Town Street Playgroup Local Offer


What is the service?

 Town Street Playgroup operates a policy of inclusion and is open to all children and families. Town Street Playgroup will work to ensure that a child with identified special educational needs is offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education. The child will be offered every opportunity to join in the play and learning activities alongside the other children so far as it is reasonably practical. We will provide a differentiated curriculum to meet individual needs and abilities. Staff will work together with parents and other professionals to organise the environment and plan activities to ensure that any child with special needs can be included where possible.


We offer sessional early years care and play-based learning. We are open mornings and some longer days during the school term.


Who is it for?

The setting admits children from the age of two and a half up to four years old.


How can I get the service?

Contact the Playgroup Leader, directly.


How accessible is the service?

The setting has experience of supporting children with Down Syndrome, using Makaton signing to support Speech and Language development, working with other professionals such as Speech and Language therapists, Physios, Educational Psychologists, supporting transition to school.


There is disabled access to the building through the front door and a lift to the upstairs hall, used for physical activities. There is a step to access one playroom. Access to the outdoor area is down steps.


Who do I contact for more information?

The Playgroup Leader

Tel 07746 171 456
