroup Christmas 2017  Update

We will be planning activities and provision for the remaining weeks around Christmas. We will be setting up Santa's Workshop where children will be wrapping presents and writing labels. We will be writing Christmas cards for our friends and posting them in the playgroup post box. Children can bring cards from home for their friends and post them if they want. We will be doing lots of Christmas counting, and creative activities using glitter, glue and paint.

We will be reading lots of Christmas stories and singing lots of Christmas songs.

The Christmas Elf has arrived at Playgroup. Remind your child to look out each morning to see what he’s been up to!

Visit to St Matthews School Wednesday 6th December

Thank you to the people who have said they can come with us. If anyone else can help out with walking from playgroup to school and back again, please let Debbie know.

Make sure you arrive promptly at 9.00 on Wednesday so we can set off in plenty of time.

Home Learning Challenge

It would be great if all children could make a decoration to hang on the Playgroup Christmas tree which will be up from Monday Please make sure their name is on it.

Christmas Cards

All children have made a Christmas card to post to their families. Make sure you have given us a stamp for this or pay 54p for us to buy one.

Christmas Party Wednesday 13th December

at 10.45 prompt.

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having a visit from Santa Claus, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and lots of singing.

 A charge of £6.00 per child will go towards the costs, including a present from Santa.

Playgroup Update 27/11/2017

Focus Story

“Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons.”

Focus Song

“There were Five in the Bed”

Visit to St Matthews School Wednesday 6th December

Thank you to the people who have said they can come with us. If anyone else can help out with walking from playgroup to school and back again, please let Debbie know.

Make sure you arrive promptly at 9.00 on that Wednesday so we can set off in plenty of time.

Home Learning Challenge

It would be great if all children could make a decoration to hang on the Playgroup Christmas tree which will be up from next week. Please make sure their name is on it.

Christmas Cards

All children will be making a Christmas card to post to their families. We need all parents to bring a stamp into Playgroup for this.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 13th December at 10.45 prompt.

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having a visit from Santa Claus, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and lots of singing.

 A charge of £6.00 per child will go towards the costs, including a present from Santa.

 Please confirm if you will be coming by signing up on the list at Playgroup and paying as soon as possible.


Any wrapping paper, decorations, ribbons please.

Did you borrow the Nursery Rhyme activity pack and forget to return the CD from the game? Please have a look at home.

We are pleased to welcome Louise Davies to the staff team at playgroup. She is a temporary member of staff, covering when Jemma is at university and on placement next term.

Please read separate email about measles, containing advice from Public Health England.


Playgroup Update 20/11/2017

Focus Story

“The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson

Focus Song

“The Gruffalo Song”

30 Hours Childcare Funding

Please make sure you have re-validated your claim if you have been claiming this past term and will be continuing next term.

If you want to start a new claim for next, you will find details here:

Dates for your Diary

Wednesday 8th December

We have had our usual invitation from St Matthews School to take our children to see their Christmas play. We need to be there before 9.20 in the morning and will need some parents to come with us, to walk there, watch the play and walk back to playgroup, getting back before 10.30.

Please let me know asap if you will be able to help with this and sign up on the list at playgroup.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 13th December

at 10.45 prompt.

 All children are invited even if they don’t usually attend that day – parents, grandparents, siblings, childminders are all welcome too.

Parents and children who do not usually attend Playgroup on Wednesday should come at 10.45 prompt.

 We will be having a visit from Santa Claus, party food (tea/coffee and mince pies for grown-ups) and lots of singing.

 A charge of £6.00 per child will go towards the costs, including a present from Santa.

 Please confirm if you will be coming by signing up on the list at Playgroup and paying as soon as possible by putting money in a named envelope and giving to Debbie.




Paper for writing and drawing

Old birthday cards

If you are having a clear out before Christmas, we would be happy to accept any donations of toys. If we can’t use them, they will be donated to St Georges Crypt Toy Appeal.

Johanne has taken up a full time post in a school now. We will shortly be appointing a new temporary member of staff to cover when Jemma is on placement for Early Years Teacher training.


Playgroup Update 13/11/2017

This week is World Nursery Rhyme Week so we will be learning some with the children.

Focus Story

“The Great Nursery Rhyme Disaster”

Focus Rhymes

Little Miss Muffet

Hickory Dickory Dock

Sing a Song of Sixpence

The Grand Old Duke of York

Jack and Jill went Up the Hill

Ding Dong Bell

Hey Diddle Diddle

Humpty Dumpty

See attached information about why learning nursery rhymes is important and to find the words to the rhymes we will be learning this week.

Dates for your diary

Wednesday 6th December

We have been invited to go to St. Matthews School to see their Christmas Play. We will need parent helpers to walk with us to the school, watch the play and then walk back with the children. More information soon

Christmas Party

Wednesday 13th December 2017 from 10.45. All children and families welcome.

More information soon

Christmas Holidays

Playgroup closed from Monday 18th December. Opens again Tuesday 2nd January 2018.


Playgroup Update 6/11/2017

Focus Story

“The Detective Dog” by Julia Donaldson

Watch it here with your child

Focus Song

“One Man Went to Mow”, counting up to 10.

We are hoping to have a visit from the local police on Thursday morning.

We will be planning activities to recreate the colours and sounds of children’s experiences of fireworks and Bonfire Night.

We will have the Outdoor Kitchen and using vegetables and fruits in our cooking. If you have any spare vegetables, maybe past their best, please bring them for us to use. Also, any herbs from your garden or out of date pasta, lentils, dried beans and peas would be great too.

Is your child due to start school next September? Have you checked out when the open days for the local primary schools are and made plans to visit?

I will be sending out this half term's invoices by email to the parents who have fees to pay. Please look out for them.

Playgroup Update 30/10/2017

Focus Story

“Room on the Broom”

We will be planning some activities and provision around pumpkins, spiders and potions for Halloween but nothing scary!

Half Term Challenge

Did you complete the half term’s challenge Autumn Scavenger Hunt?

Take a photo of them and add it to their Tapestry Learning Journal.

There is still time if you haven’t done it yet.

Dates for Your Diary

Christmas Party

Wednesday 13th December 2017 from 10.45. All children and families welcome.

More information nearer the time

Christmas Holidays

Playgroup closed from Monday 18th December. Opens again Tuesday 2nd January 2018.


Donations of tissues and handwipes

Paper for drawing/old rolls of wallpaper

Playgroup Website

The Playgroup Updates that are sent out by email each week are also available to see on the playgroup website.

Focus Children

We have focus children each week and we invite their parents to share information about their interests and learning at home with us, using Tapestry Learning Journals. The focus children are given extra attention, but the other children are also pursuing their own learning, in the same environment, supported by the same adults.

Observations are recorded daily and are added to the children’s Tapestry Learning Journals.

If your child has been a focus child already this term, we will be speaking to you about arranging a time to discuss your child’s learning and development with you.

Playgroup Update 16/10/2017

Focus Story

 “After the Storm” – a Percy the Parkkeeper story.

A storm is raging outside and Percy the Park Keeper is having a sleepless night. When he gets up the following morning, Percy finds that the old oak tree has been blown down. It is a disaster for his animal friends who live there, but Percy is soon devising a plan to help his little friends find new homes in the best tree house they have ever seen

Focus Song

“Conkers, conkers. Shiny and round,

Put them in your pocket when you find them on the ground.

Conkers, conkers. Fall from the trees

A pocket full of conkers and bunch of yellow leaves.”


Focus Activity

Using powder paint to mix Autumn colours.

Autumn Walk

Thank you to everyone who came on the Autumn Walk with us.

Wednesday 18th October from 10.45 am

 Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session

 All parents, carers and children invited. (If your child doesn't usually attend on Wednesdays, you are still welcome to come along with them/or without them at 10.45)

Please arrive promptly at 10.45 as we cannot spare a member of staff to wait on the door for too long.

Come and meet the other parents and find out about how to support your child’s learning at home.

There will be different activities to try with your child and lots of ideas to take home to support your child’s fine motor skills and markmaking.

Half Term Week

 Playgroup Closed from Monday 23rd October. Opens again Monday 30th October.



Half Term Challenge

Autumn Scavenger Hunt

Collect a printed sheet from Playgroup and go out with a basket and look for all the Autumn things on the list. Take a photo of your child with all their “finds” and upload to their Tapestry Journal.

School admissions September 2018

Primary schools are holding Open Mornings soon for parents of children starting school next September 2018. Check on school websites.

Details of applying for school places can be found here.


Thank you to everyone who returned the speech bubble about their child’s likes and dislikes. Make sure you have a look at them all on Sarah’s display in the Middle Room.

Golden Rules

We have talked to all the children about what makes Playgroup a happy and safe place to be and they have shared their ideas for what they think the Golden Rules should be. Notice that they are all positive – things to do rather than things not to do.

We listen to each other.

We use walking feet inside.

We take care of our toys and books.

We help each other.

We all help to tidy up.

We share and take turns.

Parents often tell us they use and adapt our Golden Rules to support good behaviour at home. Let us know what you think.

 We will be watching out for children who show they know these rules and choosing them as a Golden Star for the day. We will have some blank stars available for parents to tell us about how their child has been a Golden Star at home. Just write on your child’s name and why they are a Golden Star and add it to our display. Any member of staff will show you what to do.

 If your child comes home with their Golden Star, please ask them about it and celebrate their achievement.

Playgroup Update 9/10/2017

Focus Story

“Shark in the Park on a Windy Day”

The children really love “Shark in the Park” and “Shark in the Dark” so this is bound to be a hit!

Watch Nick Sharratt, the author, read the story here.

Focus Song

“Autumn Leaves are Falling Down”

Focus Activity

Help your child to collect leaves, acorns, conkers and bring to playgroup to put in the Autumn basket. We will be using these to make Autumn pictures.

Autumn Walk

Wednesday 111h October 10.50 am

Please sign up on the list at playgroup if you will be coming on the Autumn Walk. All children are invited to come along.

Please make sure children are dressed appropriately for the weather and have something to carry their leaves in; a small bucket works well.

Wednesday 18th October from 10.45 am

 Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session

 All parents, carers and children invited. (If your child doesn't usually attend on Wednesdays, you are still welcome to come along with them at 10.45)

Please arrive promptly at 10.45 as we cannot spare a member of staff to wait on the door for too long.

Come and meet the other parents and find out about how to support your child’s learning at home.

There will be different activities to try with your child and lots of ideas to take home to support your child’s fine motor skills and markmaking.

Half Term Week

 Playgroup Closed from Monday 23rd October. Opens again Monday 30th October.

We are planning a Half Term Challenge for all the children. Watch out for it next week!



Fees for this half term must be paid by the beginning of next week.

Flu Vaccine

Information for parents about flu vaccine for children on this website

School admissions September 2018

Primary schools are holding Open Mornings soon for parents of children starting school next September 2018. Check on school websites.

Details of applying for school places can be found here.


Have you completed the activity with your child, filling in their likes and dislikes on the speech bubble and returning it to Playgroup?


Town Street Playgroup Update 2/10/2017

Focus Story

“I Like Bees I Don’t Like Honey” by Sam Bishop

 A book that encourages the children to talk about what they like and dislike, and to promote understand confidence, self-awareness and the value of personal opinion. 

We will be sending home a speech bubble for you to complete with your child about their likes and dislikes. Please fill it in and bring it back.

Focus Song

“If You Like Red, Nod your head”

Makaton Signs of the Week



We will also be learning to sign some colours in the song

We have all been practising exercising our fingers so please ask your child to show you the “Fingers Workout”, and singing “Tommy Thumb, Tommy Thumb Where are You?” with lots of finger movements. Maybe you could do it at home too.

Golden Rules

We will be talking to children about Playgroup Golden Rules and why these rules are important so that Playgroup is a happy, safe and welcoming place for everyone.

Our Golden Rules are:

  • We use walking feet inside.
  • We all help to tidy up.
  • We are nice and kind to each other
  • We share and take turns.
  • We listen carefully.
  • We look after the books and toys at playgroup

From 1 July 2015 the Prevent Duty became law. This is a duty on all schools and registered early years providers to have due regard to preventing people being drawn into terrorism. In order to protect children in our care, we must be alert to any reason for concern in the child’s life at home or elsewhere. This includes awareness of the expression of extremist view.

British values are a set of four values introduced to help keep children safe and promote their welfare – as is the duty of all providers following the EYFS to counter extremism. 

The fundamental British values are:

  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths.

The promotion of British values is firmly embedded in the work that we do and the Golden Rules are an example of part of it.

 We will be watching out for children who show they know these rules and choosing them as a Golden Star for the day. We will have some blank stars available for parents to tell us about how their child has been a Golden Star at home. Just write on your child’s name and why they are a Golden Star and add it to our display. Any member of staff will show you what to do.

 If your child comes home with their Golden Star, please ask them about it and celebrate their achievement.


We work really hard to encourage your child to develop self help skills around using the toilet, putting on coat and shoes so please make sure you send them in clothes and shoes they can manage for themselves, i.e. pull up and down trousers that aren't too tight or with tricky fastenings. Please make sure your child has spare clothes, including socks and pants with them in their bag. If we have lent our supplies, please return them.

The weather is turning colder and wetter so make sure your child has a warm, waterproof coat that won't spoil with messy play, wellies, a hat and mittens (no gloves please!) because we do play outdoors all through the winter.

Inside the building can vary in temperature too so please send your child with a cardigan or fleece they can put on or take off as they wish. Please name children’s coats, bags and wellies to prevent confusion with children having same coats, bags and wellies.

Wanted   Paper for drawing

Old birthday cards for cutting up

Town Street Playgroup Update 25/9/2017

Focus Story

“This is Our House” by Michael Rosen

George wants to keep the cardboard play house all to himself. He doesn’t want to share it and makes up lots of instant rules to justify why others can’t enter eg no glasses, no girls, no twins allowed…

A resolution is found when George finds out for himself what it’s like to be excluded. It’s a valuable lesson for George and a good opportunity to empathise with this common childhood (and human) experience.

Watch the story being read on You Tube

Focus Rhyme

“What’s in the Box?” – a game to develop questioning and thinking skills.


Dates for Your Diary

Wednesday 18th October from 11.00 am

 Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session

 All parents, carers and children invited. (If your child doesn't usually attend on Wednesdays, you are still welcome to come along with them at 11.00)

Please arrive promptly at 11.00 as we cannot spare a member of staff to wait on the door for too long.

Come and meet the other parents and find out about how to support your child’s learning at home.

There will be different activities to try with your child and lots of ideas to take home to support your child’s fine motor skills and markmaking.

Half Term Week

 Playgroup Closed from Monday 23rd October. Opens again Monday 30th October.

Christmas Party

Wednesday 13th December 2017 from 10.45. More information nearer the time

Christmas Holidays

Playgroup closed from Monday 18th December. Opens again Tuesday 2nd January 2018.



Please return all completed Funding Forms as soon as possible to make sure you receive the funded place.

Please name all children’s coats and bags. It makes it much easier for staff!

Tapestry Learning Journals

New parents will all have received an email from Tapestry Learning Journals inviting them to set up a password to access their child’s learning journal. Check in your Junk mail and set up an account so you can see what your child has been doing at playgroup.




Paper for drawing

Fruit to share at snacktime

Playgroup Update 18/9/2017

Focus Story

“I Am Using My Words” – a story that encourages young children to speak rather than point or make noise.

Focus Song

“I Had a Tiny Turtle” Watch this video of the rhyme with your child

Fine Motor Skills

We are having a major focus at Playgroup over the next few months on developing fine motor skills. Fine motor skills let children perform crucial tasks like reaching and grasping, moving objects and using tools like crayons, pencils and scissors. As they get better at using their hands, their hand-eye coordination improves.  We cannot expect them to be able to write if they haven’t yet developed the strength needed in their hands and fingers. Recent research has highlighted a decline in children’s fine motor skills and reception teachers tell us that this is becoming evident when children go into school.

We will be holding a Coffee Morning and Home Learning Session to give you ideas about supporting your child’s learning and development around Fine Motor Skills on Wednesday 18th October at 10.45.  All parents and carers invited. More information nearer the time.

Johanne Broadhurst will be joining the staff team at Town Street Playgroup to cover for the days when Jemma is at Huddersfield University and on placement as she trains to be an Early Years Teacher.

Wanted     Any old handbags for pretend play

Playgroup Update 11/9/2017

Dear Parents and Carers

We are really pleased with the way the start of this new year at Playgroup is going. Our returning children have been very kind and considerate to the new children, showing them the routines and helping to settle them in. The new children are settling well, bearing in mind that for some of them, this will be their first experience of being away from mum or dad, and getting to know all the staff, and their Key Person especially.

Playgroup finishing times are 12.00 and 3.00 but we will be opening the doors between 5 and 10 minutes earlier to allow you to choose a Borrow a Book or Activity Pack with your child and to give you more time to speak to staff. 

Home Learning Packs

We have listened to the feedback from parents who answered our questionnaire and have expanded the Home Learning Activity packs available for you and your child to borrow. You can borrow them for a week and then please return them for someone else to borrow. We have a new card system for you to record what you have borrowed. We have invested a lot of time and money in these packs so please take care of them. But we do know that accidents happen so if anything goes missing or gets damaged, just let us know. Don’t be put off from borrowing them.

All we ask is that you give feedback on your child’s Tapestry Learning Journal by adding a photo of them enjoying the pack.

Don’t forget we also have lots of books to borrow too.


Playgroup staff meet every Tuesday after playgroup to plan for the children's learning and development and we intend to share these plans with you each week


Focus 1  Learning our friends' names.

You can support this by asking your child about their day and the children they played with. Maybe say hello to someone when you are waiting outside and ask their name.

Focus 2  Embedding routines at Playgroup, e.g. snack time, lunch time, toilet time, tidying up

Focus Story "My First Day at Nursery"

.Focus Song  "If You're Happy and You Know it" , using Makaton signs for happy, sad, angry, naughty.

Makaton Signs of the Week are Hello and Goodbye. Look out for the display which tells you how to sign these and please do it with your child.

Yoga will be planned for the older children on Mondays. Please make sure your child is wearing loose trousers not jeans if they might be taking part.

 Please speak to staff if you want any more information about these activities.


Jemma is now attending Huddersfield University part time to train as an Early Years Teacher whilst still working at playgroup. We are all very excited about the impact this will have on our setting and the outcomes for the children.


Lunch boxes


Special Helpers

We are continuing with the system for our older children of being a special helper for the day at playgroup. Along with a friend, they will be given special responsibilities to help with preparing snack, tidying up and leading the lines upstairs. A list of the helpers for the week is on the wall next to the birthday lists. Please talk to your child about what they did.

Don’t forget to bring fruit for the fruit monster.

We are always grateful too for donations of tissues, handwipes, scrap paper, big newspapers.

Tapestry Learning Journals

New parents will have received an email from Tapestry about how to set up your account. Check your Junk Mail folder.

If you are a new parent who had an account with an older sibling, your account will still be there for the new child.

The following webpage explains how to use Tapestry through the browser on a computer

Information sheets on how to use Tapestry on a tablet or phone are available on the playgroup website

If you are a returning parent, don’t forget to look at your child’s learning journal regularly and add observations, photos and videos, and reply to our observations too.

Any problems, speak to Debbie. 

Playgroup Update 17/7/2017

Here we are at the last week of this playgroup year. We would like to thank all our parents for their valued support over the past year, particularly those who have attended events, and given or lent resources.

We feel very privileged to have been part of your child’s life. We always feel sad to say goodbye at this time of year but know that our children and families are moving on to the next stage. We look forward to welcoming some of you back in September and hope you all have a great summer.

Parent Questionnaires

Thank you to everyone who has returned their questionnaire. We really value your feedback and suggestions. We have looked at all of them and will be acting on some of them for next year:

Stay and Play Sessions – we will be planning these.

Borrow a Book and Activity – we will be adding more challenging packs.

Home Learning Challenges – we will continue with these.

Unfortunately, we can do nothing about increasing our opening hours as the Methodist Centre will still be used by other community groups on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.

Borrow a Book

Please return any books, games or activity packs you have borrowed so we can get them ready for next year.

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

We have decided to hold these two events at the same time on Wednesday 19thJuly. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. You can meet at playgroup and walk to the park or meet us there.

All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on.

If you cannot come with your child, please send them with a packed lunch.

If the weather is wet, we will hold the picnic in the Upstairs Hall but may change the time.

Please reply to this email so we know who is coming, with or without an adult, so we know how many ice lollies to buy!

 Town Street Playgroup Parents and Carers End of Year Get Together

Wednesday 19th July

8 p.m. at The Mustard Pot, Chapel Allerton

Everybody welcome.

Friday 21stJuly

Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer holidays

 NOTE We close before schools as our funding is only until Friday 21st July.

Monday 4th September 2017

Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 5thSeptember 2017

Playgroup opens for Autumn Term

This week

This week our children will be contributing to a project to create a permanent art installation in Chapel Allerton. It will be composed of pebbles painted by children from the Chapel Allerton community. The location of the pebbles is currently being decided and worked on with the council.
Have a look at this link to see what is planned.

Playgroup Update 10/7/2017

Some children have been on holiday or for days to the seaside and more will be going in the holidays so we have planned some activities about the seaside.

Focus Story

“Winnie the Witch at the Seaside”

Focus Song

“Going to the Seaside Today”

Watch “Something Special” at the seaside

We will be setting up a role play Ice cream shop, playing with sand, shells and pebbles, and making sandcastles. We will be making a rock pool and finding out about the animals that live there.

If you have any stories or resources about the seaside, we’d love to borrow them.

Thank you to all the helpers who came to Temple Newsam Farm. We had a great day!


An electric ice cream maker to borrow to make some ice cream. Please let me know if you have one we could borrow.

30 Hours Funding/Tax Free Childcare

Information about this has been sent to all parents by email. If you are eligible and wish to claim this, please make sure you have the information needed and complete a claim form at playgroup before the end of next week.

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

We will be holding these two events at the same time on Wednesday 19thJuly. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. You can meet at playgroup and walk to the park or meet us there. All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on. If you cannot come with your child, please send them with a packed lunch. If the weather is wet, we will hold the picnic in the Upstairs Hall but may change the time.

Town Street Playgroup Parents and Carers End of Year Get Together

Wednesday 19th July 8 p.m. at The Mustard Pot, Chapel Allerton.  Everybody welcome.

Friday 21stJuly

Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer holidays

Monday 4th September 2017

Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 5th September 2017

Playgroup opens for Autumn Term

Playgroup Update 3/7/2017

This week we will be planning some activities and sharing some stories and songs about farms and farm animals, as we prepare to visit Temple Newsam Farm on Thursday.

Please make sure you have read the email with information about the visit and have returned the permission letter.

30 Hours Funding

Information about this has been sent to all parents by email. If you are eligible and wish to claim this, please make sure you have the information needed and complete a claim form at playgroup before the end of next week.

Children Going to School

If you wish to book a place for your child to attend playgroup  before they start school, this must be done this week. Details in a previous email.

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers’ Ceremony

We will be holding these two events at the same time on Wednesday 19thJuly. The picnic will be in Chapel Allerton Park from 9.30 am until 11.30 a.m. and we will be having the Leavers’ Ceremony at the end of the picnic. You can meet at playgroup and walk to the park or meet us there.

All parents, carers and children invited. Please bring a picnic and something to sit on.

If you cannot come with your child, please send them with a packed lunch.

If the weather is wet, we will hold the picnic in the Upstairs Hall but may change the time.

Friday 21st July

Last day of Summer Term. Playgroup closes for Summer holidays

Monday 4th September 2017

Playgroup closed – training day

Tuesday 5th September 2017

Playgroup opens for Autumn Term

Playgroup Update 26/6/2017

We will be revisiting some of the stories from the past year and asking children to vote for which one they want to hear each morning. Please help your child to decide and vote.

Animal Visit

The children and staff enjoyed the visit to Playgroup by Sam’s Safaris last week. The children met stick insects, a tortoise and turtle, a snake and a lizard, a giant millipede and a tree frog and were able to touch and hold them. Zara, who brought the animals, commented on how well all the children listened and how much they already knew about them.

This week we will be talking about these animals, drawing pictures of them and voting for which was our favourite.


We have a Pets Corner Role Play at the moment where the children can pretend to care for the different animals. If you have any stories about pets we could borrow, please bring them in.

Meredith and Lexie, the guinea pigs who live at Debbie’s house will be visiting playgroup, along with the Giant African Land Snails.

Temple Newsam Farm Visit

Information for parents about the trip will be sent out this next week by email so make sure you read it please. Also, please return the permission letter which will be given out too. Without this, we will not take your child on the trip. If you volunteered to come on the trip with us, thank you all very much. We are able to take every one who volunteered and Debbie will confirm this with you this week.

Parent Questionnaire

We will be giving everyone a questionnaire about playgroup to complete. We very much welcome your feedback on all aspects of playgroup so please take one and return it. Your suggestions and opinions will be used in our setting development plan for next year.

Playgroup Update 19/6/2017

The caterpillars at playgroup have been growing very fast and are ready to turn into cocoons. We will be watching very carefully and thinking about what might happen next.

Focus Story

“The Very Hungry Caterpillar”

Watch the story here.

Focus Song

“Arabella Miller Found a Furry Caterpillar”

We will be practising speech and letter sounds by singing some of the Jolly Phonic songs.

You can watch them here.

Thursday 22nd June

Sam’s Safaris will be visiting playgroup to bring some unusual animals for us to meet.

Please pay your £4.00 towards funding this activity.

Children coming into playgroup especially for this activity are to arrive at 9.25 please for the first session.

6th July Temple Newsam Farm Visit

Have you booked your child’s place and paid £8.00 please?

I will shortly be confirming which adults will be needed to help on the trip, depending on how many seats are available on the coach. Thank you to everyone who has offered.


Wednesday 19th July morning

Playgroup Picnic and Leavers Presentation.

Put this date in your diary. More details soon.


Playgroup Update 12/6/2017

One of the children at playgroup has received a letter from The Queen. We are planning our stories and some activities around this next week.

Focus Story

“The Tooth Fairy’s Royal Visit”

Focus Rhyme

“Sing a Song of Sixpence”

We will be designing crowns and using the small world figures and puppets to make up stories about kings and queens.

If you have any stories or other resources we could borrow, that would be great.

We have some caterpillars at playgroup and will be watching as they grow, develop and change into butterflies.

Staff Training

Playgroup staff attended training last Thursday when Playgroup was closed. The training was about The Characteristics of Effective Learning and how to help our children develop them.

Promoting British Values

As part of our Prevent duty, we have to uphold and promote the fundamental principles of British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. More information here

Our children are being introduced to the idea of democracy by being asked to vote for what they want for snack, or which story to read or which game they want to play. They are learning that the one with the highest number of votes is the one that has been chosen. Please support this by helping your child to vote each morning as they come in.

Animal Visit to Playgroup

We have arranged for Sam’s Safaris

to visit Playgroup on Thursday 22nd June and bring some unusual animals for the children to see.

Charge of £4.00 per child to help towards the cost of this special activity. We need to collect this money this week please.

Children who do not usually attend on that day are invited to come for the visit too, but must be accompanied by an adult.  These children can attend the session at 9.30.

Please confirm whether your child will be attending.

Leavers’ Photos

We now have a copy of the Leavers’ Photo for you to see. Orders need to be given to Debbie by the end of the week please.

Temple Newsam Outing Thursday 6th July

We have arranged a coach outing to Temple Newsam Farm on Thursday 6th July.

We will be leaving from Playgroup at 9.30 a.m. and returning from Temple Newsam at 1.45 p.m. – back at Playgroup some time around 2.15 p.m.

Children who are booked in for the afternoon session on Thursdays can remain at Playgroup until the usual picking up time of 3.00 p.m. if necessary.

We plan to visit the farm, have a picnic lunch and then enjoy the outdoor space. (We will not be going to the playground).

We have booked a 57seat bus from Tetleys so will be able to take 36 children and 13 helpers plus staff.

Children who do not attend playgroup on that day are also invited as long as we get enough helpers.

We will have to make a charge of £8.00 per child to cover the cost of hiring the coach. Entry into the farm is free.

We cannot run this trip without parent helpers – they must be able to travel on the coach there and back, and be responsible for two children while we are there, and make a firm commitment to helping on that day.

Please reply to this email/speak to Debbie if you wish your child to come on the trip and if you are able to come with us as soon as possible.

Please send £8.00 cash in a sealed envelope with your child’s name clearly marked on it as soon as possible.

Once we know which children and adults will be coming, we will send out a letter with details of permission, risk assessment and what children need on the day.




Scrap paper

Fruit to share at snack time.

Playgroup Update 5/6/2017

Focus Story

“Oi Frog” – a story with lots of rhymes

Watch it here.

Focus Rhyme

“Five Little Speckled Frogs”

Watch it here.

The tadpoles at playgroup are growing and changing into frogs.

We will be looking at some information books to find out more about this.


Playgroup is closed on Thursday June 8th as the building is being used as a polling station.

Playgroup staff will be attending training on that day.




Scrap paper

Fruit to share at snack time.

Leavers’ Photos

Please collect an order form from Debbie.

Playgroup Outing

Details about the outing to Temple Newsam Farm on Thursday 6th July were sent by email.

We do need parent helpers to come with us so please let Debbie know if you can come.

Animal Visit to Playgroup

We have arranged for Sam’s Safaris

to visit Playgroup on Thursday 22nd June and bring some unusual animals for the children to see. Children who do not usually attend on that day are invited to come for the visit too, but must be accompanied by an adult. Time to be confirmed.

Voluntary contributions of £4.00 per child to cover the costs would be welcomed.

Playgroup Update 22/5/2017

Focus Story

“No Bot – The Robot with no Bottom”

Focus Song

“Dancing Robots”

Watch how to do it here:

We will be making pictures of robots using 2D shapes, robot models with boxes, developing fine motor skills using robot grabbers to pick up objects, and talking in robot voices to practise breaking words down into sounds.

If you have any stories about robots or any other resources we could borrow that would be great.


Playgroup is closed the week beginning 29th May for Half Term.

Don’t forget, playgroup is also closed Thursday 8th June when the building is being used for polling in the General Election. Make sure you have talked to Debbie if you want to re-arrange your child’s attendance on that day.




Fruit for snack time

Foil, boxes and bottle tops to make robots

Wellies for outdoor area – sizes to fit 4-5 year olds please. We have plenty of smaller sizes but need spare pairs for the older children.